
Yak Quantitative Aptitude Practise Attempt For Banking Concern Together With Insurance Exams (With Explanations)

Quantitative Aptitude Practice Test

1. The reveal of students studying Arts, Commerce in addition to Science inwards an Institute inwards the twelvemonth 2002 were inwards the ratio 8 : five : half-dozen respectively. If the reveal inwards the 3 disciplines increased past times 30%, 20% in addition to 60% respectively inwards the twelvemonth 2003, what was the novel respective ratio ?
  1. 9 : seven : 8
  2. 26 : xv : 24 
  3. 27 : xiii : 12 
  4. Can't live on determined 
  5. None of these 
2. In how many dissimilar ways tin the letters of the discussion 'HOUSING' live on rearranged ? 
  1. 120
  2. 720 
  3. 2150 
  4. 2520 
  5. None of these 
3. H5N1 man child walks 14m to cross a foursquare champaign diagonally. What is the surface area of the square?
  1. 78 sqm 
  2. 120 sqm 
  3. 118 sqm 
  4. Can't live on determined 
  5. None of these 
4. 8 women tin consummate a operate inwards 10 days in addition to 10 children accept sixteen days to consummate the same work. How many days volition 10 women in addition to 12 children accept to consummate the operate ? 
  1. 5
  2. Can't live on determined 
  3. None of these 
5. The divergence betwixt the Compound involvement in addition to the uncomplicated involvement accrued on an amount of Rs. 2500 inwards 3 years was Rs. 153. 86. What was the charge per unit of measurement of involvement per centum per annum ? 
  1. 15 
  2. 12 
  3. 14 
  4. Can't live on determined 
  5. None of these 
Directions (Q.No.6-10) : In each of the next questions ii equations are given. You produce got to solve them in addition to Give response : 
  1. If a < b 
  2. If a > b 
  3. If a <= b 
  4. If >= b 
  5. If a = b 
I. 21a2 + 5a- iv = 0
II. 9b2+ 18b = -8 

I. a2= 0.64
II. 5b2 +24b + sixteen = 0

I. 6a2 + 13a + five = 0
II. 4b2- 14b - 8 = 0

I. 18a2 + 43 a + 17 = 0
II. 12b2- 38b = 14

I. 9a2 + xv = 48a
II. 7b2 + 12b + five = 0

Directions (Q. No. 11-15) : In each of these questions, a reveal serial is given. Only 1 reveal is incorrect inwards each series. You produce got to uncovering out the incorrect number. 

11. 289  288 279  254  205  128 3 
  1.  288 
  2. 254
  3. 205 
  4. 128 
  5. None of these 
12.  2  10.5  53  265.5  1327.5  6640.5 
  1. 10.5 
  2. 1327.5 
  3. 6640.5 
  4.  265.5 
  5. None of these 
13.  16  18  32  52  86  138  224 
  1. 52 
  2. 86 
  3. 138 
  4. 18 
  5. None of these 
14.  6  35  173  689  2063  4125  4115 
  1. 689 
  2. 35 
  3. 4125
  4. 2063
  5. None of these 
15. 4  5  18  81  385  2065
  1. 385
  2. 18 
  3. 2065 
  4. 81
  5. None of these
Directions (Q.No. sixteen -20) : Answer these questions based on the next information. The average historic menses of Ramesh, Sushant, Vijay, Neel, Amit in addition to Rodney is 58 years. Amit in addition to Vijay's full historic menses is 124 years. Sushant is thrice Neel's age. The average historic menses of Ramesh in addition to Rodney is 52 years. Vijay is iv years younger than Sushant. The ages of Ramesh in addition to Rodney are inwards the ratio 29: 23. 

16. Who with the next is the youngest ?
  1. Rodney 
  2. Ramesh 
  3. Vijay 
  4. Neel 
  5. Amit 
17. What is the average historic menses of Sushant, Neel, Vijay in addition to Amit ?
  1. 173 
  2. 61
  3. 57 
  4. 48 
  5. None of these 
18. In how many years volition Neel live on just one-half of Vijay's introduce historic menses ?
  1. 20 
  2. 13
  3. 18 
  4. None of these 
19. What is the ratio of the ages of Amit in addition to Neel ?
  1. 19 : 15 
  2. 29 : 21 
  3. 17 : 18 
  4. 13 : 11 
  5. None of these 
20. How erstwhile is Vijay ?
  1. 82 
  2. 66 
  3. 58 
  4. 74 
  5. None of these

Solutions :






Shared past times Aparna Pasupuleti

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