
Yak English Give-And-Take Ability Quiz For Competitive Exams - Gear Upward 87

  1. To abate is to 
    1. Cooperate
    2. Commit
    3. Decrease
    4. Increase
    5. Put the responsibleness on others
  2. The pregnant of abdicate is to 
    1. Pronounce
    2. Announce
    3. Relinquish
    4. Vanquish
    5. Take yesteryear force
  3. To abduct is to 
    1. Kidnap
    2. Bring up
    3. Give up
    4. Murder
    5. Respect
  4. Abetting a criminal offence is to 
    1. Condemn it
    2. Be a political party to it
    3. Solve it
    4. Fight against it
    5. Ignore it
  5. The contrary of adopt is 
    1. Emigrate
    2. Refuse
    3. Follow
    4. Subject to
    5. Love
  6. The contrary of complicated is 
    1. Straight 
    2. Simple
    3. Quiet 
    4. Grave
    5. Arranged
  7. The contrary of confuse is 
    1. Understand
    2. Arrange
    3. Straighten
    4. Complicate
    5. Correct
  8. Which of the next agency coming at the correct fourth dimension ?
    1. Occasion
    2. Often
    3. Rarely
    4. Punctuality 
    5. Early
  9. What is the plural shape of oratory ?
    1. Orators 
    2. Oratories
    3. Orations
    4. Oratorese
    5. Oratorys
  10. Mark TRUE or FALSE, every bit the example may be
    1. To last woolly-headed is to convey curly hair
    2. To last pigheaded is to convey a real big head
    3. A head-on collision is sideways
    4. To larn over one's caput is to empathise completely
    5. To caput something is to brand it 
Shared yesteryear Amrita Rajnish
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