
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - 16Th May 2017

Hai  Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English linguistic communication Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu dated 16th May 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Timely refresh: on the growth of industrial output".

  • Timely - happening at the most suitable time
  • Macroeconomic - relating to the fiscal together with economical systems of a province or an industry
  • Resilience - someone’s powerfulness to transcend away healthy, happy, or rigid 1 time again afterward an illness, disappointment, or other problem
  • Heartening - making you lot experience happier together with to a greater extent than positive
  • Underlying - underlying causes, facts, ideas etc are the existent or basic ones, although they are non obvious or straight stated
  • Pace - the speed alongside which something happens or changes
  • Fiscal - relating to coin together with fiscal matters, peculiarly taxes
  • Contrast - a noticeable divergence betwixt people or things
  • Paltry - a paltry sum or number is real small
  • Component - an private character or characteristic of something
  • Restructuring - to organize something such every bit a fellowship inward a dissimilar agency together with thus that it volition operate better
  • Sectoral - relating to a sector of the economy
  • Constituent - 1 of the parts that cast something when they combine
  • Robust - rigid together with successful
  • Posit - to say that something is truthful or that something should last accepted every bit true
  • Upfront - completely honest together with non trying to enshroud anything
  • Simultaneous - happening or done at the same time
  • Deflator - a figure that is used to alter electrical flow prices or reward together with thus that they tin last compared to past times prices or wages, past times removing the upshot of inflation
  • Inflation - an economical procedure inward which prices growth together with thus that coin becomes less valuable
  • Statistics - a collection of numerical facts or measurements
  • Indices - a listing of numbers that shows the price, value, or score of something compared alongside something else
  • Breadth - the fact that something includes a broad arrive at of dissimilar things or ideas
  • Contemporary - existing or happening now
  • Appreciably - plenty to last noticed or considered important
  • Representative - typical of, or the same as, others inward a larger grouping of people or things
  • Renewable - renewable release energy together with natural materials supervene upon themselves past times natural processes, together with thus that they are never completely used up
  • Pare -  to trim the full number or sum of something
  • Periodically - happening regularly though non frequently
  • Dynamically - continuously changing or developing
  • Pertaining to something - to last straight related to something
  • Accurately - correctly / exactly
  • Divergence - a divergence inward the agency that 2 or to a greater extent than things educate from the same thing
  • Significance - the importance that something has because it affects other things
  • Determinant - something that controls or decides how something else volition educate or what final result it volition have
  • Overstate - to verbalize well-nigh something inward a agency that makes it appear to a greater extent than important, impressive, or serious than it actually is
  • Gauge - a fact or trial that tin last used for judging someone or something
  • Stance - an mental attitude or take in well-nigh an number that you lot province clearly
  • Scrutiny - careful exam of someone or something
  • Consistency - the powerfulness to stay the same inward behaviour, attitudes, or qualities
  • Credibility - qualities that someone has that brand people believe or trust them
  • Prevailing - existing at a detail fourth dimension or inward a detail place

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Off the road: Republic of Republic of India cannot sit down out B&RI"

  • Sit out -  to halt doing something for a catamenia of time
  • Shut the door on something - to larn inward impossible for something to happen, peculiarly a excogitation or a solution to a problem
  • Diplomacy - the administration of relationships betwixt countries
  • Initiative - an of import activeness that is intended to solve a problem
  • Formerly - inward the past
  • Conclude - to halt something
  • Infrastructure - the prepare of systems inside a house or organisation that behave upon how good it operates, for illustration the telephone together with carry systems inward a country
  • Corridor - used well-nigh an expanse of dry reason that belongs to 1 province but is surrounded past times another
  • Boycott - to non bring business office inward an event, or to non purchase or travel something every bit a protes
  • Threefold - having iii parts
  • Flagship - the biggest, most important, or best thing inward a group
  • Sovereignty - the right to dominion a country
  • Territorial - relating to the dry reason of a detail country
  • Integrity - the character of ever behaving according to the moral principles that you lot believe in, together with thus that people honour together with trust you
  • Smacks of something - to last a sign of something bad
  • Neo-colonialism - a policy inward which a powerful province uses political together with economical powerfulness over a poorer province for its ain benefit
  • Unsustainable - non capable of continuing at the same charge per unit of measurement or level
  • Adverse - negative, unpleasant, or harmful
  • Impact - an effect, or an influence
  • Transparency - an honest agency of doing things that allows other people to know precisely what you lot are doing
  • Agenda - a listing of aims or possible hereafter achievements
  • Concern - a feeling of worry well-nigh something, peculiarly 1 that a lot of people own got well-nigh an of import issue
  • Refusal - the deed of refusing to practise something
  • Observer - someone who is acquaint at an trial but takes no active part
  • Closes the door for something - to larn inward impossible for something to happen, peculiarly a excogitation or a solution to a problem
  • In contrast - used when you lot are comparison 2 things or people together with maxim that the minute 1 is real dissimilar from the first
  • Delegation -  a grouping of people who correspond a country, government, or organization
  • Exception - someone or something that is dissimilar inward to a greater extent than or less agency from other people or things together with and thus cannot last included inward a full general statement
  • Anxiety - a worried feeling you lot own got because you lot recollect something bad mightiness happen
  • Accrue - if benefits together with advantages accrue to you, you lot have them
  • Simply pose - used for maxim that you lot are explaining something inward a clear together with uncomplicated way
  • Peril- slap-up danger
  • Endorsement - an occasion when someone gives official or populace back upwardly to a detail someone or thing
  • Grievance - a electrical load well-nigh beingness treated inward an unfair way
  • Articulate - able to limited your thoughts, arguments, together with ideas clearly together with effectively
  • Outlier - a person, thing, or fact that is real dissimilar from other people, things, or facts
  • Quest - an bear witness to laissez passer on something difficult
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