
Yak 1St June 2018 Daily Electrical Flow Affairs - Pdf Download

Dear Great Ambitionists, hither are today's (1st June 2018) Important Current Affairs updates. You tin dismiss download the pdf version of these electrical flow affairs from below link. Happy Reading :)

Daily Current Affairs of 1st June 2018

International Current Affairs
  • Today is World Milk Day
    • This twenty-four lx minutes catamenia was initiated on 1st June 2001 past times the Food too Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to celebrate all aspects of milk every bit a global food.
    • Important Note : Don't endure confused this twenty-four lx minutes catamenia amongst National Milk Day. National Milk Day is different. We reveal National Milk Day on 26th Nov to celebrate the nativity anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien.
    • Theme of World Milk Day 2018 : "Drink Move Be Strong". 
  • Today (1st June) is Global Day of Parents.
    • This is a United Nations (UN) observance to respect parents too their commitment to children worldwide.
  • As business office of Digital Republic of Republic of India Initiative, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today launched BHIM, RuPay and SBI mobile payment applications in Singapore at a concern effect focussed on digital platforms.
    • These financial remittances are for Indian diaspora inwards Singapore.
  • Prime Minister of Espana Mariano Rajoy lost a confidence vote inwards the Parliament today.
    • This makes his authorities the first inwards Castilian history to endure ousted this way
  • Uganda today passed a neb for "social media tax" imposing a daily fee of nearly 200 shillings (₹3.57) for using platforms similar WhatsApp, Facebook, too Twitter.
  • Denmark today voted inwards favour of a ban on full-face veils inwards public, including Islamic veils such every bit the niqab or burqa.  
  • World's largest international maritime warfare exercise, RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific Exercise) will endure held from 27th June 2018 to sec August 2018.
    • As many every bit 26 countries, including India, volition participate inwards the biennial exercise.
National Current Affairs
  • The Andhra Pradesh government has announced a start of it's sort monthly allowance of ₹1,000 each to unemployed graduate youths in the province amongst an upper historic catamenia restrain of 35. 
  • The Unique Identification Authority of Republic of Republic of India (UIDAI) has extended the deadline for service providers to implement the Virtual ID (VID) system to July 1. 
    • Note : The Virtual ID organisation aims to give users the alternative of non sharing their Aadhaar seat out amongst service providers too give them a 16-digit temporarily generated VID instead. 
  • The 1st biannual Indian Air Force Commanders' Conference was inaugurated held at Air Headquarters, New Delhi.
    • This conference was inaugurated past times Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.
    • Minister of State for Defence Dr Subhash Bhamre, Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa were amid those who were acquaint at the conference. 
Banking, Business & Economic Affairs
  • The authorities has met its revised financial deficit target for 2017-18 at 3.53% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
    • The authorities had originally laid a financial deficit target of 3.2% of gross domestic product but revised it to 3.5% at the fourth dimension of Budget 2018. 
    • The revenue deficit during financial 2017-18 was ₹4.43 trillion or 101% of the Budget estimate.
  • India has decided to become ahead amongst acquiring the S-400 anti-aircraft missile organisation from Russia despite the US alert against the procurement.
    • The ₹40,000-crore bargain volition endure announced during a summit betwixt PM Narendra Modi too President Vladimir Putin in October.
  • Malaysia has ready a trust fund for the populace titled Malaysia Hope Fundto donate coin to attention the authorities repay the country's debt.
    • Note : Malaysia's national debt amounts to $250.8 billion which is 80% of its GDP.
  • Maharashtra Agriculture Minister Pandurang Pundalik Fundkar (67) passed away later suffering a cardiac arrest.
Awards & Honors
  • Kerala cartoonist Thomas Antony has won the 13th edition of the World Press Cartoon award, inwards the best caricature category. 
  • 14-year-old Indian-American boy, Karthik Nemmani, has won the 91st Scripps National Spelling Bee challenger held annually inwards the US, becoming the 14th consecutive Indian-American champion inwards eleven consecutive years. 
  • American rapper too songwriter Kendrick Lamar made history past times becoming the first hip-hop creative mortal to win a Pulitzer Prize for Music
    • Note : The Pulitzer Prize for Music is ane of the 7 American Pulitzer Prizes that are annually awarded for Letters, Drama, too Music.
New Appointments
  • Justice Krishna Murari of the Allahabad High Court has been appointed every bit the every bit the Chief Justice of Punjab too Haryana High Court.
  • Vijay Mallya's boy Siddarth has replaced him every bit the Director of Force India'.
    • Note : The Indian human being of affairs was business office of a consortium that bought the Spyker squad inwards 2007 too renamed it Force India.
  • Lt Gen Ranbir Singh has been appointed every bit the new Northern Army commander.
    • He replaces Lt Gen Anbu who has been appointed every bit the Vice-Chief of the Indian Army
MOUs & Agreements
  • India and World Bank signed a 500 ane grand one thousand Dollar loan understanding to furnish additional financing for the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) Rural Roads Project.
    • The projection was implemented past times Ministry of Rural Development, which volition build 7,000 km of climate resilient roads, out of which 3,500 km volition endure constructed using greenish technologies.
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