
Yak I Give-And-Take Substitutions - Lesson 45

Friends, this is the 45th Lesson of our One Word Substitutions lesson series. Today nosotros are giving you lot xx 1 give-and-take substitutes of the missive of the alphabet 'U'. Read in addition to practise well. Happy Reading :)

One Word Substitutes Practice Test - 45

  • Emphasize or exhibit that something is important
    • underline (verb)
  • Someone amongst a lower condition or rank
    • underling (noun)
  • Important but non easily noticed or clearly stated
    • underlying (adjective)
  • Make something gradually weaker in addition to less effective 
    • undermine (verb)
  • Form the Earth of an understanding or claim
    • underpin (verb)
  • Make something look less of import piece it is non so
    • underplay (verb)
  • Having less coin in addition to opportunities 
    • underprivileged (adjective)
  • Not recognize how of import or expert something actually is 
    • underrate (verb)
  • Emphasize that something is important 
    • underscore (verb)
  • Sell at a cost that is lower than other companies' prices
    • undersell (verb)
  • Not equally large equally it is normally
    • undersized (adjective)
  • Not having plenty people in addition to thence non surgery well
    • understaffed (adjective)
  • State that something is less of import than it actually is 
    • understate (verb)
  • Elegant inwards a means that is non obvious 
    • understated (adjective)
  • An role instrumentalist who learns the part of about other role instrumentalist inwards a play
    • understudy (noun)
  • Promise or grip to create something 
    • undertake (verb)
  • A business or projection which is of import in addition to difficult 
    • undertaking (noun)
  • Feeling or lineament that is non expressed but is noticeable 
    • undertone (noun)
  • Not used equally much equally it should be 
    • underused (adjective)
  • Not recognize the existent importance of person or somebody 
    • undervalue (verb)
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