
Yak Eighth January 2019 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - Pdf Download

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated eighth Jan 2019. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Death traps: on Meghalaya's illegal mines"
  • Death trap - a place, building, or vehicle that is inwards such bad status that it could travel unsafe to people
  • Mine - a hole or organization of holes inwards the the world where substances such every bit coal, metal, as well as tabular array salt are removed
  • Ensure - to brand for sure that something happens or is done
  • Tardy - irksome to exercise something
  • Plight - a sad, serious, or hard situation
  • Expose - to allow something that is unremarkably covered or hidden to travel seen
  • Labour - the workers inwards a item country, industry, or society considered every bit a group
  • Welfare - the health as well as happiness of people
  • Call someone to work organization human relationship (for something) - to state that someone is responsible for something that has gone incorrect as well as hold off them to explicate it, bargain amongst it, or travel punished for it
  • Levy - an total of coin that y'all conduct maintain to pay, for lawsuit every bit a tax
  • Punitive - relating to or causing penalisation or non bad difficulty
  • Royalty - an total of coin paid to the world owners when oil, coal, etc. is taken from their land
  • Extract - to take away something from a item place
  • Evasive - non talking or answering questions inwards an honest way
  • In spite of something - used for referring to a fact that makes something else surprising
  • Adverse - negative, unpleasant, or harmful
  • Claim - if a storm, crime, or other violence claims someone’s life, the someone was killed of a precipitous every bit a final result of that event
  • Subsequent - happening or coming afterward something else
  • In the wake of - happening afterward an lawsuit or every bit a final result of it
  • Disaster - something really bad that happens as well as causes a lot of impairment or kills a lot of people
  • Rehabilitate - to render someone to a good, healthy, or normal life or status
  • Impoverished - an impoverished someone or house is really poor
  • Interpret - to empathise an action, province of affairs etc inwards a item way
  • Flagrant - done inwards an obvious means that shows y'all exercise non attention if y'all intermission rules or scandalise people
  • Violation - an activeness that is inwards opposition to a law, agreement, regulation etc
  • Reform  - a alter that is intended to right a province of affairs that is incorrect or unfair, or brand a organization piece of work to a greater extent than effectively
  • Diversify - to railroad train novel products or activities inwards add-on to the ones that y'all already render or do
  • Primitive - at a really elementary phase of development, earlier modern technology
  • Constitute - if several people or things flora something, they combine to shape it
  • Overdue - if something is overdue, it should conduct maintain been done earlier now
  • Wizard - someone who is really skillful at something
  • Oz - Australia
  • Cast a patch over someone - to utilization magic to brand something travel on to someone
  • Hold off  - to deliberately delay doing something
  • Flourish - to travel really successful
  • Solitary - inwards a house or province of affairs where in that location are no other people
  • Soaring - to speedily increase to a high level
  • Validation - to examine that something is correct
  • Ignominy - a province of affairs where y'all experience embarrassed as well as lose other people’s respect
  • Rescue - to salve someone from a unsafe or unpleasant situation
  • Retain - to perish on someone or something
  • Triumph - a non bad victory or success
  • Elude - if something such every bit success eludes you, y'all exercise non handle to attain it
  • Squad - a sports team
  • Maiden - beingness the outset of its type
  • Powerhouse - a someone or matter that has a lot of forcefulness or energy
  • Overseas - happening or existing inwards a the world across the ocean from your country
  • Humble - to completely defeat someone who seemed improve or stronger than you
  • Turf - an expanse that ane someone or grouping considers to travel their own
  • Wilt - if a someone wilts, they conduct maintain less energy, confidence, or enthusiasm
  • Unconquerable - non able to travel defeated, or non able to travel successfully controlled or dealt with
  • Unleash -  to exercise or to crusade something that has a really powerful or harmful effect
  • Fiery - becoming angry really easily as well as quickly
  • Marauding - going from house to house inwards guild to detect people to assault or things to bag or destroy
  • Stalemate - a province of affairs inwards which progress is impossible because the people or groups involved cannot agree
  • Down nether - to or inwards Commonwealth of Australia or New Zealand
  • Contend amongst - to conduct maintain to bargain amongst problems or difficulties, particularly inwards guild to attain something
  • Scrutiny - careful exam of someone or something
  • Subcontinent - a large expanse of the world that forms component of a continent, particularly the component of Asia that contains the countries of India, Pakistan, as well as Bangladesh
  • Enfeebled - no longer potent or effective
  • Tampering - to demeanor on something that y'all should non touch, as well as to alter it inwards closed to way, often because y'all desire to spoil it
  • Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or unsafe situation
  • Strident - asset work solid opinions or beliefs as well as tending to limited them frequently, inwards a means that offends closed to people
  • Jettison - to larn rid of something that is non useful or successful
  • Malfunction - to neglect to piece of work or operate correctly
  • Choke - to halt someone or something from developing or beingness successful
  • Ambiguity - a confusing mixture of feelings or ideas that makes something hard to understand
  • Trigger - to brand something happen
  • Conspiracy theory - the thought that a grouping of people secretly worked together to crusade a item event
  • Injury - physical impairment done to a someone or a component of their body
  • Amassing - to collect a lot of something such every bit coin or information over a menses of time
  • Incisive - expressed inwards a clear as well as instantly manner
  • Savour - to relish an experience, activity, or feeling every bit much every bit y'all tin as well as for every bit long every bit y'all can
  • Frontier - a edge betwixt ii countries

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