
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Tidings Newspaper - 29Th June 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 29th June 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Pay to publish: making paid intelligence an electoral offence"
  • Electoral - relating to elections
  • Offence - a offense or illegal activity for which at that spot is a punishment
  • Disqualification - a province of affairs inwards which someone is non allowed to convey business office inwards something because they receive got committed an offence or receive got done something that is non allowed past times the rules
  • Curbing - to command or bound something that is harmful
  • Expenditure - the purpose of time, money, unloosen energy etc doing something
  • Incur - to experience something unpleasant every bit a termination of something that you lot receive got done
  • Propaganda - imitation information, that a regime or arrangement spreads inwards gild to influence people’s opinions in addition to beliefs
  • Masquerading - to pretend to hold out someone or something that you lot are not
  • Grave - in addition to therefore serious that you lot experience worried
  • Malpractice - careless or criminal conduct past times someone alongside a professional person or official job
  • Circumvent - to uncovering a agency of avoiding a dominion or police line that limits you
  • Phenomenon - an lawsuit or province of affairs that tin hold out seen to spill out or exist
  • Concerned - involved inwards something, or affected past times something
  • Insist - to popular off along maxim rattling firmly that something is true, fifty-fifty when other people volition non believe you
  • Exception - someone or something that is unlike inwards about agency from other people or things in addition to and therefore cannot hold out included inwards a full general statement
  • Rival - a person, team, or line organization that competes alongside another
  • Disclaimer - a formal tilt maxim that you lot are non legally responsible for something
  • Buy something - to believe or convey something
  • Constituency - the voters inwards a sectionalization of a solid pose down who elect a illustration to parliament
  • Campaign - a serial of actions intended to hit political or social change
  • Amend - to brand changes to a document, law, understanding etc, peculiarly inwards gild to amend it
  • Abetting - to assist or encourage someone to hit something immoral or illegal
  • Prospect - the possibility that something volition happen, peculiarly something good
  • Prejudicial - harmful or influencing people unfairly
  • Contestant - someone who takes business office inwards a contest
  • Hauled upwardly - to forcefulness someone to respond questions most their behaviour
  • Intention - a innovation inwards your take away heed to hit something
  • Pertain to something - to hold out straight related to something
  • Verdict - an official judgment made inwards a court
  • Enormous - rattling large inwards size or quantity
  • Adjudicate - to brand an official conclusion most a occupation or disagreement
  • Stall - to stop
  • Inquiry - an official examine of a crime, accident, occupation etc, inwards gild to larn information or the truth
  • Expeditiously - apace in addition to effectively
  • Adjudicate - to brand an official conclusion most a occupation or disagreement
  • Enforce - to brand sure enough that a police line or dominion is obeyed past times people
  • Massive - rattling large inwards amount
  • Regulator - a soul or arrangement whose labor is to hold out sure enough that companies, systems etc human activity fairly in addition to follow rules
  • Abuse - the purpose of something inwards a bad, dishonest, or harmful way
  • Dominance - a province of affairs inwards which 1 soul or affair has to a greater extent than influence or ability than whatsoever other
  • Unfair - non fair or reasonable
  • Disadvantage -  to brand someone or something less effective, successful, or attractive
  • Systematically - done according to a careful innovation in addition to inwards a thorough way
  • Pose - to acquaint a hard or unsafe situation
  • Impact - an effect, or an influence
  • Significant - rattling important
  • Remedy - a solution to a detail problem
  • Owe - if you lot owe someone money, you lot receive got to plough over them a detail amount of coin because you lot receive got bought something from them or receive got borrowed coin from them
  • Uncertain - non clearly known or understood
  • Determin - non willing to allow anything foreclose you lot from doing what you lot receive got decided to do
  • Gargantuan - extremely big
  • Transnational - affecting or involving several unlike countries
  • Stymie - to halt someone from achieving an aim, or to halt about procedure from continuing
  • Rapidly - quickly
  • Frontier - the most advanced or recent ideas most something
  • Quieten - to popular off less active, or busy
  • Wariness - lack of trust; suspicion.
  • Giant - a rattling large in addition to successful company
  • Vociferously - inwards a loud in addition to forceful manner
  • Criticism - comments that present that you lot holler upwardly something is incorrect or bad
  • Refrained - to halt yourself from doing something
  • Fault line - a occupation that could campaign something to fail
  • Supra-national - relating to or involving to a greater extent than than 1 country
  • Consumer - someone who buys in addition to uses goods in addition to services
  • Obsolete - no longer used because of beingness replaced past times something newer in addition to to a greater extent than effective

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