
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - 21St June 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 21st June 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Macron i time more: On LREM's victory inwards National Assembly elections"
  • Victory - the fact of winning a contest or battle, or an occasion when someone wins
  • Majority - the number of votes past times which a somebody or political party wins an election
  • Heal - to brand people halt fighting too conduct maintain a meliorate relationship
  • Rift - a serious disagreement that separates people who conduct maintain been friends too stops their friendship continuing
  • Ambitious - an ambitious plan, aim, or travail is hard too volition postulate a lot of travail to succeed
  • Contentious - causing disagreement betwixt people or groups
  • Ally -  a province that makes an understanding alongside closed to other province that they volition operate together to aid each other, peculiarly inwards a war
  • Landslide - a province of affairs inwards which a somebody or political political party wins an election past times a really large majority
  • Predict - to state what y'all mean value volition hit inwards the future
  • Crowded out - to larn stronger or to a greater extent than successful than closed to other grouping too thus that they neglect or tin no longer compete alongside you
  • Mainstream - considered ordinary or normal too accepted or used past times most people
  • Severe - really serious too worrying
  • Setback - a work that delays or that stops progress or makes a province of affairs worse
  • Charismatic - a charismatic somebody has a rigid personal lineament that makes other people similar them too survive attracted to them
  • Retain -  to top along someone or something
  • Attenuating - to trim the strength, amount, or size of something
  • Xenophobic - related to a rigid fright too dislike of people from other countries too cultures
  • Nativist - the somebody who thinks people who were born inwards a province are to a greater extent than of import than people who conduct maintain come upwardly to alive inwards the province from somewhere else
  • Welfare - the health too happiness of people
  • Insofar every bit - used for talking close the score to which something happens, or the province of affairs inwards which something happens
  • Sizeable - fairly large
  • Cornerstone - the basic business office of something, on which everything depends
  • Openness -  an honest means of talking or behaving inwards which y'all exercise non assay to shroud anything
  • Ideology - a arrangement of ideas too principles on which a political or economical theory is based
  • Legislator - someone who has the ability too authorisation to create novel laws
  • Moralising - to tell people how they should behave, because y'all believe that your ain sentiment of right too incorrect is the right one
  • Probity - a really moral too honest means of behaving
  • Optimism - a vogue to survive hopeful too to facial expression that proficient things volition likely happen
  • Abstention - a determination non to vote inwards an election or meeting
  • Voyage - a long journey, peculiarly past times boat or into space
  • Grounded - confident too sensible, because y'all similar yourself too y'all know what is of import inwards life
  • Enhancing - to improve something, or to larn inwards to a greater extent than attractive or to a greater extent than valuable
  • Strategic - carefully planned inwards club to accomplish a item goal, peculiarly inwards war, business, or politics
  • Let bygones survive bygones - to determine to forget close a disagreement or something unpleasant that has happened inwards the past
  • Diaspora - the movement of a large grouping of people from their dwelling province to other countries inwards the world
  • Interlocutor - someone who y'all are having a conversation with
  • Taken for granted - to facial expression something ever to hit or be inwards a item way, too to non mean value close whatsoever possible problems or difficulties
  • Adher - to stick to something
  • Ceremony - a formal populace resultant alongside special traditions, actions, or words
  • Hazard - something that could survive unsafe or could drive impairment or accidents
  • Tariff - a taxation that a authorities charges on goods that move into or larn out their country
  • Regime - a arrangement or cast of government
  • Immigration - the procedure inwards which people move into a province inwards club to alive at that spot permanently
  • Accord - a formal understanding betwixt countries or groups
  • Priority - something of import that must survive done showtime or needs to a greater extent than attending than anything else
  • Circumstance - a fact or status that affects a situation
  • Reportedly - used for showing that y'all are non for certain that something y'all are reporting is true
  • Agenda - all the things that postulate to survive done or that postulate to survive thought close or solved
  • Emphasis - special importance or attending that is given to i affair inwards particular
  • Maritime - involving ships or the work concern of moving people too goods inwards ships
  • Substantive - of import or serious, or referring to the most of import or serious issues
  • Bilateral - involving 2 groups or countries
  • Firming upwardly - to brand something to a greater extent than for certain or less probable to change
  • Uncertainty - a nervous feeling that y'all conduct maintain because y'all mean value bad things mightiness happen
  • Presumably - used for proverb that y'all mean value something is truthful based on what y'all know, although y'all are non actually certain
  • Prevailing - existing at a item fourth dimension or inwards a item place
  • Immigration - the procedure inwards which people move into a province inwards club to alive at that spot permanently

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