
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - Fifth July 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated fifth July 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Intermission: Post GST, TN must elevator toll controls on motion painting tickets"
  • Intermission - a curt intermission inwards the middle of a play, film, concert etc
  • Progressive - supporting social together with political modify that aims to brand a scheme fairer
  • Yielding - producing something
  • Debilitating - making someone physically or mentally weak
  • Counterproductive - having the contrary resultant to the 1 y'all intended
  • Eventually - at the halt of a procedure or menstruum of fourth dimension inwards which many things happen
  • Protest - a rigid electrical load or disagreement
  • Indefinitely - for a menstruum of fourth dimension that has no fixed end
  • Levy - an amount of coin that y'all accept to pay, for representative every bit a tax
  • Vendor - someone who sells something, but non inwards a shop
  • Incentivise - motivate or encourage (someone) to produce something
  • Consumption - the procedure of buying or using goods, or the amount that people purchase or use
  • Unviable - non able to operate every bit intended; non able to succeed
  • Exploitative - treating people unfairly inwards monastic tell to larn around produce goodness for yourself
  • Strata - a grouping or shape inwards society
  • Piling upwards - to increase a lot
  • Exploitation - the procedure of making role of something together with thus that y'all arrive at every bit much every bit possible from it
  • Exemption - permission to ignore something such every bit a rule, obligation, or payment
  • Pulling the right strings - to secretly command a province of affairs
  • Widespread - happening or existing inwards many places, or affecting many people
  • Abuse - the role of something inwards a bad, dishonest, or harmful way
  • Inhibit - to larn inwards hard for a procedure to offset or proceed inwards a normal way
  • Safeguard - to protect something or someone from beingness harmed or having problems
  • Forego - to determine non to produce or non to accept something
  • Debilitating - causing weakness
  • Globalise - to brand a work concern laid out operating all over the world
  • Investor - a individual or organization that invests coin
  • Liberalising - to brand laws or rules less strict together with thus that people accept to a greater extent than freedom
  • Regulate -  to command an activity, process, or manufacture officially past times using rules
  • Massive - really large or heavy
  • Offshore - an offshore banking corporation or society is non inwards your ain country, but inwards a province where y'all pay less tax
  • Significant - really large or noticeable
  • Noteworthy - worth giving special attending or praise to
  • Respectively - used for proverb that something happens separately to each of the people or things mentioned inwards the monastic tell inwards which they were mentioned
  • Indices - a position out that shows the price, value, or degree of something compared alongside something else
  • Liquidity - a province of affairs inwards which a work concern has coin or holding that it tin sell inwards monastic tell to pay coin that it owes
  • Reform - a modify that is intended to right a province of affairs that is incorrect or unfair, or brand a scheme operate to a greater extent than effectively
  • Stability -  the mightiness of something to rest balanced
  • Volatility - liability to modify chop-chop together with unpredictably, peculiarly for the worse.
  • Transparency - an honest agency of doing things that allows other people to know just what y'all are doing
  • Maturity - the fourth dimension when the involvement together with profits on coin that has been invested must move paid
  • Turmoil - a province of excitement or uncontrolled activity
  • Stock Market Crash - if the stock marketplace position crashes, its value falls suddenly

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