
Healthy Living Data Overload As Well As Wellness Decision-Making (Part 2)

I concluded my previous post amongst the questions: So, what should nosotros do? Focus on collecting “minimal measure information sets” that provides around useful information together with avoids overload, simply are non plenty to improve wellness decisions substantially? Or should nosotros start out collecting comprehensive information fifty-fifty though nosotros lack the mightiness to operate it all to back upwardly decisions, together with fifty-fifty at the gamble of information overload?

If our finish is improve healthcare lineament together with command costs, I fence that nosotros should collect all the relevant
data humanly possible together with plough it into useful information together with cognition that increases understanding for wise determination making. But how tin flaming this live on done without creating information overload?

To respond this question, let’s re-examine the Definition of information overload: It is a nation of having to a greater extent than
information available than 1 tin flaming readily assimilate, that is, people convey difficulty absorbing the information into their base of operations of knowledge. Well, what has to move on for people to increment people's mightiness to assimilate information?

I fence that people amongst to a greater extent than valid cognition well-nigh a detail cognition domain (i.e., plain or branch of knowledge, such every bit diagnosing medical problems), together with the to a greater extent than they empathize that domain (e.g., the amend able they are to operate their cognition to respond questions well-nigh prevention, diagnosis, together with treatment), thus the to a greater extent than they information they tin flaming absorb well-nigh that domain together with operate it to improve their decisions. In other words, the stronger one’s foundation of cognition well-nigh something together with mightiness to utilize that cognition effectively, the to a greater extent than 1 tin flaming acquire together with integrate into one’s existing base of operations of cognition without experiencing information overload.

This agency that a termination of the
knowledge gap inwards healthcare today is people’s susceptibility to information overload. This creates a gummy cycle of information input --> information overload --> information rejection --> inhibited cognition growth. This results inwards a style to minimize information input, e.g., past times focusing on minimal information sets rather than the collection together with integration of comprehensive, multidisciplinary sets of information across patients’ lifetimes described inwards the previous post, including patient results (clinical outcomes & costs), provider characteristics together with handling methods/processes, together with patient attributes.

Breaking out of this knowledge-inhibiting cycle requires a dramatic shift inwards the way nosotros thought together with approach wellness information management. This theme continues here.

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