
Yak Quantitative Aptitude : Partnership Problems Amongst Solutions - Lesson 2

Hi friends, I am Aindree. In our previous lesson, nosotros accept learnt the Introduction of Partnership theme of Aptitude Section. Today nosotros shall run into but about practise problems alongside explanations. Happy Reading :)

Note : Before reading these examples, delight read the Introductory Lesson 1 from here for ameliorate understanding. Thank you lot :)

Example vi : A, B as well as C investment inwards a partnership inwards the ratio of v : vi : 8. Ratio of their profits is v : 3 : 12. Find the ratio of fourth dimension for their investment ?

Solution :

Required Ratio = (5/5) : (3/6) : (12/8)

= 1 : (1/2) : (3/2)

= 2 : 1 : 3

Example vii : Three people A, B as well as C invested coin inwards a partnership inwards the ratio of iv : 2 : eight ratio of their fourth dimension of investment is 3 : 3 : 2. What is the ratio of their profits ?

Solution :

Required ratio = iv x 3 : 2 x 3 : eight x 2

= 12 : vi : 16

= vi : 3 : 8

Example eight : P, Q as well as R are partners inwards a business. P puts inwards Rs. 350,  Rs. 450 as well as R Rs. 550. What is the part of R inwards a profits of Rs. 405 at the halt of the twelvemonth ?
    Solution :
    P, Q, R's investments 350 : 450 : 550
    Profit ratio 350 : 450 : 550
    = vii : ix : 11
    Total Profit = 27 parts = 405
    R's profits = (405/27) x eleven = 165
      Example ix : x as well as y motion into into partnership. x contributed Rs.6,000 for iv months as well as y Rs. 5,000 for eight months. What is the part of profits of y out of Rs. 6,000 ?

      Solution :

      x, y's investments     6000    5000
      Investment menstruation       iv           8

      Profit ratio = >  6000 x iv : 5000 x 8

      => 24 : 40 

      = >  3 : 5

      Total profits = eight parts = 6000

      y's part = v parts = (6000/8) x v = 3750

      Example ten : A, B as well as C motion into into partnership. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 puts inwards Rs. 1200 for vi months, B Rs. 800 for vii months as well as C Rs. 600 for eight months. What is the part of Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 out of the profits Rs. 396 ?

      Solution :

      A, B, C's investments           12000          800          600
      Investment period                     vi                7              8
      Profit ratio   72 : 56 : 48

                            ix : vii : 6

      Total profits = 22 parts = 396

      A's part = ix parts = (396/22) x ix = 162

      Example eleven : Anita, Sunitha as well as Kavitha are 3 partners inwards a partnership. Anitha subscribe 1/3 of the uppercase as well as Sunitha 1/4 as well as Kavitha, the rest. What is the part of Kavitha inwards the full profits of Rs. 600 ? 

      Solution :

      Anita, Sunitha, Kavitha's investment

      =1/3, 1/4, 1 - [ (1/3) + (1/4) ]

      Profit ratio = 1/3 : 1/4 : 5/12

      Total profits = 12 parts = 600 = iv : 3 : 5

      Share of Kavitha = v parts = (600/12) X v = 250

      Example 12 : Abhishikitha as well as Pranavi commencement a employment organisation alongside Rs. 7500 as well as Rs. 6000 respectively. Abhishikita is a sleeping partner as well as Pranavi gets 12.5% of the profits for managing the business. How should a profits of Rs. 1440 survive divided betwixt them ?

      Solution :

      Abhishikitha, Pranavi's invest 7500, 6000

      Profit ratio = 7500 : 6000

      = v : 4

      Abhishikita is sleeping partner, 

      So Pranavi's profits for managing employment organisation inwards full profit  = 1440 x 12.5% = Rs. 180

      Remaining profits = (5+4) parts  = ix parts

      = 1440 - 180 = Rs. 1260

      Abhishikita's share

      = 1260 x (5/9) = Rs. 700

      Pranavi's part = 180 + 1260 x (4/9) = Rs. 740

      Example thirteen : Sowmith began employment organisation alongside Rs. 4500 as well as was afterwards joined past times Mourya alongside Rs. 5400. WHen did Mourya bring together if the profits at the halt of the twelvemonth were divided inwards the ratio of 2 : 1 ?

      Solution :

      Let Mourya's joining fourth dimension 'x'

      Sowmith, Mourya's investments           Rs. 4500          Rs. 5400
      Investment period               12          (12-x)

      Profit ratio = 4500 x 12 : 5400 x (12x)

      = ten : (12 - x)

      But, given ratio  2 : 1

      =>  10/(12 - x) = 2/1

      12 - x = 10/2

      24 - 2x = 10

      => 2x = 14
      => x = 7

      Example fourteen : Avinash began employment organisation alongside Rs. 4200 as well as was joined afterward past times Nikhilesh alongside Rs. 7200. When did Nikhilesh bring together if the profits at the halt of a twelvemonth were divided as ?

      Solution :

      Let menstruation 'x'

      Avinash, Nikhilesh investments                 42000,    7200
      Investment period                      12    (12-x)

      Profit ratio = 4200 x 12 : 7200 (12-x)

      From data, profits are equal then

      => 4200 x 12 =7200 x (12-x)

      vii = 12-x

      x = 5

      Example fifteen : Prabath as well as Rohith motion into into partnership which capitals as v : 6. At the halt of eight months, Prabath withdraws; if they have the profits inwards the ratio of v : 9, notice how long Rohith's uppercase was used ?

      Solution :

      Let menstruation 'x'

      Prabath, Rohith's investment ratio =  v : vi

      Investment menstruation eight : x

      Profit ratio   twoscore : 6x

      given ratio = v : 9

      =>  40/6x = 5/9

      => x = 12

      shared past times Aindree Mukherjee

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