
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Tidings Newspaper - 18Th November 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of Today's Hindu News Paper dated 18th Nov 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the championship to read the Editorial from the News Paper

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Timely recognition: on the Moody's upgrade"
  • Upgrade - to improve the lineament of a service or product
  • Reform - a modify that is intended to right a province of affairs that is incorrect or unfair, or brand a scheme move to a greater extent than effectively
  • Sovereign - an onetime unit of measurement of money inwards the shape of a gilded money worth i pound
  • Notch - an imaginary signal or set inwards a scheme of comparison values, where a higher set is improve as well as a lower set is worse
  • Enormous - really large inwards size or quantity
  • Logjam - a province of affairs inwards which i employment is stopping anything else from existence done
  • Mounting - increasing, peculiarly inwards a means that makes a province of affairs worse
  • Insolvency - the province of non having plenty money to pay debts, purchase goods, etc
  • Bankruptcy - a province of affairs inwards which a someone or concern officially admits that they conduct hold no money as well as cannot pay what they owe
  • Enhancing - to improve something, or to larn inwards to a greater extent than attractive or to a greater extent than valuable
  • Productivity - the charge per unit of measurement at which goods are produced
  • Stimulating - encouraging or arousing involvement or enthusiasm
  • Foster - to assistance something to develop over a catamenia of time
  • Conjunction - a combination of ii or to a greater extent than things
  • Indices - plural of inex
  • Intraday - during a detail day
  • Outlook - an thought well-nigh what a province of affairs volition endure similar inwards the future
  • Constraint - something that limits your liberty to practise what you lot want
  • Peer - someone who belongs to the same social or professional person grouping every bit another
  • Mainstream - to brand ideas, methods, or people larn accepted past times most people
  • Macro-economic - relating to the economical scheme of a whole province or large region
  • Slippage - a province of affairs inwards which something is delayed or non achieved when it should be
  • Consequence - a termination or trial of something
  • Waiver - an official contention or document that says a right, claim, or law tin endure officially ignored or given up
  • Teething issues - nipper issues that a novel company, project, production etc may conduct hold inwards the beginning
  • Alluring - attractive inwards an exciting way
  • Populism - politics that represents the interests as well as opinions of ordinary people
  • Notwithstanding - despite something
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "An absurd canvas: on Padmavati"
  • Absurd - completely stupid, unreasonable
  • Victim - someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed every bit the termination of a crime
  • Vigilante - someone who tries to grab as well as punish criminals past times themselves, without waiting for the police
  • Coalition - a temporary wedlock of dissimilar groups who handgrip to move together to accomplish a shared aim
  • Period - a detail sum of fourth dimension inwards history
  • Self-styled - used for maxim what type of someone someone claims to be
  • Notion - an catch or belief, peculiarly i that is incorrect or silly
  • Distortion - a modify that makes something no longer truthful or accurate
  • Disrupt - to interrupt something as well as preclude it from continuing past times creating a problem
  • Buckle downwards - to start working difficult as well as seriously
  • Perceive - to empathize or cry upwards well-nigh something inwards a detail way
  • Harping on something - to maintain talking or complaining well-nigh something inwards a means that makes people bored or annoyed
  • Fiction - a report, story, or explanation that is non true
  • Tacitly - inwards a means that is understood or implied without existence direct stated
  • Endorse - to limited back upwards for someone or something, peculiarly inwards public
  • Delineate - to depict something really exactly
  • Intemperate - unreasonable as well as showing a lack of control
  • Vandalise - to deliberately impairment or destroy things, peculiarly populace property
  • Well-being - the satisfactory province that someone or something should endure in
  • Counselling - advice that you lot give someone
  • Heed - to catch someone’s advice or alert as well as practise what they suggest
  • Lush - expensive
  • Distort - to modify something such every bit information as well as so that it is no longer truthful or accurate
  • Accuracy - the might to practise something inwards an accurate way
  • Infringement - the activeness of breaking the damage of a law, agreement, etc
  • Longstanding - having existed for a long time
  • Invader - an regular army or province that uses strength to move into as well as convey command of to a greater extent than or less other country
  • Patriarchal - a patriarchal society, system, scheme etc is i inwards which men conduct hold all or most of the might as well as influence
  • Dutifully - carefully
  • Circumscribe - to bound something such every bit power, rights, or opportunities
  • Fuel - to brand something growth or larn worse, peculiarly something unpleasant
  • Consolidate - to brand the power, position, or achievements you lot already conduct hold stronger or to a greater extent than effective as well as so that they are probable to continue
  • Regressive - relating to behavior that is non responsible or controlled
  • Intolerant -  non willing to convey behaviour, beliefs, or opinions that are dissimilar from your own

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