
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Word Newspaper - 13Th May 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 13th May 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Saving Kulbhushan Jadhav"

  • Adherence -  the activity of continuing to obey a rule, law, understanding etc
  • Proceedings - the actions taken, unremarkably inwards court, to settle a legal matter
  • To stall - to stop
  • Execution - the human activity of killing a someone equally a penalty for a crime
  • Impel - if a feeling or thought impels y'all to produce something, it forces y'all to produce it
  • Peculiar - strange, frequently inwards an unpleasant way
  • Circumstances - weather that brand a bad activity or error seem less serious, sometimes fifty-fifty making it seem reasonable
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc inwards the past, but non now
  • Naval - relating to or belonging to a country’s navy
  • Arguably - used for stating your sentiment or belief, particularly when y'all recollect other people may disagree
  • Bogus - non real, although pretending to live real
  • Imminent - probable or for sure to hand real soon
  • Execution - the human activity of killing a someone equally a penalty for a crime
  • Hinge - based on / depends on
  • Conviction - a determination past times a courtroom of law that someone is guilty of a crime
  • Espionage - attempts to observe your enemy’s political, military, or industrial secrets using cloak-and-dagger methods
  • Contention - an sentiment or declaration that something is true, particularly ane made during a give-and-take or argument
  • Egregious - extremely bad
  • Violation - an activity that is inwards opposition to a law, agreement, regulation etc
  • Convention - a formal understanding betwixt governments of dissimilar countries close how they should acquit towards each other or towards the people inwards their country
  • Consular - relating to a regime official sent to alive inwards to a greater extent than or less other Earth as well as hold off after their ain country’s citizens as well as describe of piece of work concern interests there
  • Denying - to non allow someone to receive got or produce something
  • Pursue -  to follow a course of report of activity
  • Appellate - relating to a legal appeal
  • Remedy - a solution to a particular problem
  • Alleged - claimed to live true, fifty-fifty though this has non been proved
  • Instituting - to start something such equally a scheme or an official process
  • Virtually - used for emphasizing that a declaration is almost completely true
  • Substantive -  of import or serious, or referring to the most of import or serious issues
  • Interim - temporary as well as intended to live used or accepted until something permanent exists
  • On the facial expression upwardly of it - used for proverb that something appears to live truthful but powerfulness non live truthful when y'all receive got examined it inwards to a greater extent than detail
  • Incongruous - foreign because of beingness real dissimilar to other things which hand or be inwards the same situation
  • In the low-cal of something - because of
  • Dispute - a serious disagreement, particularly ane betwixt groups of people that lasts for a long time
  • Jurisdiction - the correct or powerfulness to brand legal decisions
  • Proceedings - the actions taken, unremarkably inwards court, to settle a legal thing
  • Bilateral - involving 2 groups or countries
  • Stiff - rigid as well as difficult
  • Preliminary - coming earlier the brain or most of import role of something
  • Reciprocal - done according to an organisation past times which y'all produce something for someone who does the same thing for you
  • Detention - the province of beingness kept inwards a constabulary station or prison theatre as well as non beingness allowed to leave
  • Sentence - a penalty given past times a judge
  • Iteration - the procedure of doing something in ane lawsuit to a greater extent than as well as again
  • Precipitate - to brand something hand or laid out to be of a precipitous as well as quickly, particularly something bad
  • Adherence -  the activity of continuing to obey a rule, law, understanding etc

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Jhulan Goswami’s haul of wickets, only the best"

  • Haul - to succeed inwards reaching a higher seat using a lot of effort
  • Leg earlier wicket - inwards the game of cricket, the province of affairs inwards which your fourth dimension equally the someone trying to hitting the ball is ended because the ball has hitting your leg when it should non have
  • Path-breaking - innovative
  • Emerge - to larn recognized
  • Unheard of - something that is unheard-of is real unusual or has never happened before
  • Obstacle - a difficulty or work that prevents y'all from achieving something
  • Surmount - to bargain successfully alongside a hard province of affairs or problem
  • Perhaps - used for proverb that y'all are non for sure close something, or that something may or may non live true
  • Formidable - real impressive
  • Patriarchal scheme - a patriarchal society, system, organisation etc is ane inwards which men receive got all or most of the powerfulness as well as influence
  • Prejudice - an unreasonable sentiment or feeling, particularly the feeling of non liking a particular grouping of people
  • Disdain - the feeling that someone or something is non of import as well as does non deserve whatever respect
  • Mind-boggling - real large, unusual, or complicated as well as non like shooting fish in a barrel to imagine
  • Astutely - accurately assessing situations or people
  • Sinew - the rigid marrow that connects muscles to bone
  • Consistency - the powerfulness to rest the same inwards behaviour, attitudes, or qualities
  • Emphatic - said or shown inwards a real rigid clear way
  • Iconic - real famous as well as good known
  • Debut - the outset fourth dimension that a performer or sports role instrumentalist appears inwards public
  • Maiden - beingness the outset of its type
  • Adhere to something - to back upwardly or believe inwards an idea, plan, sentiment etc
  • Deprive - if y'all deprive someone of something, y'all convey it away from them or preclude them from having it
  • Gradual - real slow
  • Turnaround - an of import alter inwards a province of affairs that causes it to improve
  • Banked on someone - to depend on someone
  • Foothold - a seat from which y'all tin better your status or larn to a greater extent than successful inwards an organization, profession, or market
  • Skipper - captain of a sports team
  • Decisive - strongly affecting how a province of affairs volition progress or end
  • Pioneer -  ane of the outset people to produce something of import that is after continued as well as developed past times other people

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