
Yak Ibps Specialist (It) Officers Professional Person Noesis Written Report Fabric - Information Communication & Reckoner Network (Lesson 1)

Data Communication & Computer Network

Computer Network 

Computer Network is a telecommunications channel through which nosotros tin give the axe part our data. It is likewise called information network. The best event of calculator network is Internet. 

H5N1 network must survive able to reckon sure as shooting criteria, these are mentioned below: 
  1. Performance 
  2. Reliability 
  3. Scalability


It tin give the axe survive measured inwards next ways : 
  • Transit fourth dimension : It is the fourth dimension taken to locomote a message from 1 device to another.
  • Response fourth dimension : It is defined equally the fourth dimension elapsed betwixt research as well as response. 
Other ways to mensurate functioning are : 
  1. Efficiency of software
  2. Number of users 
  3. Capability of connected hardware 


It decides the frequency at which network failure bring place. More the failures are, less is the network's reliability. 


It refers to the protection of information from the unauthorised user or access. While travelling through network, information passes many layers of network, as well as information tin give the axe survive traced if attempted. Hence, safety is likewise a real of import characteristic for Networks.


  1. Interpersonal Communication : We tin give the axe communicate alongside each other efficiently as well as easily event emails, chat rooms, video conferencing etc.
  2. Resources tin give the axe survive shared : We tin give the axe utilisation the resources provided past times network such equally printers etc. 
  3. Sharing files, information : Authorised users are allowed to part the files on the network.


Communication model is used to central information betwixt ii parties. For event communication betwixt a computer, server 4. as well as telephone (through modem). 

Data to survive transmitted is generated past times this device, example: telephones, personal computers etc. 

The information generated past times the source scheme are non direct transmitted inwards the shape they are generated. The transmitter transforms as well as encodes the information inwards such a shape to hit electromagnetic waves or signals. 

Transmission System
H5N1 transmission scheme tin give the axe survive a unmarried transmission line of piece of employment or a complex network connecting source as well as destination. 

Receiver accepts the signal from the transmission scheme as well as converts it to a shape which is easily managed past times the goal device.
Destination receives the incoming information from the receiver. 


The central of information betwixt ii devices through a transmission medium is Data Communication. The information is exchanged inwards the shape of 0's as well as l's. The transmission medium used is wire cable. For information communication to occur, the communication device must survive component of a communication system. Data Communication has ii types Local as well as Remote which are discussed below : 

Local : Local communication takes house when the communicating devices are inwards the same geographical area, same building, face-to-face betwixt individuals etc. 

Remote : Remote communication takes house over a distance i.e. the devices are farther. Effectiveness of a Data Communication tin give the axe survive measured through the next features : 
  1. Delivery : Delivery should survive done to the right destination. 
  2. Timeliness : Delivery should survive on time.
  3. Accuracy : Data delivered should survive accurate. 
  1. Message : It is the information to survive delivered. 
  2. Sender : Sender is the soul who is sending the message. Receiver : Receiver is the soul to him the message is to survive delivered. 
  3. Medium : It is the medium through which message is to survive sent for event modem. 
  4. Protocol : These are around ready of rules which principle information communication.


Network is a connexion made through connexion links betwixt ii or to a greater extent than devices. Devices tin give the axe survive a computer, printer or whatsoever other device that is capable to ship as well as have data. There are ii ways to connect the devices : 
  1. Point-to-Point connection 
  2. Multipoint connexion

It is a protocol which is used equally a communication link betwixt ii devices. It is elementary to establish. The most mutual event for Point-to-Point connexion (PPP) is a calculator connected past times telephone line. We tin give the axe connect the ii devices past times agency of a duet of wires or using a microwave or satellite link. 


It is likewise called Multidrop configuration. In this connexion ii or to a greater extent than devices part a unmarried link. 

There are ii kinds of Multipoint Connections : 
  • If the links are used simultaneously betwixt many devices, as well as therefore it is spatially shared line of piece of employment configuration. 
  • If user takes turns spell using the link, as well as therefore it is fourth dimension shared (temporal) line of piece of employment configuration.


Network Topology is the schematic description of a network arrangement, connecting diverse nodes(sender as well as receiver) through lines of connection. 

Bus topology is a network type inwards where every calculator as well as network device is connected to unmarried cable. 

Features of Bus Topology 
  1. It transmits information entirely inwards 1 direction. 
  2. Every device is connected to a unmarried cable
It is called band topology because it forms a band equally each calculator is connected to around other computer, alongside the final 1 connected to the first. Exactly ii neighbours for each device. 
Features of Ring Topology 
  1. A break of repeaters are used as well as the transmission is unidirectional. 
  2. Date is transferred inwards a sequential fashion that is flake past times bit.
In this type of topology all the computers are connected to a unmarried hub through a cable. This hub is the primal node as well as all others nodes are connected to the primal node. 

Features of Star Topology 
  1. Every node has its ain dedicated connexion to the hub. 
  2. Acts equally a repeater for information flow. 
  3. Can survive used alongside twisted pair, Optical Fibre or coaxial cable. 

It is a point-to-point connexion to other nodes or devices. Traffic is carried entirely betwixt ii devices or nodes to which it is connected. Mesh has n (n-2)/2 physical channels to link hn devices.

Types of Mesh Topology 
  1. Partial Mesh Topology : In this topology around of the systems are connected inwards the same fashion equally mesh topology but around devices are entirely connected to ii or 3 devices.
  2. Full Mesh Topology : Each as well as every nodes or devices are connected to each other.
Features of Mesh Topology 
  1. Fully connected.
  2. Robust. 
  3. Not flexible.

It has a root node as well as all other nodes are connected to it forming a hierarchy. It is likewise called hierarchical topology. It should at to the lowest degree own got 3 levels to the hierarchy. 

Features of Tree Topology 
  1. Ideal if workstations are located inwards groups. 
  2. Used inwards Wide Area Network.

It is ii dissimilar types of topologies which is a mixture of ii or to a greater extent than topologies. For event if inwards an purpose inwards 1 subdivision band topology is used as well as inwards around other star topology is used, connecting these topologies volition termination inwards Hybrid Topology (ring topology as well as star topology). 

Features of Hybrid Topology
  1. It is a combination of ii or topologies.
  2. Inherits the advantages as well as disadvantages of the topologies include.
That's all for today guys. In our adjacent lesson nosotros shall larn virtually Transmission Modes inwards Computer Networks. Happy Reading :)

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