
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - 15Th May 2017

Hai  Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English linguistic communication Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu dated 15th May 2017. You tin click on the Titles to read the Editorials. Happy reading :)

Note : There were no editorials inward THE HINDU on 14th May 2017 (Sunday)

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Be scientific: on taking a telephone band on GM mustard's usage"

  • Scientific - careful in addition to using a organization or method
  • Appraisal - to examine someone or something inward monastic state to justice their qualities, success, or needs
  • Evaluate - to justice or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
  • Transgenic - a transgenic establish or creature contains genes from a dissimilar establish or creature that take maintain been introduced using a laboratory technique
  • Hurdle - i of several problems that you lot must solve earlier you lot tin exercise something successfully
  • Cultivate -  to grow crops or plants, peculiarly inward large quantities
  • Overrule - to officially modify a conclusion that someone else has made
  • Exceptionalism - the thought that a person, province or political organization tin endure allowed to endure dissimilar from, in addition to perchance ameliorate than, others
  • Edible - nutrient that is edible is security or proficient plenty to eat
  • Impact - an effect, or an influence
  • Multinational - a multinational companionship or concern has offices, shops, or factories inward several countries
  • Stake - the component of a concern that you lot ain because you lot take maintain invested coin inward it
  • On the other mitt - used for giving 2 dissimilar opinions nearly something
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a item job, title, condition etc inward the past, but non now
  • In essence - used for emphasizing what is the most of import characteristic of something
  • Bacterium - a type of rattling modest organism that lives inward air, earth, water, plants, in addition to animals, oftentimes i that causes disease
  • Self-pollination - the procedure yesteryear which pollen from the manful individual component of a bloom is carried to the woman individual component of the same bloom or to approximately other bloom of the same type
  • Amenable - willing to exercise something or to concord alongside someone
  • Hybridisation - the procedure of producing a establish or creature from 2 dissimilar types of establish or animal
  • Custom - used earlier approximately other tidings to hateful "specially designed for a item individual or purpose
  • Trait - a item characteristic that tin arrive at a item type of behaviour
  • Pest - an insect or modest creature that damages plants or supplies of food
  • Resistance - the mightiness non to endure affected or harmed yesteryear something
  • Toxicity - the grade of poisonous substance contained inward a drug, or the mightiness of a drug to poisonous substance the body
  • Unlikely - non probable to happen
  • Proponent - someone who publicly supports an idea, policy, computer programme etc
  • Vary alongside - to endure dissimilar inward dissimilar situations
  • Compel - to forcefulness someone to exercise something, or to larn something from someone using force
  • Herbicide - a chemic used for killing weeds (=plants that are non wanted)
  • Successive - coming or happening i later on approximately other inward a series
  • At the mercy of - inward a province of affairs that is controlled yesteryear someone or something alongside the mightiness to harm you
  • Expediency - the job of methods that arrive at an immediate outcome or solution to a problem, but may non endure fair or honest

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "One pace forward: on Colombia's novel challenges"

  • One pace forward, 2 steps dorsum - if you lot bring i pace forward, 2 steps back, you lot brand progress but in addition to thence experience events that travail you lot to endure farther behind than you lot were when you lot made the progress
  • Confront - to bargain alongside a hard situation
  • Integration -  the procedure of becoming a total fellow member of a grouping or society, in addition to becoming involved completely inward its activities
  • Civil state of war - a state of war fought betwixt dissimilar groups of people inside the same country
  • Conflict - angry disagreement betwixt people or groups
  • Conventional - of the usual, traditional, or accepted type, instead of existence novel in addition to different
  • Festering - infected
  • Breakthrough - a uncovering or achievement that comes later on a lot of hard work
  • Accord - a formal understanding betwixt countries or groups
  • Demobilise - to post members of armed forces forces home, peculiarly later on a state of war has ended
  • Amnesty - a province of affairs inward which a authorities agrees non to punish, or to no longer punish, people who take maintain committed a item crime
  • Rebel - someone who tries to take a authorities or leader using force
  • Transition - the procedure of changing from i situation, form, or province to another
  • Setback - a job that delays or that stops progress or makes a province of affairs worse
  • Referendum - an occasion when everyone inward a province tin vote to brand a conclusion nearly i item subject
  • Piecemeal - made or done inward split upwardly stages rather than existence planned in addition to done every bit a whole
  • Negotiation - formal discussions inward which people or groups endeavour to laissez passer an agreement, peculiarly inward a concern or political situation
  • Reform - a modify that is intended to right a province of affairs that is incorrect or unfair, or brand a organization operate to a greater extent than effectively
  • Disarming - making someone experience less angry or unfriendly because of the agency you lot bear or verbalize to them
  • Weaponry - weapons inward general, or all the weapons that a province or regular army has
  • Milestone - an lawsuit or achievement that marks an of import phase inward a process
  • Fraught alongside - total of unpleasant things such every bit problems or dangers
  • Dissident - someone who disagrees publicly alongside a government, peculiarly inward a province where this is non allowed
  • Retribution - penalisation that someone deserves because they take maintain done something rattling bad
  • Narcotic - whatever illegal drug, peculiarly i that is addictive (=that someone depends on)
  • Retreat -  if an regular army retreats, it moves away from a seat because of danger or defeat
  • Thrive - to larn rattling successful, happy, or healthy
  • Vacuum - a province of affairs inward which something is missing
  • Agrarian - relating to or involving farming or farmers
  • Paramilitary grouping - a paramilitary grouping is organized similar an regular army but is non official in addition to oftentimes non legal
  • Reminiscent - similar to something else
  • Prone - probable to endure affected yesteryear something, peculiarly something bad
  • Determine - to command or influence something directly, or to create upwardly one's take heed what volition happen
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