
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - 23Rd November 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of Today's Hindu News Paper dated 23rd Nov 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the championship to read the Editorial from the News Paper

  • Reinforce - to brand a situation, process, or type of conduct stronger as well as to a greater extent than probable to continue
  • Diplomatic - relating to the profession or science of preserving or creating friendly relationships betwixt countries
  • Majority - the number of votes past times which a mortal or political party wins an election
  • Simultaneous - happening or done at the same time
  • Ballot - the procedure of voting secretly to conduct a candidate inwards an election or limited an persuasion nigh an issue
  • Dead heat - a province of affairs inwards which 2 people complete a race at precisely the same time, as well as hence that they both win
  • Panel - a grouping of people who brand decisions or judgments
  • Adequate - skilful plenty or large plenty for a detail purpose
  • Paving the means - if something paves the means for/to something else, it makes the other matter possible
  • Significant - real important
  • Assault - a rigid criticism
  • Conservative - non willing to own got much change, particularly inwards the traditional values of society
  • Diminishing - to give-up the ghost less / to brand something give-up the ghost less
  • Inseparable - if 2 or to a greater extent than things are inseparable, they are as well as hence closely connected that they cannot hold upward considered separately
  • Unquestioning - never doubting or criticizing
  • Assert - to speak or bear inwards a firm, confident way
  • Heavy-lifting - hard move that needs a lot of effort
  • Lobbying - to evidence to influence politicians or people inwards potency on a detail subject
  • Fiercely - inwards a powerful way
  • Equitable - fair as well as reasonable because everyone is treated inwards the same way
  • Resonance - an emotional final result produced past times something that reminds you lot of something else
  • Custodian - someone who tries to save a gear upward of principles
  • Subsequent - happening or coming afterward something else
  • Brush aside - to turn down to own got that something is of import or true
  • Takeaway - a master copy message or slice of information that you lot larn from something you lot listen or read
  • Emphasis - special importance or attending that is given to ane matter inwards particular
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Pill speak — On antibiotic resistance"
  • Antibiotic - a drug that cures illnesses as well as infections caused past times bacteria
  • Resistance - the might non to hold upward affected or harmed past times something
  • Consumer - someone who buys as well as uses goods as well as services
  • Reckless - non thinking nigh the possible bad effects of your actions
  • Draw to a unopen - to end
  • Campaign - a serial of actions intended to hit political or social change
  • Threat - a province of affairs or an activity that could motion terms or danger
  • Consequence - a final result or final result of something
  • Surveillance - the procedure of carefully watching a mortal or house to discovery out something
  • Intervention - a province of affairs inwards which someone becomes involved inwards a detail issue, employment etc inwards monastic say to influence what happens
  • Predicament - a hard or unpleasant province of affairs that is non slow to move out of
  • Pneumonia - a serious illness affecting your lungs that makes it hard for you lot to breathe
  • Viral - caused past times or relating to a virus
  • Irrational - done or happening without clear or sensible reasons
  • Quack - a MD who is non real good, or someone who cheats people past times pretending to hold upward a doctor
  • Tussle - a disagreement betwixt 2 people who are both trying to acquire or to accomplish something
  • Blanket ban - total as well as consummate ban
  • Flout - to deliberately turn down to obey a dominion or custom
  • Monitor - to regularly cheque something or sentry someone inwards monastic say to discovery out what is happening
  • Threat -  a province of affairs or an activity that could motion terms or danger
  • Bedrock of - the ideas as well as principles on which a belief or arrangement is based
  • Prophylaxis - the utilization of medical handling for preventing illness or infection
  • Tertiary-care - a real high criterion of attention provided inwards hospitals
  • Meanwhile - at the same time
  • Crisis -  an urgent, difficult, or unsafe situation
  • Take upward the baton - bring responsibleness for something

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