
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - Eighth July 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated eighth July 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The waiting game: Nitish's mixed political signals may hold upward a calculated plan"
  • Waiting game - to delay inward a province of affairs where people facial expression y'all to practice something, because y'all mean value this volition orbit y'all an advantage
  • Ascendant - inward the procedure of gaining mightiness or influence over about other person, grouping etc
  • Coalesce - to come upward together in addition to shape a grouping or a unmarried unit
  • Broke ranks - if a fellow member of a grouping breaks ranks, they disagree publicly amongst the residuum of the group
  • Nominee - someone who has been officially suggested for a project or a prize
  • Setback - a employment that delays or that stops progress or makes a province of affairs worse
  • One-off - happening, done, or made alone once
  • Goodwill - friendly in addition to helpful feelings
  • Nonetheless - despite what has but been said
  • Castigate - to criticize someone or something severely
  • Coherent - reasonable in addition to sensible
  • Agenda - all the things that demand to hold upward done or that demand to hold upward idea nearly or solved
  • Reactive - reacting to things that happen, rather than making things come about yourself
  • Narrative - a detail means of explaining or understanding events
  • Put forth - to orbit your opinion
  • Candidature - the fact that someone is a candidate inward an election
  • Counter - an activity that y'all convey inward society to oppose or halt something or cut back its negative effect
  • Nomination - an official proposition that someone should larn a project or a prize, or the determination to orbit them a project or a prize
  • Consensus - understanding amid all the people involved
  • Inability - the fact of non beingness able to practice something
  • Proactive - taking activity in addition to making changes earlier they demand to hold upward made, rather than waiting until problems develop
  • Genuine - real, rather than pretended or false
  • Exit strategy - a excogitation that allows y'all to halt beingness involved inward a province of affairs without causing whatever damage or disadvantage to yourself
  • Ally amongst somebody - to start to back upward someone
  • Alliance - an scheme betwixt 2 or to a greater extent than people, groups, or countries yesteryear which they concord to function together to accomplish something
  • Forge - to prepare a successful relationship, peculiarly inward employment organisation or politics
  • Context -  the full general province of affairs inward which something happens, which helps to explicate it
  • Intense - real swell or extreme
  • Alleged - claimed to hold upward true, fifty-fifty though this has non been proved
  • Irregularity -  a province of affairs inward which the rules, laws, or commons ways of doing things possess got non been followed
  • Flutter - a brusk menstruum of excited activity
  • Perceive - to sympathise or mean value nearly something inward a detail way
  • Conflicting - describes 2 or to a greater extent than things that cannot all hold upward correct or cannot all come about at the same time
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Electric horses: Govt. should orbit taxation incentives to encourage e-vehicles"
  • Incentive - something that encourages a individual to practice something
  • Spectacular - extremely impressive
  • Combustion - the procedure of burning
  • Fossil fuel - a fuel such every bit coal or oil, made from decayed cloth from animals or plants that lived many thousands of years ago
  • Quest - a long hard search
  • Surge - to growth a lot real quickly
  • Hybrid - a mixture of dissimilar things or styles
  • Affordability - inexpensive plenty for ordinary people to afford
  • Conventional - of the usual, traditional, or accepted type, instead of beingness novel in addition to different
  • Sustainability - the mightiness to hold upward maintained at a for certain charge per unit of measurement or level
  • Recycle - to role something again
  • Plug-in - to hold upward connected to an electricity render or to about other slice of equipment
  • Perspective - a means of thinking nearly something
  • Enlivening - to brand something to a greater extent than interesting or lively
  • Mainstream - considered ordinary or normal in addition to accepted or used yesteryear most people
  • Assessment -  calculation of the terms or value of something
  • Density - the marking to which something is heavy or thick
  • Unsurprisingly - inward a means that y'all expected
  • Cater to something - to provide people amongst something they desire or need, peculiarly something odd or special
  • Marque - the hollo of a production produced yesteryear a detail company, peculiarly a car
  • Affordable - inexpensive plenty for ordinary people to afford
  • Moderate - neither real swell nor real small-scale inward amount, size, strength, or degree
  • Intensity - strength
  • Carbon emissions - carbon dioxide in addition to carbon monoxide inward the atmosphere, produced yesteryear vehicles in addition to industrial processes
  • Feasible - possible or probable to succeed
  • By contrast - used when y'all are comparison 2 things or people in addition to proverb that the minute 1 is real dissimilar from the first
  • Dilemma - a province of affairs inward which y'all possess got to brand a hard decision
  • Elegance - the character of beingness graceful in addition to fashionable inward appearance or manner

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