
Yak 31St October 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - Pdf Download

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 31st Oct 2018. Happy reading :)

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  • Avert - to forbid something bad or harmful from happening
  • Polarisation - the human activity of dividing something, peculiarly something that contains unlike people or opinions, into 2 completely split upward groups
  • Push dorsum - to delay something then that it happens later on than planned
  • Verdict - an official judgment made inwards a court
  • Judicious - showing news too practiced judgment
  • Timeline - a excogitation of when something should hap or how much fourth dimension something should take
  • Decline - to refuse
  • Hearing - a coming together of a courtroom of police or official organisation to honor out the facts nearly something
  • Diminished - reduced inwards amount, size, or importance
  • Adjournment - a interruption or residue during a formal coming together or trial, or the human activity of giving a interruption or rest
  • Prospect - the possibility that something volition happen
  • Run-up - to brand something really quickly
  • Reiterate - to repeat something inwards guild to emphasize it or larn inwards really clear to people
  • Regardless - without beingness affected or influenced past times someone or something
  • Polarise - to shape 2 really unlike groups, opinions, or situations that are completely contrary to each other, or to motility this to happen
  • Dispute - a serious disagreement, peculiarly 1 betwixt groups of people that lasts for a long time
  • Aggressive - someone who is aggressive is really determined to win or live successful
  • Proponent - someone who publicly supports an idea, policy, excogitation etc
  • Favourable - giving someone or something an payoff or a benefit
  • Tailor - to brand or gear upward something next item instructions
  • Stoke - to brand a feeling stronger
  • Exploit - to occupation a province of affairs then that you lot larn do goodness from it, fifty-fifty if it is wrong or unfair to do this
  • Put off - to delay doing something, peculiarly because you lot do non desire to do it
  • Pragmatic - involving or emphasizing practical results rather than theories too ideas
  • Divisive - probable to motility arguments betwixt people
  • Unwise - stupid too probable to motility problems
  • Equate - to consider something to live the same every bit something else
  • Caution - careful thought too lack of hurry inwards guild to attempt to avoid risks or danger
  • Postponement - to determine that something volition non live done at the fourth dimension when it was planned for, but at a later on time
  • Preclude - if 1 affair precludes another, the commencement affair prevents the minute 1 from happening
  • Campaign - a serial of actions intended to create political or social change
  • Disputed - a disputed surface area is 1 that unlike countries claim belongs to them, then that at that topographic point is a disagreement or state of war betwixt them
  • Clamour - to say that you lot desire something too must receive got it
  • Imprudent - non sensible, peculiarly inwards relation to the agency that coin is spent or invested
  • Vigilant - ever beingness careful to notice things, peculiarly possible danger:
  • Resourceful - practiced at finding effective ways to bargain with problems
  • Ensure - to brand sure enough that something happens or is done
  • Legitimacy - the fact that something is legal
  • Resolute - extremely determined
  • Demolish - to deliberately destroy a building
  • Acquire - to larn something
  • Remedy - a solution to a item problem
  • Circumvent - to honor a agency of avoiding a dominion or police that limits you, peculiarly using a clever play tricks that does non recess the law
  • Address - a formal speech
  • Moratorium - an official understanding to halt an activity temporarily
  • Sectarian - caused past times disagreements alongside people from unlike religious groups
  • Spirit - a item agency of thinking, feeling, or behaving
  • Legitimate - fair too reasonable
  • Pre-emptive - done or said to forbid something from happening
  • Setback - a job that delays or that stops progress or makes a province of affairs worse
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a item job, title, status etc inwards the past, but non now
  • Conviction - a conclusion past times a courtroom of police that someone is guilty of a crime
  • Imperil - to pose someone or something inwards danger
  • Meagre - smaller or less than you lot desire or need
  • Prospect - the possibility that something volition happen, peculiarly something good
  • Sentence - when a estimate sentences someone, they officially province what someone’s penalisation volition be
  • Rigorous - strict, or severe
  • Imprisonment - the penalisation of beingness pose into prison
  • Acting - someone who does a chore for a curt fourth dimension spell the individual who normally does that chore is non there
  • Exile - a province of affairs inwards which you lot are forced to alive inwards a unusual province because you lot cannot alive inwards your ain country, normally for political reasons
  • Convicted - proved to live guilty of a criminal offence past times a courtroom of law
  • In absentia - if something happens inwards absentia, the individual involved is non acquaint when it happens
  • Alleged - claimed to live true, fifty-fifty though this has non been proved
  • Grenade - a small-scale bomb that someone throws or fires from a gun
  • Rally - a world coming together that a lot of people become to inwards guild to back upward someone or something or to protestation against someone or something
  • Cripple - to impairment something severely, or to forbid it from working properly
  • Alliance - an organisation betwixt 2 or to a greater extent than people, groups, or countries past times which they concur to move together to attain something
  • Minor - non really of import inwards comparing with people or things of the same type
  • Secular - non religious, or non connected with religion
  • Icon - someone who is really famous too who people hollo back represents a item idea
  • Bolster - to brand something stronger or to a greater extent than effective
  • Fortunes - the things that hap to someone or something too the changing marking to which they are successful
  • Lopsided - non equal
  • Entrenched - entrenched attitudes or feelings receive got existed for a long fourth dimension too are hard to change
  • League - a grouping of people or things that are similar inwards their quality, skills, or achievements
  • Rival - a person, team, or trace of piece of work concern that competes with another
  • Vengeance - the human activity of harming or killing someone because they receive got done something bad to you
  • Misleading - intended or probable to brand someone believe something that is wrong or non true
  • Punitive - relating to or causing penalisation or cracking difficulty
  • Judiciary - the occupation of authorities that consists of all the judges too courts inwards a country
  • Fundamentalism - the belief that the master copy laws of a faith should live followed really strictly too non live changed
  • Repressive - ruling or controlling people past times the occupation of strength or violence, or past times laws that pose unreasonable limits on their freedom
  • Boycott - to non convey occupation inwards an event, or to non purchase or occupation something every bit a protest
  • Veneer - a pleasant appearance, or a polite agency of behaving that is non sincere
  • Illegitimacy - non legal or fair
  • Contention - an catch or declaration that something is true, peculiarly 1 made during a word or argument
  • Backfire - if a excogitation or thought backfires, it has the contrary termination to the 1 that you lot wanted
  • Creditable - practiced plenty to deserve or then praise or admiration
  • Tangible - of import too noticeable
  • Infant - a baby, or a really immature child
  • Mortality - the release of deaths inside a item area, grouping etc
  • Fertility - a woman’s might to receive got babies
  • Sanitation - weather condition too processes relating to people’s health, peculiarly the systems that render H2O too bargain with human waste
  • Misgiving - a feeling of fright or doubtfulness nearly whether something is right or volition receive got a practiced result
  • Authoritarian - controlling everything too forcing people to obey strict rules too laws
  • Impatient - annoyed because something is non happening every bit rapidly every bit you lot desire or inwards the agency you lot want
  • Critic - someone who does non similar something too states their catch nearly it
  • Guilty - someone who is guilty has committed a crime
  • Misdemeanour - an activity that is bad or wrong, but non inwards a serious way
  • Crackdown - potent activity that someone inwards say-so takes to halt a item activity
  • Overreach - to attempt to do to a greater extent than than your ability, authority, or coin volition allow
  • Ominous - making you lot hollo back that something bad volition happen
  • Stringent - stringent rules or weather condition are strict too brand you lot attain high standards
  • Propaganda - information, peculiarly imitation information, that a authorities or organisation spreads inwards guild to influence people’s opinions too beliefs
  • Liberate - to brand a house or the people inwards it complimentary from soldiers who receive got been controlling it
  • Manoeuvre - an activity or motility that you lot require tending or science to do
  • Chilling - making you lot experience all of a precipitous really frightened or worried
  • Pursue - to follow a course of written report of activity
  • Quasi - partly
  • Authoritarian - controlling everything too forcing people to obey strict rules too laws
  • Emasculate - to cut down the might or effectiveness of something
  • Delegitimise - to brand something seem non valid or non acceptable
  • Electorate - all the people who are allowed to vote inwards an election

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