
Yak English Discussion Ability Quiz For Competitive Exams - Laid Upwards 77

  1. To exult is to 
    1. Extricate
    2. Keep quiet
    3. Rejoice
    4. Enter
    5. Bypass
  2. The pregnant of fallible is
    1. Unbalanced
    2. Trustworthy
    3. Faithful
    4. Unreliable
    5. Weak
  3. To fawn is to 
    1. Skin a dead animal
    2. Keep a deer equally pet
    3. Curry favour
    4. Forget
    5. Run after
  4. A fiendish person is
    1. A pupil of witchcraft
    2. A collector of poisons
    3. Mad
    4. Inhuman
    5. Very smart
  5. The contrary of orderly is
    1. Disobedience
    2. Disorderly
    3. Significant
    4. Poverty
    5. Opportune
  6. The contrary of cause is
    1. Support
    2. Confusing
    3. Optional
    4. Outcome
    5. Preference
  7. The contrary of outlet is
    1. Exit
    2. Perforce
    3. Inlet
    4. Islet
    5. Predominant
  8. Which of the next agency which settles something ?
    1. Decisive
    2. Persuasive
    3. Fine
    4. Last
    5. Immense
  9. What is the plural cast of knavery ?
    1. Knaverys
    2. Knavery
    3. Knaveries
    4. Knaverees
    5. Knaverese
  10. Mark TRUE or FALSE, equally the illustration may be.
    1. A nobody is a mortal of no importance 
    2. A os of contestation is a campaign for usual agreement
    3. To brand no bones is non to hesitate 
    4. To convey a os to alternative is to convey a campaign of complaint
    5. Bosom friends are really closed friends 
 Shared yesteryear Amrita Rajnish
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