
Yak July 2017 Electrical Current Affairs Quiz - Laid Upward 4

The Global Forgiveness Day is observed on ?

Name the final province to implement GST ?

Which terra firma has latterly announced that the terra firma volition destination sales of petrol as well as diesel fuel vehicles yesteryear 2040 ?

Islamic Republic of Pakistan has successfully examination fired short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile, which is high-precision weapon organisation amongst the mightiness to live on deployed quickly. Name it ?

G20 Summit, the annual coming together of the G20 (an international forum for the governments as well as fundamental banking concern governors from xx major economies), was latterly held at ?

Which terra firma has recentlyh granted ONGC Videsh a two-year extension to explore stone oil block 128 inwards the South Cathay Sea. [The permission was commencement granted inwards the twelvemonth 2006 which is due to expire inwards mid-June.]

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 United Nations survey has latterly revealed that _____________ is the Most cybersecure terra firma inwards the world, followed yesteryear the US, Malaysia, Oman, as well as Estonia.

What is India's order inwards the to a higher house listing ?

The Indian National Football has managed to secure ________th topographic point at the latest FIFA Blue Planet football game rankings. This is the best ranking secured yesteryear Republic of Republic of India inwards 21 years.

Netherlands' third-largest banking concern has latterly announced that it volition no longer extend credit to clients inwards the tobacco industry. Name it ?

Which terra firma topped the FIFA Blue Planet football game rankings ?

Republic of Republic of India latterly enforced an act which prescribes decease punishment for hijack conspirators inwards illustration of a casualty, as well as life imprisonment otherwise. Name it ?

To facilitate merchandise as well as to amend communication betwixt the 2 countries, Republic of Republic of India as well as which terra firma convey latterly decided to build a duad over Mizoram’s Khawthlangtuipui river (also known every bit Karnaphuli river).

World Chocolate Day is observed on ?

Republic of Republic of India as well as State of Israel jointly launched a $40 1000000 (over ₹258 crore) applied scientific discipline fund during PM Modi's take in to the country. Name it ?

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