
Yak Modi's Novel System 'Saubhagya' - Highlights

On the occasion of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay's nascency centenary, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a novel scheme titled 'Saubhagya' or the 'Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana'.

The Saubhagya scheme volition provide gratis electricity connexion to misfortunate families of India. this scheme aims to meliorate the environment, world health, educational activity too connectivity amongst the attention of last-mile ability connections across India. It volition attention trim back the role of kerosene lamps inwards non-electrified households. Here are roughly major highlights of this scheme.

Important Highlights of Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (Saubhagya Scheme)

  • The Saubhagya scheme basically way Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana.
  • Aim of this scheme is to supply electricity to all families inwards India
  • This scheme volition supply gratis electricity connexion to misfortunate families of India.
  • Saubhagya does non envisage whatever subsidy for electricity consumption. That is, consumers volition accept to pay the neb every bit per their utilisation.
  • The scheme volition ensure "a substitute to kerosene". By substituting kerosene role inwards rural areas it would salve import expenditure.
  • The scheme volition inject to a greater extent than than Rs 16000 crore inwards the economic scheme to exercise assets, which inwards plough volition add together to a greater extent than investment inwards the economic scheme too exercise jobs.
  • The total outlay for Saubhagya is Rs 16,320 crore.
  • The outlay for rural households is Rs 14,025 crore, acre that for urban households is Rs 2,295 crore. The urban non-poor are excluded from the scheme.
  • Rs 12,320 crore has been earmarked every bit gross budgetary back upwards for Saubhagya.
  • The Union regime volition supply a sixty per cent grant toward funding the scheme, acre the states volition supply a 10 per cent grant. The remaining amount volition live covered past times loans.
  • States too Union Territories are required to consummate family electrification past times March 31, 2019.
  • States completing electrification of all households past times Dec 31, 2018, volition larn an incentive to convert fifty portion of the loan into a grant.
  • The beneficiaries for gratis electricity connections volition live identified using Socio Economic too Caste Census (SECC) 2011 data. Non-SECC candidates volition pay Rs. 500 for connection. This is expected to live recovered inwards 10 instalments.

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