
Yak Gk : Coin & Banking


Money is that commodity which is to a greater extent than ofttimes than non acceptable (legally) equally a me-ans of payment inwards the village of all transaction including debt. Money performs next functions.
  • Medium of exchange 
  • Unit of account 
  • Standard of deferred payment 
  • Store of value 
  • Basis of credit creation
  • Basis of distribution of national income, etc.

Indian Currency

  • Indian currency is likewise known equally Fiat Money i.e. Money on the Fiat (order) of the government. It is likewise Known equally Legal Tender Money. 
  • Reserve Bank of Republic of Republic of India manages the currency of Republic of Republic of India spell the responsibleness of coinage vests amongst Government of India. 
  • Presently Indian currency arrangement is based on the "Minimum Reserve System". 
  • This agency if RBI is willing to impress additional currency, than later from considering technical front, it has to proceed solely a mini-mum sum of reserve which volition allow it to impress equally much currency equally it willing to print. 
Gresham's Law : Bad money (wornout notes as well as currencies) drives proficient money out of the market.

New Monetary Aggregates

It was suggested past times the working grouping constituted inwards Dec 1997 nether the Chairmanship of Dr.Y.V.Reddy inwards 1998. 

M1= Currency inwards circulation + ask deposits amongst banks + other deposits amongst RBI

Note : RBI has 2 types of deposits. One is the deposits of the commercial banks as well as other is the deposit of for sure individuals such equally Ex. Governors of RBI who are permitted to utilisation RBI similar whatever commercial bank. President of Republic of Republic of India tin likewise opened upward an describe organisation human relationship amongst RBI. 

M2 = Ml + Time liabilities part of saving deposit amongst banks + certificate of deposits issued past times banks + term deposits amongst banks maturing inside 1 year. 

M3 = M2+ term deposits amongst banks over 1 yr maturity + call/term borrowing of banks. 

M4 = Abolished 

M0 = Currency inwards circulation + other deposits amongst RBI + Cash reserves of depository fiscal establishment amongst the depository fiscal establishment itself as well as amongst the RBI. 


  • The commencement commercial depository fiscal establishment was established inwards 1770 past times the Alexander & Company, named Bank of Hindustan. 
  • The Bank of Bengal was established inwards 1806 at Calcutta. The Bank of Bombay was established inwards 1840 at Bombay as well as Bank of Madras inwards 1843 at Madras. 
  • These Three Presidency banks were amalgamated on 27 Jan 1921 as well as Imperial Bank of Republic of Republic of India was established. 
  • On July 1, 1955 the majestic Bank of Republic of Republic of India was partially nationalized as well as it named State Bank of India.
  • In 2006 State Bank of Republic of Republic of India celebrated its 200th yr of establishment equally the founder depository fiscal establishment was established inwards 1806. 
  • At introduce State Bank of Republic of Republic of India is the largest commercial depository fiscal establishment of India. 
  • Punjab National depository fiscal establishment was established inwards 1894 as well as it is known equally the commencement very Indian depository fiscal establishment equally it was established past times Indians only. 
  • Banks inwards Republic of Republic of India tin endure classified into : 
    • Public Sector Banks
    • Private Sector Banks
    • Co-operative Banks
    • Regional Rural Banks 
    • Foreign Banks

Reserve Bank of Republic of Republic of India

  • The Reserve Bank of Republic of Republic of India was established on Apr 1, 1935 nether the Reserve Bank of Republic of Republic of India Act, 1934. 
  • RBI was established amongst v Crore equally its working capital missive of the alphabet on the footing of the recommendations of the Hilton Young Commission. 
  • RBI was nationalized on Jan 1, 1949. 
  • The Central business office of the Reserve Bank of Republic of Republic of India was initially established inwards Kolkata but was permanently moved to Bombay inwards 1937. 
  • The full general superintendence as well as administration of the RBI is entrusted amongst the 20-member-strong Central Board of Directors including the Governor 4 Deputy Governors. 
  • The commencement Indian Governor of RBI was C.D. Deshmukh. 
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