
Yak 30Th September 2017 Of Import Daily Electrical Flow Affairs

Dear Great Ambitionists, hither are today's (30th September 2017) Important Current Affairs updates. Happy Reading :)

Daily Current Affairs of 30th September 2017

International Current Affairs
  • Today (30th September) is International Translation Day
    • The observance of this twenty-four hr stream seeks to recognize contribution of unsung heroes behind international diplomacy who function every bit linguistic communication professionals to facilitate dialogue too contribute to evolution too strengthens lay down peace too security. 
    • Theme of International Translation Day 2017 : Let’s tell the lay down close what nosotros do
  • Saudi Arabia today voted to permit women to number fatwas.
    • The displace was approved past times 107 votes, ending 45 years of solely men beingness allowed to number the legal pronouncements inwards the kingdom. 
    • Important Noe : The ruling comes simply days later Saudi Arabia lifted a ban on women's driving.
  • The 3rd Republic of Republic of India International Science Festival (IISF-2017) will travel held inwards Chennai, Tamil Nadu from 13th to 16th 2017. 
    • This is the tertiary IIS festival, which has been organised since the NDA regime came to ability inwards 2014. 
    • The outset ii were held at IIT-Delhi too National Physical Laboratory, Delhi.
    • Objective of IISF 2017 : To instil scientific temper alongside masses too showcase India’s contribution inwards plain of scientific discipline too technology scientific discipline over years. Top scientists from regime are expected to participate inwards four-day festival at IIT-Chennai.
    • Aim of IISF 2017 : To construct strategy for rural Republic of Republic of India through advancement of Science & Technology. 
    • The final result volition travel jointly inaugurated past times science too technology scientific discipline ministers of Nepal, Bangladesh, Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan too Portugal.
    • The festival volition convey a thematic session on 'Deep Ocean Research', a scientific discipline teachers workshop focusing on the Northeast, a scientific discipline cinema festival, manufacture academia interactions too summits on grassroot innovators too start-ups.
    • The organisers volition also endeavor a Guinness World Record past times asset a "largest biological scientific discipline class" of thou students.
  • India is going to host International Solar Alliance summit in Dec 2017. 
    • Prime Minister Narendra Modi established the ISA at 2015 UN Climate Change Conference, 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21).
National Current Affairs
  • Festival of Vijayadashmi or Dussehra being celebrated throughout the lay down today.
  • A twenty-four hr stream later the rush hr stampede at Mumbai's Elphinstone Station, Railway Minister Piyush Goyal today announced that foot overbridges volition travel made mandatory at all develop stations inwards Mumbai
    • He added that CCTV cameras volition travel installed with a monitoring machinery inwards all suburban trains inwards Bombay inside the side past times side xv months.
  • Padma Shri awardee thespian Tom Alter (67) passed away today. 
    • Alter, born to American parents inwards Mussoorie, had won a gilt medal inwards acting from Pune's Film too Television Institute of India. 
    • He acted inwards over 300 TV shows too movies, similar Veer-Zaara too Junoon, too was also a sports journalist.
    • He took Sachin Tendulkar's outset TV interview in 1989, when the cricketer was a 15-year-old too was even thus to brand his international debut.
  • Eminent journalist too author of Assam, Radhika Mohan Bhagawati (84) passed away today.
Banking, Business & Economic Affairs
  • According to a study past times global brokerage Morgan Stanley, India would grow to travel a $6 trillion economy, the tertiary largest inwards the world, too compass upper-middle income condition inwards the side past times side 10 years. 
    • The study added that India's digitisation displace would render a boost of l to 75 lay down points to its gross domestic product increment inwards the side past times side decade.
  • Government has extended the deadline for sale of pre-GST goods with stickers of revised rates past times 3 months to December 31
    • Note : Earlier, the regime had allowed purpose of stickers with revised rates for packaged items till September 30.
MOUs & Agreements
  • Domestic telecom equipment provider Vihaan Networks Limited (VNL) signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Indian state-owned telecommunication companionship Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) to launch an integrated disaster reply solution  Relief 123 service to render disaster management inwards India.
    • Relief 123 service has been designed too manufactured past times VNL.
    • BSNL volition render backhaul connectivity to it.
New Appointments
  • President Ram Nath Kovind today appointed new Governors for Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Meghalaya and Lieutenant Governor inwards Andaman Nicobar. They are :
    • Tamil Nadu : Banwarilal Purohit
    • Arunachal Pradesh : Brigadier BD Mishra (retd)
    • Meghalaya : Ganga Prasad
    • Assam : Jagdish Mukhi
    • Bihar : Satyapal Malik
    • Andaman too Nicobar : Admiral DK Joshi
  • Rajni Kant Mishra today took over every bit Director General, Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).
    • He has replaced Smt. Archana Ramasundaram.
  • Senior IPS officeholder Sulkhan Singh gets three-month extension every bit Director General of UP Police.
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