
Yak Sbi Po Previous Papers : Reasoning - Conclusions / Inferences (Set 1)

Reasoning (Conclusions / Inferences) Practice Test from SBI PO Previous Papers

Directions (1-2) : Given below is 1 passage followed yesteryear several possible inferences which tin last drawn from the facts stated inwards the passage. You receive got to examine each inference separately inwards the context of the pas-sage in addition to create upward one's hear upon its grade of truth or falsity. (SBI Associate Banks PO Exam. 14.02.1999) 

Mark, if you lot mean value answer
(1) the inference is 'Definitly True' i.e. it properly follows from the contestation of facts given. 
(2) the inference is 'Probably True' though non 'Definitely True' inwards the low-cal of the facts given.
(3) the 'Data are Inadequate' i.e. from the facts given you lot cannot say whether the inference is likely to last truthful or false.
(4) the inference is 'Probably False' though non 'Definitely False' inwards the low-cal of the facts given. 
(5) the inference is 'Definitely False' i.e it cannot perhaps last drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts.
`Holidays on Instalment Payment (HIP)' plans are existence introduced. According to an Indian Market Research Bureau (IMRB) study, at to the lowest degree 12,000 families inwards Bombay lone volition opt for such deferred payment plans for their holidays inwards the adjacent iii years. 

1. In Bombay Holidays on Instalment Payment (HIP) seems to last fulfilling involve of people. 

2. Compared to the total number of membership of HIP from Bombay appears to last a Tip of Ice-berg'. 

Directions (3-9) : Below is given a passage followed yesteryear several possible inferences which tin last drawn from the facts stated inwards the passage. You receive got to examine each inference separately inwards the context of the pas-sage in addition to create upward one's hear upon its grade of truth or falsity. (SBI Associate Banks PO Exam. 16.07.2000)

Mark answer
(1) if the inference is "definitely true" i.e. it properly follows from the contestation of facts given.
(2) if the inference is "probably true" though non "definitely true" inwards the low-cal of the facts given
(3) if the data are inadequate i.e., from the facts given you lot cannot say whether the inference is likely to last truthful or false. Mark answer 
(4) if the inference is "probably false" though non "definitely false" inwards the low-cal of the facts given. 
(5) if the inference is "definitely false" i.e., it cannot perhaps last drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the facts. 

Procurement of wheat is inwards total swing inwards the northwestern states of India. By June end, world agencies are likely to cease upward amongst foodgrain stocks of virtually xl to 42 meg tonnes, the highest ever witnessed inwards the history of this country. This stock should last to a greater extent than than sufficient to en-sure that the country's "food security" is non endangered fifty-fifty if Bharat faces ii consecutive drought. But strangely enough, spell the granaris overflow, at that topographic point is nevertheless widespread hunger inwards the province fifty-fifty without a draught. The estimates of poverty are existence debated, but broadly one-third of Bharat seems to rest under-fed. And this co-existence of grain surpluses amongst large scale hunger should brand whatever serious policy maker mean value in addition to examine the existing policy mix amongst a sentiment to ensure faster economical growth in addition to reduction inwards poverty.

3. India's foodgrains stock has been satisfactory over the yesteryear few years. 

4. India, at present, is 1 of the countries inwards the footing to receive got sufficient nutrient for its people. 

5. The distribution of foodgrains to the masses has remained a job expanse for India. 

6. The policy of Bharat needs to last revamped to cut down the extent of poverty inwards the country. 

7. Bharat e'er maintains foodgrain stocks to withstand ii consecutive droughts. 

8. More than xxx per cent of population inwards Bharat practise non fifty-fifty larn ii times meals per day. 

9. The policy makers inwards Bharat are unaware of prevalent hunger. 

Directions (10-14) : Below is given a passage followed yesteryear several possible inferences which tin last drawn from the facts stated inwards the passage. You receive got to examine each inference separately inwards the context of the passage in addition to create upward one's hear upon its grade of truth or falsity. (SBI Banks PO Exam. 20.08.2000)

Mark respond (1) if the inference is 'definitely true' i.e. it properly follows from the statements of facts given. 
Mark respond (2) if the inference is 'probably true' though non 'definitely true' inwards the low-cal of the facts given. 
Mark respond (3) if the information are inadequate i.e, from the facts given you lot cannot say whether the inference is likely to last truthful or false. 
Mark respond (4) if the inference is 'probably false' though non 'definitely false' inwards the low-cal of the facts given. 
Mark respond (5) if the inference is 'definitely false' i.e., it cannot perhaps last drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts. 

The XYZ Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation of Bharat Limited has targeted a sales turnover of Rs. 10,000 crores yesteryear the twelvemonth 2005. As a component of its projections for the adjacent 5 years, the federation had envisaged Rs. 100 crore worth of exports per twelvemonth every bit against its nowadays exports of Rs. xxx crores per year. 

As per the federation's plan, the hereafter network volition include 100 offices dealing amongst virtually 7500 stockists, who inwards plough would last roofing every taluka headquarters in addition to servicing virtually 10 lakh odd outlets. Its immediate strategy would last to cater to India's adjacent door neighbours for exports of milk-products. 

The primary players inwards this job organisation inwards the footing are India, United States, Europe, New Zealand in addition to Australia, out of which Europe in addition to the States are forced to become for subsidising due to ascent labour toll spell Commonwealth of Australia in addition to New Zealand are far away from India. 

10. By 2005, to a greater extent than than ninety per cent of production of XYZ volition last used for domestic market. 

11. The federation's emphasis appears to last to a greater extent than on exports than on domestic consumption of its products. 

12. By 2005, Bharat volition last the largest instrumentalist inwards the milk industry. 

13. Bharat does non receive got an immediate contender inwards exporting milk in addition to its production to neighbouring countries. 

14. The XYZ Federation may receive got to educate additional manpower to en-able it to achieve all corners of Bharat in addition to its neighbouring countries. 

Directions (15-19) : In each inquiry below is given a contestation followed yesteryear ii conclusions numbered I in addition to II. You receive got to assume everything inwards the contestation to last true, in addition to then consider the ii conclusions together in addition to create upward one's hear which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubtfulness from the information given inwards the statement. (SBI Banks PO Exam. 20.08.2000)

Give respond (1) if exclusively decision I follows. 
Give respond (2) if exclusively decision II follows. 
Give respond (3) if either I or II follows. 
Give respond (4) if neither I nor II follows 
Give respond (5) if both I in addition to II follow. 

15. Statement : Although nosotros receive got rating agencies similar Crisil, ICRA, at that topographic point is demand to receive got a split upward rating way for information technology Companies to protect investors. 


I. Assessment of financial worth of information technology Companies calls for split upward gear upward of skills, insight in addition to competencies. 

II. Now the investors investing inwards I.T. Companies volition larn protection of their investment. 

16. Statement : Company "Y" volition ameliorate the manufacturing facilities for the production of shaving kits every bit a outcome of which capacity would increase in addition to toll would last reduced — Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 spokesperson of the Company "Y". 


I. The products of Company "Y" volition consummate the marketplace position norms inwards the character in addition to toll factor. 

II. There volition last demand of shaving kits of Company "Y"?  

17. Statement : During 1997-98 the total loss incurred yesteryear the 111 Public Sector Units was to the melody of Rs. 6809 crore which was converted into paid capitals yesteryear the Government of its total investment of Rs. 5129 crore. 


I. The Government is left amongst exclusively 1 alternative that is to priptise these units. 

II. The Government did non accept tending inwards the thing of investments inwards these world sector units. 

18. Statement : Population increase coupled amongst depleting resources is going to last the scenario of many developing countries inwards days to come. 

Conclusions :

I. The population of developing countries volition non popular off along to in-crease inwards future. 

II. It volition last really hard for the governments of developing countries to furnish its people decent character of life. 

19. Statement : Mr. X is 1 of the likely candidates shortlisted for the shipping service of Director of K.L.M. Institute. 

Conclusions :

I. Mr. X volition last selected every bit Director of K.L.M. Institute. 

II. Mr. X volition non last selected every bit Director of K.L.M. Institute. 

Directions (20-24) : Below is given a passage followed yesteryear several possible inferences which tin last drawn from the facts stated inwards the passage. You receive got to examine each inference separately inwards the context of the pas-sage in addition to create upward one's hear upon its grade of truth or falsity. (SBI Banks PO Exam. 11.02.2001) 

Mark respond (1) if the inference is 'definitely true' i.e., it properly follows from the contestation of facts given. 
Mark respond (2) if the inference is 'probably true' though non 'definitely true' inwards the low-cal of the facts given. 
Mark respond (3) if the 'data are inadequate' i.e., from the facts given you lot cannot say whether the inference is likely to last truthful or false. 
Mark respond (4) if the inference is 'probably false' though non 'definitely false' inwards the low-cal of the facts given and 

Mark respond (5) if the inference is 'definitely false' i.e., it cannot perhaps last drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts. 

Pollution amounts to ho-hum murder. Regular exposure to industrial in addition to vehicular pollution leads to lifethreatening diseases similar asthma, pump problems, cancer in addition to diverse other disorders. Therefore, nobody has the correct to pollute, rich or poor. Industrial in addition to vehicular pollution are growing chop-chop across the country. It is non simply metropolitan centres that are heavily polluted today but besides small-scale in addition to medium towns. Pollution is growing faster than the economy. This is because the western technological model, built on heavy work of unloose energy in addition to materials, is an inherently highly toxic model. It produces huge amounts of toxic pollutants, which tin last controlled exclusively if at that topographic point is careful alternative of technology in addition to at that topographic point is considerable dependent inwards its use. 

20. The spread of pollution has gathered momentum inwards the recent past. 

21. The pollution bird inwards the western footing is considerably to a greater extent than than inwards India. 

22. Proper planning inwards work of modern technology leads to less pollution inwards the environment. 

23. The industries which work higher bird of unloose energy create to a greater extent than pollution. 

24. The smaller industrial units con-tribute proportionately higher pollution. 

Directions (25-29) : Below is given a passage followed yesteryear several possible inferences which tin last drawn from the facts stated inwards the passage. You receive got to examine each inference separately inwards the context of the passage in addition to create upward one's hear upon its grade of truth or falsity. (SBI Bank PO Exam. 18.05.2003) 

Mark respond (1) if the inference is 'definitely true', i.e., it properly follows from the contestation of facts given. 
Mark respond (2) if the inference is 'probably true' though non 'definitely true' inwards the low-cal of the facts given. 
Mark respond (3) if the 'data are inadequate', i.e., from the facts given you lot cannot say whether the inference is likely to last truthful or false. 

Mark respond (4) if the inference is 'probably false', though non 'definitely false' inwards the low-cal of the facts given. 
Mark respond (5) if the inference is 'definitely false', i.e., it cannot perhaps last drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts.

From the starting fourth dimension of the novel year, the proficient word continues on the economical front. Following on the heels of encouraging gross domestic product growth figures for the 2d quarter, nosotros immediately receive got happy tidings on the merchandise forepart every bit well. Nov 2002 saw the country's exports tape a healthy 16% increase compared to the corresponding catamenia concluding year. With this, the growth charge per unit of measurement inwards exports for the firstly 8 months of the electrical flow financial immediately stands at a robust 16%. Of course of didactics component of the argue for this patently encouraging performance is because of the base of operations number — exports genuinely vicious 0.8% during 2000-2001. But that is exclusively component of the reason. For the rest, recovery inwards global merchandise in addition to to give credit where it is due, concerted efforts yesteryear exporters receive got played no small-scale role. 

25. The per centum growth inwards exports during 2002-2003 was mainly due to the decreased book of exports during 2001-2002. 

26. The efforts lay inwards yesteryear the Indian exporters were comparatively less than their counterparts inwards developed countries.

27. There has been substantial in-crease inwards the extent of merchandise all over the footing during the concluding financial year. 

28. During 2001-2002, the quantum of country's exports was virtually three-fourth of that inwards 2002- 2003. 

29. There has been consistent drib inwards quantum of exports during concluding iii years.  

Solutions :
  1. (2) The inference is in all probability true. It is mentioned that afterward the statement of Holidays on Instalment Payment (HIP) plans, atleast 12,000 families inwards Bombay lone volition opt for such deferred payment plans for their holidays inwards adjacent iii years ac-cording to an estimate. Therefore, it may last concluded that the novel system is fulfilling the involve of people inwards Mumbai. How-ever, it may last that people could become out fifty-fifty if such plans were non announced. Therefore, grade your respond "probably true". 
  2. (3) The information regarding the total membership of HIP inwards Bharat are non given inwards the passage. 
  3. (1) The contestation " spell the granaries overflow   grain surpluses " clearly supports the given inference. 
  4. (1) The contestation "This stock should last to a greater extent than than sufficient to ensure that country's "food security" is non endangered ...." clearly supports the given inference. 
  5. (1) The contestation "And this co-existence of grain surpluses amongst large scale hunger " shows that distribution of foodgrains to the masses is non proper. 
  6. (1) The concluding judgement of the pas-sage conveys the same idea. 
  7. (5) The work of term "always" inwards the inference makes it contradictory to every bit what has been stated inwards the passage. 
  8. (1) Refer to the judgement " but broadly one-third of Bharat seems to rest underfed." 
  9. (5) It is erroneous to infer that the policy makers inwards Bharat are unaware of prevalent hunger. The concluding judgement of the passage indicates that at that topographic point is involve of adopting a suitable policy. 
  10. (1) The inference seems to last definitely true. It has been stat-ed that XYZ Federation has envisaged Rs. 100 crore worth of exports per twelvemonth spell the targeted sales turnover has been estimated at Rs. 10,000 crore yesteryear the twelvemonth 2005. Therefore it is clear that to a greater extent than than ninety per cent production of XYZ volition last used for domestic market.
  11. (2) Considering the firstly ii paragraphs of the passage it seems that the inference is in all probability true. 
  12. (1) The concluding paragraph indicates that yesteryear 2005 Bharat volition last largest instrumentalist inwards milk industry.
  13. (1) From the facts given inwards the passage it is clear that the inference is true. 
  14. (1) The 2d paragraph of the passage clearly indicates that to a greater extent than manpower volition last required to implement or execute the strategy every bit envisaged yesteryear the XYZ Federation 
  15. (1) Only decision I seems to last reasonable. Considering the dissimilar nature of information technology Companies dissimilar parameters should last employed for ratings. It is non necessary that if split upward rating way is established for information technology Comapnies the investors volition larn protection of their investment. Therefore, decision II does non follow. 
  16. (1) By increasing the manufacturing capacity the Company "Y" would compete reasonably on the toll front. And, every bit such it tin ameliorate the character of its products. Hence, decision I follows. Conclusion II seems to last an assumption. 
  17. (2) Considering the amount of loss incurred yesteryear Public Sector Units it seems to last truthful that the Government did non accept tending inwards the thing of investment inwards the Public Sector Units. The work of term "only" inwards the decision I makes it invalid. 
  18. (2) Clearly, exclusively decision II fol-lows. It is non clear how the population of developing countries volition non increase inwards the future. 
  19. (3) It is mentioned inwards the contestation that Mr. X has been declared successful inwards the preliminary screening for the shipping service of Director of KLM Institute. Therefore, either he volition last selected or volition non last selected every bit Director of KLM Institute. 
  20. (1) The inference seems to last definitely true. Consider the fol-lowing line of the passage : "Industrial in addition to vehicular pollutions are growing chop-chop across the country".
  21. (3) The passage exclusively deals amongst the pollution bird inwards the Indian context. 
  22. (1) It is clear from the concluding line of the passage that proper planning in addition to dependent inwards the work of modern technology leads to less pollution. 
  23. (1) Consider the next lines of the passage. "Pollution is growing faster than economy. This is because the western technological model, built on heavy work of unloose energy in addition to materials, is inherently highly toxic model. It produces huge amounts of toxic pollutants...." 
  24. (5) From the facts given inwards the passage it is incorrect to assume that the smaller industrial units contribute proportionately high-er pollution. 
  25. (5) It is clearly mentioned that the decreased book of exports during 2001-2002 is non the primary argue for the per centum growth inwards exports during 2002-2003. 
  26. (3) Such comparing is non made inwards the passage. 
  27. (1) The inference is definitely true. Refer to the concluding line of the passage. 
  28. (4) The inference is in all probability false. Refer to the passage. 
  29. (5) The inference is definitely false. Refer to the passage. 
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