
Yak Essays For Ibps Po 2017 - Cognition Without Grapheme Is Unsafe !

Knowledge Without Character is Dangerous!

Knowledge volition give you lot power, but graphic symbol respect. 
- Bruce Lee
Character as well as cognition are the pump as well as soul of an individual. Character @ is the fix of inherited as well as acquired qualities, which defines an individual's identity as well as makes him dissimilar from others. One acquires cognition over the fourth dimension through formal as well as informal education. The formal teaching is acquired from schools as well as educational institutions. The informal teaching is acquired through family, friends, peer group, as well as social circle.

Education empowers an private as well as enables him to brand rational decisions. Each private is blessed with some or the other talent as well as is a packet of untapped potential. This is why teaching has an of import role. It helps an private to brand the best utilisation of his talent as well as capabilities. Education cannot last restricted to an individuals' personal growth.

He may inspire others to larn as well as deed every bit a role model for many. In fact, a society's progress tin last measured inwards price of the let out of educated individuals. The cognition as well as expertise gained past times the someone during the class of his teaching must last used for the benefits of others as well as society. An educated someone with strong moral values is an invaluable property to the monastic tell as well as nation.

The moral values lay downward the foundation of a strong character. H5N1 someone with miserable moral values may attain his brusk term goals easily but it volition last hard for him to accomplish his long term goals.

The applied scientific discipline has taken the teaching to the side past times side level. The students are taught past times specialised teachers as well as trainers inwards the smart classes. e-learning solutions direct maintain expire an of import factor of the curriculum. But it is highly disappointing that amidst all these, the moral values as well as the virtues direct maintain taken a dorsum seat.

Today's generation has failed to sympathize the importance of graphic symbol building. The failure of the teaching as well as lack of graphic symbol is increasingly apparent from the rising law-breaking as well as violence inwards the society. There is an growth inwards the disrespect for the government as well as violence with the schoolhouse going children as well as teenagers.

The children are indulging inwards early on sexual activities, self- destructive as well as addictive behaviour. The charge per unit of measurement of heinous crimes such every bit physical as well as sexual fix on with the children as well as teenagers is increasing. The media, peer groups as well as the network direct maintain an conduct on on the evolution as well as learning of the child. If all his cognition i is using inwards the negative direction, it is a waste materials of one's talent as well as capabilities. This is what, happening with today's generation.

The moral values as well as the virtues of a monastic tell play an of import role inwards the graphic symbol edifice of the individuals. Over the time, in that place has been a gradual turn down inwards these values. We must recall that the graphic symbol evolution as well as teaching postulate to expire mitt inwards hand. Character edifice must last an of import human face of the education. It is of import to learn the children moral as well as ethical values. These are the moral values which volition aid them to succeed inwards the long run.

The role of teaching should last to develop a child's instincts inwards a trend that he is naturally inclined to practise what is morally right. Besides the teachers as well as parents, the monastic tell needs to last an active partner inwards the graphic symbol edifice efforts.

Character evolution as well as teaching should expire mitt inwards hand. Effective teaching must include curriculum that teaches the students observe for moral as well as ethical values as well as helps them to succeed. The teaching should strive to develop students' intrinsic motivation as well as commitment to practise what is right.

All schoolstaff-teachers, administrators, counselors, coaches, secretaries, cafeteria workers, playground aides, as well as motorcoach drivers must last involved inwards learning about, discussing, as well as sharing responsibleness for graphic symbol education. Parents as well as community members should last total pay tilers inwards the graphic symbol edifice effort. Effective teaching must include an endeavor to assess progress inwards the dirtection of graphic symbol building. Knowledge without graphic symbol is non solely worthless but tin every bit good attempt to last unsafe for the individual, society, province as well as the humanity every bit a whole.

Difficult Words with Meanings :
  • Inherited derive qualities genetically from parents or ancestors
  • Acquired learn or develop (a science or quality)
  • Empower authorise, fix free
  • Untapped resources non nonetheless exploited or used
  • Potential latent qualities, probable
  • Asset blessing, advantage
  • Accomplish fulfil, achieve
  • Heinous wicked, evil terrible.

shared past times Nisheeta Mirchandani
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