
Healthy Living Option Therapies – Beyond The Myths

A especial study inward the January 2007 Consumer Reports on Health, titled “Alternative therapies – Beyond the myths,” had this to enjoin nearly such therapies (note that herbs as well as supplements nosotros non included inward this report):
  • Some people are resistant to hypnosis
  • Acupuncture doesn’t hurt
  • Most choice techniques conduct maintain real petty conduct chances because they rarely crusade adverse effects when performed properly
  • Tai chi tin aid joints damaged yesteryear rheumatoid arthritis
  • Unconventional cancer handling methods, such every bit mind-body methods, massage therapy, as well as acupuncture, are to a greater extent than ofttimes than non rubber to piece of occupation inward conjunction amongst measure cancer attention treatments
  • Cognitive therapy tin aid preclude relapse of depression
    Spinal manipulation is no improve than acupuncture, yoga, mind-body methods, as well as message for low-back pain
  • Mind-body therapies are useful for chronic affliction as well as for reducing the hurting as well as recovery fourth dimension of surgery
  • If a patient’s physician persistently disparages choice handling despite the patient’s efforts to hash out them as well as despite providing supporting evidence, the patient should consider seeking a dissimilar doctor.

See the PBS documentary “The New Medicine” for to a greater extent than nearly the value of complementary as well as choice medicines (CAM).

Being trained every bit a clinical psychologist specializing inward cognitive therapy, as well as having studied the mind-body connection for many years, I’ve been aware of the value of sure enough types of CAM therapies. Around 10 years ago, I attempted to promote the sentiment of “biopsychosocial healthcare” amongst petty success, as well as I confronted extreme resistance from my mental wellness colleagues.

Have things changed plenty inward the yesteryear 10 years to brand CAM as well as well-care to a greater extent than accepted yesteryear mainstream medicine?

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