
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Tidings Newspaper - 17Th April 2017

Hai  Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English linguistic communication Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu dated 17th Apr 2017. You tin click on the Titles to read the Editorials. Happy reading :)

Note : There were no editorials inwards THE HINDU on 16th Apr 2017 (Sunday)

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Justice Karnan's outrageous defiance"
  • Outrageous  - shocking in addition to morally unacceptable
  • Defiance - behavior inwards which you lot reject to obey someone or something
  • Continuance - the procedure of continuing
  • Mockery - something that makes a system, scheme etc seem stupid or useless
  • Judiciary - the role of a country's authorities that is responsible for its legal system, including all the judges inwards the country's courts
  • Disrepute - the province of non beingness trusted or respected
  • Flout - to deliberately reject to obey a dominion or custom
  • Conduct - behaviour
  • Democracy - the belief inwards liberty in addition to equality betwixt people
  • Curious - odd in addition to interesting
  • Disgraceful - extremely bad or shocking
  • Intolerable - impossible to send or bargain with
  • Summoning - to officially gild someone to come upwards to a place, particularly a courtroom of law
  • Affront - a remark or activity intended to insult or offend someone
  • Apex - plough over or highest
  • Foster - to assistance something to develop over a menses of time
  • Harmonious - friendly in addition to peaceful
  • Regret - to experience sorry or lamentable that something has happened
  • Suo motu - on its ain motion
  • Erroneous - incorrect or false
  • Instance - a detail situation, event, or fact, particularly an example of something that happens generally
  • Misconduct - unacceptable or bad behavior yesteryear someone inwards a seat of control or responsibility
  • Contempt - a rigid feeling of disliking in addition to having no honour for someone or something
  • Denigrating - to say that someone or something is non skillful or important
  • Allegation - a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something incorrect or illegal
  • Apparent - able to survive seen or understood
  • Recalcitrant - (of a person) unwilling to obey orders or to practice what should survive done, or (of an animal) refusing to survive controlled
  • Accusing - suggesting that you lot think someone has done something bad
  • Discrimination - treating a individual or detail grouping of people differently, particularly inwards a worse means from the means inwards which you lot process other people, because of their peel colour, sex, sexuality,etc
  • Invoking - to brand someone direct keep a detail feeling or think something
  • Peer - a individual who is the same historic menses or has the same social seat or the same abilities equally other people inwards a group
  • Pertaining to something - to relate to or direct keep a connection amongst something
  • Barged into - to walk into a room quickly, without beingness invited
  • Hearing - an official coming together that is held to collect the facts nearly an result or problem
  • Hurling - to call insults or rude linguistic communication at someone angrily
  • Volley - a lot of questions, insults etc all spoken or made at the same time
  • Invective - insulting linguistic communication or swearing
  • Hauled upwards - to forcefulness someone to choke somewhere or reckon someone inwards gild to survive punished or to respond questions nearly their behaviour
  • Contempt - a rigid feeling of disliking in addition to having no honour for someone or something
  • Restrain - to command the actions or behavior of someone yesteryear force
  • Impeachment - to formally bill a world official of a serious criminal offence relating to their job
  • Give total play - to develop in addition to utilisation emotions or ideas completely
  • Alleged - to say that someone has done something illegal or incorrect without giving proof
  • Grievance - a electrical load or a rigid feeling that you lot direct keep been treated unfairly
  • Vividly - clearly
  • Inadequacy - the fact that something is non skillful plenty or is also minor inwards amount
  • Infusion - the deed of adding i matter to to a greater extent than or less other to brand it stronger or better
  • Transparency - the character of beingness done inwards an opened upwards means without secrets

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Army personnel using 'human shield': The rights thing"
  • Personnel - the people who are employed inwards a company, organization, or i of the armed forces
  • Shield - something or someone used equally protection or providing protection
  • Swift - happening or moving rapidly
  • Compel - to forcefulness someone to practice something
  • Viral - used to depict something that rapidly becomes rattling pop
  • Bonnet - the metallic comprehend over the role of a machine where the engine is
  • Escort - to choke amongst a individual or vehicle, particularly to brand for certain that he, she, or it leaves or arrives safely
  • Constituency - i of the official areas of a province that elects someone to stand upwards for it inwards a parliament or legislature
  • Threatening - showing or proverb that someone is probable to practice something that volition impairment you
  • Stone-pelters - people who throw stones amongst forcefulness at someone or something
  • Subsequently - afterward something else happened
  • Embroider - to decorate fabric or wearable amongst patterns or pictures consisting of stitches that are sewn straight onto the material
  • Humiliation - something that makes you lot experience rattling embarrassed in addition to ashamed
  • Hardly - exclusively just; almost not
  • Indeed - used to limited that something is correct
  • Forcibly - amongst physical ability or violence
  • Gross - total
  • Violation - an activity that breaks or acts against something, particularly a law, agreement, principle, or something that should survive treated amongst respect
  • Called out - to criticize someone or inquire them to explicate their actions
  • Cynically - inwards a distrustful means that expresses a belief that people are motivated purely yesteryear self-interest
  • Civil state of war - a state of war fought yesteryear unlike groups of people living inwards the same country
  • Abduct - to forcefulness someone to choke somewhere amongst you, oft using threats or violence
  • Hostage - someone who is taken equally a prisoner yesteryear an enemy inwards gild to forcefulness the other people involved to practice what the enemy wants
  • Potentially - maybe true
  • In harm’s means - inwards a unsafe situation
  • Blend inwards - to expect or seem the same equally surrounding people or things in addition to hence non survive easily noticeable
  • Unenviable - unpleasant or difficult
  • Hybrid - something that is a mixture of 2 rattling unlike things
  • Surfaced - appeared
  • Exercising - an activity or actions intended to improve something or brand something happen
  • Admirable - deserving to survive respected
  • Restraint - calm in addition to controlled behaviour
  • Ironic - expressing the contrary of what you lot actually think
  • Hypocritical - claiming to direct keep for certain moral principles or beliefs but behaving inwards a means that shows you lot are non sincere
  • Defending - to protect someone or something against assault or criticism
  • Indefensible - also bad to survive protected from criticism
  • Hostile - unfriendly in addition to non liking something
  • Abysmally - rattling badly
  • Turnout - the seat out of people who are acquaint at an event, particularly the seat out who choke to vote at an election
  • Alienation - to drive someone or a grouping of people to halt supporting in addition to agreeing amongst you
  • Intimidation - to frighten or threaten someone, unremarkably inwards gild to persuade them to practice something that you lot desire them to do
  • Bandobast - protection of a person, building, or scheme against criminal offence or attack
  • Precisely - exactly
  • Binary - consisting of 2 parts
  • Expedite - to brand something travel on to a greater extent than quickly
  • Erring - to brand a error or to practice something wrong
  • Affirm - to province something equally true
  • Vis-à-vis - ​in relation to
  • Circumstance - a fact or status that affects a situation

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