
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - Sixth July 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated sixth July 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Protecting prisoners: Reforms must secure rights of inmates"

  • Reform - to brand an improvement
  • Inmate - someone who is kept inwards a prison, mental hospital, or other institution
  • Prevailing - existing at a particular fourth dimension or inwards a particular place
  • Overcrowding - unpleasant weather caused past times besides many people or things beingness inwards the same place
  • Incarceration - imprisonment
  • Indigent - really poor
  • Horrific - together with hence shocking that it upsets you
  • Stark - used for describing an unpleasant fact or province of affairs that is really obvious or impossible to avoid
  • Brutal - extremely violent
  • Convict - someone who is inwards prison theatre because they are guilty of a crime
  • Custodial - relating to putting or keeping someone inwards prison
  • Vulnerability - the character of beingness easily wound or attacked
  • Authoritarian - controlling everything together with forcing people to obey strict rules together with laws
  • Allegation - a contestation that someone has done something incorrect or illegal fifty-fifty though this has non been proved
  • Lifer - someone who has been sent to prison theatre for the residue of their life
  • Startling - surprising, or really unusual
  • Accustomed to something - to think/start to mean value that something is normal or natural because you lot bring experienced it regularly over a catamenia of time
  • Rudimentary - basic
  • Eyewitness - someone who has seen something happen, specially a criminal offense or an accident
  • Severely - really seriously
  • Assault -  to railroad train on someone violently
  • Riot - a vehement protestation past times a crowd of people
  • Surmise - to approximate that something is true, when you lot do non bring plenty information to evidence that it is true
  • Simmering - something that is simmering is controlled but may outburst out at whatever time, oftentimes violently
  • Discontent - the unhappy feeling that you lot bring when you lot are non satisfied amongst something
  • Prevailing - existing at a particular fourth dimension or inwards a particular place
  • Intense - really dandy or extreme
  • Animus - a potent feeling of disliking someone or something
  • Consolation - something that makes someone who is distressing or disappointed experience better
  • Disconcerting - making you lot experience worried, confused, or surprised
  • Untoward - non suitable, usual, or normal
  • Comprehensive - consummate (including many details or aspects of something)
  • Empowered - having the authorization or mightiness to do something
  • Constitute - to formally found an organization, institution, authorities etc together with laissez passer on it the authorization to operate
  • In the low-cal of - because of
  • Resolution - a formal proposal that is considered past times an organisation together with is commonly voted on at a meeting
  • Amenity - something that makes it comfortable or enjoyable to alive or operate somewhere
  • Hygiene - the exercise of keeping yourself together with the things around you lot clean, inwards social club to preclude illness together with disease
  • Aid - help
  • Anchored inwards something - to last strongly based on a particular railroad train of ideas or beliefs
  • Manual - a majority containing instructions for doing something
  • Obligation - something that you lot must do for legal or moral reasons
  • Reiterate - to repeat something inwards social club to emphasize it or choke far really clear to people
  • Enshrine - to officially tape something such every bit an thought or regulation inwards a document together with hence that it cannot last ignored
  • Amenity - something that makes it comfortable or enjoyable to alive or operate somewhere

Hindu Editorial Topic two : "Missile diplomacy: United States of America must last inventive inwards responding to North Korea"

  • Diplomacy - the mightiness to bargain amongst people inwards a sensitive agency that does non upset or offend them
  • Inventive - adept at thinking of novel together with master copy ideas or methods
  • Provocation - something that causes you lot to react inwards an angry or vehement way
  • President-elect - someone who has been elected president but has non officially started the seat yet
  • Capable - able to do something
  • Defying -  to reject to obey someone or something
  • Intercontinental - hapenning betwixt continents
  • Ballistic - related to the objects that are shot or thrown through the air, such every bit a bullet from a gun
  • Perhaps - used to present that something is possible or that you lot are non certainly close something
  • Lost for words / reply - to last together with hence surprised, shocked etc that you lot do non know what to say
  • Administration - the people responsible for managing a business, organization, or institution
  • Consistently - inwards every illustration or on every occasion
  • Banked on someone/something - to depend on something happening or on someone doing something
  • Crucial - really of import
  • Ally - a province that makes an understanding amongst some other province that they volition operate together to aid each other
  • Rein inwards - to control
  • Addressing -  to elbow grease to bargain amongst a occupation
  • Crisis - a fourth dimension of dandy disagreement, confusion, or suffering
  • Posturing - to do things solely because you lot desire people to divulge you, admire you, or last afraid of you
  • Defiant - refusing to obey a individual or rule
  • Destabilising - to drive problems for a country, government, or individual inwards authorization together with hence that they choke less effective
  • Unlawful - illegal
  • Sanction - an official social club to halt communication, trade, etc amongst a province that has broken international law
  • Threat - an occasion when someone says that they volition drive you lot price or problems, specially if you lot do non do what they tell you lot to do
  • Strategy - a innovation or method for achieving something, specially over a long catamenia of time
  • Doctrine - a railroad train of principles or beliefs, specially religious or political ones
  • Regime - a authorities that controls a country, specially inwards a strict or unfair way
  • Emphasis - special importance or attending that is given to 1 matter inwards particular
  • Back to foursquare 1 - inwards the same province of affairs that you lot were inwards earlier you lot started to do something, amongst no progress made
  • On the tabular array - if a proposal or offering is on the table, someone has suggested it officially together with people are considering it
  • Unpredictability - the character of beingness impossible to predict
  • Be tantamount to something - to bring the same bad qualities or trial every bit something else
  • Peninsula - a long slice of ground that is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non surrounded past times water, but is joined at 1 terminate to a larger surface area of land
  • Isolation - a province of affairs inwards which a province or grouping is lone together with without back upwardly because other countries or groups halt dealing amongst it
  • Roguish - feature of a dishonest or unprincipled person.
  • Overlook - to neglect to divulge or do something
  • Negotiation - formal discussions inwards which people or groups elbow grease to attain an agreement, specially inwards a describe of piece of work organisation or political situation
  • Hostility - opposition to something
  • Counterpart - someone or something that has the same labor or utilisation every bit some other individual or thing, but inwards a dissimilar country, time, situation, or organization
  • Inclined - feeling that you lot desire to do something
  • Opt for - to brand a selection or determination from a gain of possibilities
  • Punitive - relating to or causing penalization or dandy difficulty

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