
Yak Encounter The Novel Caput Of Syndicate Banking Concern - Melwyn Rego

Former chairman of the Bank of India, Melwyn Rego, has today assumed accuse every bit the novel Managing Director as well as Chief Executive Officer of Syndicate Bank.

He had before served every bit deputy managing manager of IDBI Bank, CEO of IDBI Homefinance as well as every bit its Head- International Banking Division spearheading the overseas initiatives of IDBI.

He is a career banker as well as has been amongst IDBI Bank Ltd since 1984. He has extensive international sense as well as was a grade holder at a programme on International Capital Markets at Oxford University, UK. 

He has likewise participated inward several seminars including those organized past times Entrepreneurship Development Institute / World Bank at Washington. Rego is a groovy sportsman as well as has passion for music.

About Syndicate Bank
  • Syndicate Bank is one of the oldest as well as major commercial banks of India.
  • Headquarters : Manipal (Karnataka)
  • Founded inward : 1925
  • Earlier Name : Canara Industrial as well as Banking Syndicate Limited
  • Founders : T chiliad Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Pai, Upendra Pai as well as Vaman Kudva
  • Nationalized on : 19th July 1969
  • Head : Melwyn Rego
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