
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - Tenth May 2017

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Shared past times KANI
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Justice Karnan, the recalcitrant judge"
  • Recalcitrant -  refusing to obey orders
  • Judicious - having or showing argue together with practiced judgment inwards making decisions
  • Restraining - to command the actions or behaviour of someone past times force, particularly inwards club to halt them from doing something
  • Singularly - inwards a noticeable way
  • Contempt - a failure to present appropriate honour for something that other people consider to endure important
  • Ridicule - unkind words or actions that brand someone or something expect stupid
  • Aberrant - dissimilar from what is typical or usual, particularly inwards an unacceptable way
  • Defence - protection or back upwards against attack, criticism, or infection
  • Reputation - the sentiment that people conduct maintain nearly how practiced or how bad someone or something is
  • Unexceptionable - non bad
  • Flung - to say something angrily
  • Irresponsible - non thinking plenty or non worrying nearly the possible results of what yous do
  • Purported - to claim or seem to endure something or to do something, particularly when this is non possible or true
  • Abysmally - really badly
  • Pertinent - relating straight to the dependent beingness considered
  • Imminent - coming or probable to tumble out really soon
  • Sound - inwards practiced condition
  • Atrocity - an extremely cruel, violent, or shocking act
  • Threatening - showing or maxim that someone is probable to do something that volition harm you
  • Prosecute - to officially bill someone of committing a criminal offence inwards a constabulary court
  • Decline - to refuse
  • Gone together with then far - to comport inwards a means that upsets or annoys people
  • Soundness - the fact of beingness inwards practiced condition
  • Pragmatic - solving problems inwards a sensible means that suits the weather condition that actually be now, rather than obeying fixed theories, ideas, or rules
  • Chasten - to brand someone empathize that they conduct maintain failed or done something incorrect together with brand them desire to improve
  • Martyr - a somebody who suffers really much or is killed because of their religious or political beliefs, together with is oftentimes admired because of it
  • Portray - to present or depict someone or something inwards a detail way
  • Victim - someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed as the resultant of a crime
  • Speaks volumes - if something speaks volumes, it makes an opinion, characteristic, or province of affairs really clear without the role of words
  • Impeach - to formally bill a world official of a serious criminal offence relating to their job, particularly inwards the US
  • Contumacious - refusing to obey or honour the law
  • Gag - to preclude a somebody or organization from talking or writing nearly a detail subject
  • Purported - that has been stated to endure truthful or to conduct maintain happened, although this may non endure the case
  • Unease - a feeling of beingness worried nearly something
  • Vexing - making yous experience annoyed, confused, or worried

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Chasing peace inwards Syria"

  • De-escalation - to (cause to) run less unsafe or difficult
  • So-called - used to present that yous recollect a tidings that is used to depict someone or something is non suitable or non correct
  • Civil state of war - a state of war fought past times dissimilar groups of people living inwards the same country
  • Ceasefire - an agreement, commonly betwixt 2 armies, to halt fighting inwards club to permit discussions nearly peace
  • Collapse - to neglect suddenly
  • Hostility - an occasion when someone is unfriendly or shows that they do non similar something
  • Regime - a detail authorities or a scheme or method of government
  • Rebel - a somebody who is opposed to the political scheme inwards their province together with tries to alter it using force
  • Significant - of import or noticeable
  • Wreaked - damaged
  • Aerial - inwards or from the air, particularly from an aircraft
  • Unhindered - non limited
  • Negotiation - the procedure of discussing something amongst someone inwards club to attain an understanding amongst them, or the discussions themselves
  • Rein inwards something - to command an emotion, activity, or province of affairs to preclude it from becoming also powerful
  • Restraint - calm together with controlled behaviour
  • Facilitator - someone who helps a somebody or organization do something to a greater extent than easily
  • Humanitarian - relating to efforts to care people who are living inwards really bad weather condition together with are suffering because of a war, flood, earthquake etc
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Shared past times HARSH
  • Recalcitrant - having an obstinately uncooperative mental attitude towards authorisation or discipline
  • Ridicule - the subjection of someone or something to contemptuous together with dismissive linguistic communication or behaviour
  • Aberrant - departing from an accepted standard.
  • Flung -  to throw or cast amongst force, violence, or abandon
  • Purported - look to endure or do something, particularly falsely
  • Abysmally - inwards an extremely bad way; appallingly
  • Pertinent - relevant or applicable to a detail matter; apposite
  • Imminent - nearly to happen.
  • Atrocities - an extremely wicked or barbarous act, typically 1 involving physical violence or injury.
  • Pragmatic - dealing amongst things sensibly together with realistically inwards a means that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
  • Chasten - (of a reproof or misfortune) conduct maintain a restraining or moderating outcome on.
  • Contumacious - (especially of a defendant's behaviour) stubbornly or wilfully disobedient to authority.
  • Collegiums -  An executive council or commission of every bit empowered members
  • Vexing - brand (someone) experience annoyed, frustrated, or worried, particularly amongst petty matters
  • De-escalation -  demeanour that is intended to escapeescalations of conflicts.
  • Wreaked - drive (a large sum of harm or harm).
  • Humanitarian - concerned amongst or seeking to promote human welfare.
  • Unhindered - non hindered or obstructed
  • Rein - banking concern fit or guide
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