
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - Tertiary July 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated tertiary July 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : There were no editorials inwards THE HINDU on s July 2017 (Sunday)
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Step back: Tension at Kingdom of Bhutan tri-junction suits neither mainland People's Republic of China nor India"
  • Step dorsum - to halt for a minute inwards lodge to reckon something
  • Sustained - continuing at the same score or charge per unit of measurement for a long time
  • Stand-off - a disagreement or create out inwards which neither opponent tin practice anything to win or ambit their aim
  • By all accounts - according to what people say
  • Unprecedented - never having happened or existed before
  • Counsel - to give someone advice nigh what to practice inwards a detail situation
  • Negotiation - formal discussions inwards which people or groups attempt to ambit an agreement, peculiarly inwards a occupation concern or political situation
  • Liberation - liberty together with independence
  • Preserv - to go on something equally it is
  • Pilgrim - someone who travels to a holy house that is of import inwards their religion
  • Coincidence - a province of affairs inwards which divide things go on yesteryear run a peril at the same fourth dimension or inwards the same way
  • Bilateral - involving ii groups or countries
  • Warmth - a sort together with friendly character inwards someone or something
  • Obviously - inwards a agency that is clear for almost anyone to come across or understand
  • Misleading -intended to brand someone believe something that is wrong or non true
  • Deteriorate - to larn worse
  • Setback - a occupation that delays or that stops progress or makes a province of affairs worse
  • Sovereignty - the right to dominion a country
  • Spurn - to spend upwards to convey something, practice something, or bargain amongst something
  • Maritime - involving ships or the occupation concern of moving people together with goods inwards ships
  • Uptick - a small-scale increase
  • Rhetoric - a mode of speaking or writing that is intended to influence people
  • Address - to give attending to or bargain amongst a thing or problem
  • Dialogue - formal talks betwixt opposing countries, political groups, etc
  • Defusing - to brand a hard or unsafe province of affairs calmer yesteryear reducing or removing its cause
  • Precondition - something that must go on or endure truthful earlier it is possible for something else to happen
  • Apart from - except for or non considering
  • Status quo - the acquaint situation
  • Treaty - a written understanding betwixt ii or to a greater extent than countries, formally approved together with signed yesteryear their leaders
  • Face-off - if people or groups confront off, they compete or create out amongst each other
  • Sovereignty - the ability of a province to command its ain government
  • Exemplary - real expert together with suitable
  • Escalation - the procedure of becoming greater or to a greater extent than serious, or a detail province of affairs when this happens
  • In the confront of something -  despite having to bargain amongst a hard province of affairs or problem
  • Aggressive - behaving inwards an angry together with fierce agency towards closed to other person
  • Barrage - the activeness of continuously firing large guns to protect soldiers advancing on an enemy
  • Discreet -  careful non to displace embarrassment or attract equally good much attention
  • Win over somebody - to persuade someone to back upwards you lot or handgrip amongst you, oft when they were opposed to you lot before
  • Caliph - a Muslim ruler
  • Caliphate - an Islamic state, peculiarly i ruled yesteryear a unmarried religious together with political leader
  • Atop - on or at the transcend of
  • Minaret - a tall, sparse tower on or close a mosque (a Muslim holy building) from which Muslims are called to pray
  • Retreat - to go away from a house or individual inwards lodge to escape from fighting or danger
  • Confine - to restrain an activity, person, or occupation inwards closed to way
  • Torturous - involving a lot of suffering or difficulty
  • Casualty - a individual injured or killed inwards a serious accident or war
  • Resistance - the deed of fighting against something that is attacking you, or refusing to convey something
  • Elsewhere - at, in, from, or to closed to other house or other places; anywhere or somewhere else
  • Turnaround - an occasion when a business, plan, or scheme all of a abrupt becomes successful
  • Nominal - real small-scale
  • Alarming - frightening or worrying
  • Defend - to protect someone or something from attack
  • Alliance - an organisation betwixt ii or to a greater extent than people, groups, or countries yesteryear which they handgrip to run together to ambit something
  • Jihadist -  someone who is engaged inwards jihad (a holy state of war or create out that Muslims convey role inwards to defend Islam)
  • Militia - a grouping of ordinary people who are trained equally soldiers to create out inwards an emergency
  • Conflicting - describes ii or to a greater extent than things that cannot all endure right or cannot all go on at the same time
  • Rival - a person, team, or occupation concern that competes amongst another
  • Uneasy - slightly worried or uncomfortable nigh a detail situation
  • Forge - to run hard to ambit something
  • Replicable - that tin endure done inwards just the same agency equally before, or produced in i lawsuit to a greater extent than to endure just the same equally before
  • Displace -  to strength someone to larn out their ain province together with alive somewhere else
  • Insurgency - an endeavor yesteryear a grouping of people to convey command of their province yesteryear force
  • Predecessor - the individual who had a project or official set earlier someone else
  • Subsequent - happening or coming after something else
  • Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or unsafe situation
  • Restive - unwilling to endure controlled or endure patient
  • Simmering - something that is simmering is controlled but may flare-up out at whatsoever time, oft violently
  • Sectarian - caused yesteryear disagreements amidst people from unlike religious groups
  • Regime - a regime that controls a country, peculiarly inwards a strict or unfair way

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