
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Tidings Newspaper - Seventh July 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated seventh July 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
  • Reaffirm - to formally too officially province something again
  • Affirm - to province that something is truthful or that you lot concur alongside it, peculiarly inward public
  • Underplay - to brand something look less of import or serious than it actually is
  • Counterpart - a somebody or affair that has the same operate equally roughly other i inward a unlike house or organization
  • Subsequently - after something else happened
  • Diplomatic - able to bargain alongside people inward a sensitive agency that does non upset or offend them
  • Bilateral - involving 2 groups or countries
  • Significance - the importance that something has because it affects other things
  • Camaraderie - friendship too trust betwixt people inward a group
  • Path-breaking - innovative
  • Constitute - if something constitutes something else, it is considered to hold out that thing
  • Breakthrough - a uncovering or achievement that comes after a lot of difficult work
  • Strategic - carefully planned inward monastic enjoin to plough over a item goal, peculiarly inward war, business, or politics
  • Perhaps - used for proverb that you lot are non for certain almost something, or that something may or may non hold out true
  • Diaspora - the displace of a large grouping of people from their habitation province to other countries inward the world
  • Bonhomie - a friendly happy feeling
  • Repudiation -  to tell formally that something is non true
  • Prominently - alongside an of import role; to a large extent
  • Departure - the human activeness of leaving
  • Resolution - a formal proposal that is considered past times an scheme too is ordinarily voted on at a meeting
  • Stature - the total of populace abide by or popularity that someone or something has
  • Leverage - the powerfulness to brand someone produce what you lot want
  • Evolving - slow developing
  • Pragmatism - a practical agency of thinking or dealing alongside problems that emphasizes results too solutions to a greater extent than than theories
  • Eschew - to avoid doing something, peculiarly for moral reasons
  • Hypocrisy - behavior inward which someone claims to bring for certain moral principles or beliefs but behaves inward a agency that shows they are non sincere
  • Infuse - to give someone or something a item quality
  • Déjà vu - the feeling that you lot are having precisely the same experience equally i you lot bring had before
  • Scandal - a province of affairs inward which of import people withdraw inward a dishonest or immoral agency that shocks people
  • Braces for - to larn laid upwardly for something unpleasant
  • Instability - a province of affairs that keeps changing, too then that you lot are worried almost what mightiness happen
  • Coasting -  to plough over success really easily or alongside really piffling effort
  • Inflation - an economical procedure inward which prices increase too then that coin becomes less valuable
  • Recession - a menstruation when merchandise too manufacture are non successful too at that spot is a lot of unemployment
  • Transparent - opened upwardly too honest, without secrets
  • Impeach - to formally bill a populace official of a serious criminal offence relating to their job
  • Incumbent - someone who has an official position
  • Indict - to bill someone officially of a serious crime
  • Prosecutor - a lawyer whose undertaking is to seek out inward courtroom that someone defendant of a criminal offence is guilty
  • Sickening - too then unpleasant that it shocks or upsets you
  • Implicate - to exhibit that someone is involved inward something illegal or morally wrong
  • Giant - a really large too successful company
  • Accusation - a claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong
  • Complicity - the fact that someone is involved inward or knows almost something bad that happens
  • Subsidise - to pay roughly of the cost of goods or services too then that they tin dismiss hold out sold to other people at a lower price
  • Patronage - assist or coin that is given to a somebody or organization
  • Vehemently - involving extremely rigid feelings or beliefs
  • Witch hunt - an elbow grease to regain too punish people whose opinions are unpopular too who are said to hold out a danger to society
  • Uncertain - non clearly known or understood
  • Precarious - probable to alter or pop off unsafe without warning
  • Predecessor - the somebody who had a undertaking or official seat earlier someone else
  • Requisite - necessary for a item purpose
  • Eventually - at the goal of a procedure or menstruation of fourth dimension inward which many things happen
  • Appetite - the feeling of wanting or needing something
  • Precipitate - to brand something move on or get to be all of a abrupt too quickly, peculiarly something bad
  • Downfall - a abrupt loss of power, status, or success
  • Catapult - to all of a abrupt lay someone into an of import position
  • Successor - someone or something that comes after roughly other somebody or thing
  • Turmoil - a province of excitement or uncontrolled activity
  • Generous - larger or to a greater extent than expensive than is green or expected
  • Overhaul - to completely alter a scheme inward monastic enjoin to larn inward piece of work to a greater extent than effectively
  • Envy - to bring the unhappy feeling of wanting to hold out similar someone else or bring what they have
  • Arguably - used for stating your sentiment or belief, peculiarly when you lot intend other people may disagree
  • Agenda -  all the things that demand to hold out done or that demand to hold out idea almost or solved
  • Counterpart - someone or something that has the same undertaking or operate equally roughly other somebody or thing, but inward a unlike country, time, situation, or organization
  • Ill-equipped - without the necessary equipment, skills, or abilities to produce something
  • Populism - politics that represents the interests too opinions of ordinary people
  • Accountability - a province of affairs inward which people know who is responsible for something too tin dismiss enquire them to explicate its province or quality

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