
Yak Reckoner Noesis Quiz From Previous Papers - Gear Upwardly 2

  1. Non - Physical components of the reckoner are referred to as 
    1. CPU
    2. Software
    3. Hardware
    4. Program
    5. None of these
  2. Computers utilisation the ________________ divulge organization to shop information together with perform calculations. 
    1. binary
    2. decimal
    3. octal
    4. hexadecimal
    5. None of these
  3. A reckoner organization includes
    1. hardware
    2. softawre
    3. peripheral devices
    4. all of these
    5. none of these
  4. Which of the next is non a basic share of a reckoner ? 
    1. Accept input
    2. Scan data
    3. Process data
    4. All of the above
    5. None of the above
  5. Information that comes from external source together with fed into reckoner software is called 
    1. output
    2. input
    3. throughput
    4. reports
    5. None of these
  6. A reckoner tin perform which of the next tasks ?
    1. Computation
    2. Storing data
    3. Processing
    4. All of the above
    5. None of the above
  7. Which i of the next is / are characteristic (s)  or share (s) of reckoner ?
    1. Data collection
    2. Data processing
    3. Data storage
    4. Data output
    5. All of these
  8. Abacus was developed by 
    1. India
    2. China
    3. America
    4. Unan
    5. Germany
  9. Which of the next device used 'set of beads' to stand upwards for the unit of measurement of information ?
    1. ENIAC
    2. EDVAC
    3. Abacus
    4. MARK - 1
    5. None of these
  10. The counting board inwards which numbers are represented called Abacus. By what get upwards is it known inwards Nippon ?
    1. Suanpan
    2. Soroban
    3. Napier's beads
    4. Suharto
    5. None of these
  11. Antikyathera machinery was mainly used to perform
    1. Astronomical calculation 
    2. Logarithm
    3. Trigonometry
    4. Time calculation
    5. All of these
  12. Rabdologia was the applied scientific discipline used for calculation operate introduced in 
    1. 1617
    2. 18011824
    3. 1901
    4. 1917
  13. Napier's Bones performs
    1. addition together with subtractoin
    2. only addition
    3. only subtraction
    4. age calculation
    5. multiplication together with division
  14. Computer's basic architecture was developed by 
    1. Charles Babbage
    2. Blaise Pascal
    3. Steve Newton
    4. John Von Neumann
    5. Henery Johns
  15. In which twelvemonth slide dominion was developed ?
    1. 1605
    2. 1620
    3. 1750
    4. 1855
    5. 1898
  16. Slide dominion is too known every bit _______________ inwards United States 
    1. Slipstick
    2. Larvace
    3. Scale of US
    4. US rule
    5. Fed rule
  17. Pascaline is too known as 
    1. mechanical machine
    2. adding machine
    3. division machine
    4. difference machine
    5. None of these
  18. Who described the characteristic 'Read i bill of fare at a time' of tabulating machine ?
    1. Herman Hollerith
    2. John Von Newmann
    3. Howard Aiken
    4. John Pele
    5. Ada Byron
  19. What create yous hateful past times Jacquard loom ?
    1. A aeroplane flora inwards Japan
    2. A weaving machine used punched cards
    3. The offset reckoner controlled loom
    4. A machine for writing math tables
    5. None of the above
  20. _________ was the offset reckoner programmer inwards the history of computer
    1. Ian Morre
    2. Christopher Kyana
    3. Joseph Jade
    4. Lisa Babage
    5. Ada Byron

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