
Yak Sbi Clerks 2018 Reasoning Usage Tests (With Solutions)

Dear SBI Clerks aspirants, hither is an online seek out on Reasoning. Try to solve it on your ain together with cheque your answers alongside the solutions. Keep visiting for to a greater extent than exercise tests.

1. There are v people inwards a house. Say M, N, T, R together with D all are of dissimilar heights. T is taller than D but shorter than M, R is taller than northward but shorter than D. Who is the tallest inwards that household ?
  1. D
  2. T
  3. M
  4. R
  5. N

Solution : As we've stated inwards our shortcut techniques for comparing tests convert the given information into symbols. So you lot volition buy the farm the next arrangement,

chiliad > T > D > R > N

So, chiliad is the tallest inwards that house

2. How many meaningful English linguistic communication words tin you lot made alongside the letters ALPE using each missive of the alphabet solely 1 time inwards each discussion ?
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. More than Three
  5. None

Solution : Meaningful words you lot tin cast past times using the letters ALPE are, 
  1. PALE
  2. PEAL
  3. LEAP
So, the reply is Three words
3. How many such digits are in that location inwards the publish 5436182 each of which is every bit far away from the beginning  of the publish every bit when the digits are arranged inwards ascending fellowship inside the publish ?
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. More than Three
  5. None

Given numbers      :  5  4  3  6  1  8  2 
Ascending Order   : 1   2  3  4  5  6  8

So, the reply is One
4. The letters inwards the discussion MORTIFY are changed inwards such a way that the vowels are replaced alongside the previous missive of the alphabet inwards the English linguistic communication Alphabet together with the consonants are replaced alongside the side past times side missive of the alphabet inwards the English linguistic communication Alphabet. Which of the next volition endure the 4th missive of the alphabet from the correct halt of the novel fix of letters ?
  1. S
  2. H
  3. G
  4. N
  5. None of these

Solution :
New fix of letters is :   northward   N  S  U  H  G  Z  
So, 4th missive of the alphabet from the correct halt volition be, U. As this is non inwards the given options, None of these volition endure the answer

5. What should come upwards side past times side inwards the missive of the alphabet serial given below ?

D  D  E  D  E  F  D  E  F  G  D  E  F  G  H  D  E  F  G  H  I  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  D
  1. D
  2. E
  3. F
  4. J
  5. None of these

Solution :
The logic behind the higher upwards serial is
So, Option 2 is the answer.

6. Four of the next v are alike inwards a sure as shooting way together with thence cast a group. Which is the 1 that doe non belong to that grouping ?
  1. Leaf
  2. Flower
  3. Petal
  4. Fruit
  5. Tree

7. Four of the next v are alike inwards a sure as shooting way together with thence cast a group. Which is the 1 that does non belong to that grouping ?
  1. 24
  2. 48
  3. 32
  4. 72
  5. 64

8. If nosotros tin write DROWN every bit MXNSC inwards a code language, how tin nosotros write BREAK inwards that linguistic communication ?
    1. JBDSA
    2. DBDDA
    3. JODAC
    4. ODNQD
    5. None of these

Solution :

9. How many such pairs of letters are in that location inwards the discussion CHAMBERS each of which has every bit many letters betwixt them inwards the discussion every bit inwards the English linguistic communication alphabet ?
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four
  5. More than Three

Solutions :

10. Four of the next v are alike inwards a sure as shooting way together with thence cast a group. Which is the 1 that does non belong to that grouping ?
  1. Garlic
  2. Ginger
  3. Carrot
  4. Radish
  5. Brinjal

Directions (Q. eleven to 14) : In each the questions below are given iii statements followed past times ii conclusions numbered I together with II. You conduct maintain to conduct maintain the given statements to endure truthful fifty-fifty if they appear to endure at variance from unremarkably known facts. Read all the conclusions together with thence receive upwards one's heed which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding unremarkably known facts. 

Give answer 
  • 1) if solely Conclusion I follows
  • 2) if solely Conclusion II follows 
  • 3) if either Conclusion I or II follows 
  • 4) if neither Conclusion I nor II follows 
  • 5) if both the Conclusions I together with II follows
Statements :
  • Some toys are desks
  • Some desks are pens.
  • All pens are rods.

Conclusions :
  1. Some rods are toys.
  2. Some pens are toys.

Solution :


  • Some tables are huts.
  • No hut is ring.
  • All rings are bangles.

Conclusions :
  1. Some bangles are tables.
  2. No bangle is table.

Solution :

  • All stars are clouds.
  • All clouds are rains.
  • All rains are stones.

  1. All rains are stars.
  2. All clouds are stones.

  • All windows are doors.
  • Some doors are buildings.
  • All buildings are cages.

  1. Some cages are doors.
  2. Some buildings are windows.

Solution :

Directions (Q.15-19): Study the next organization carefully together with reply the questions given below:

G chiliad 5 I D # J K due east 2 P T 4 westward % H5N1 F 3 U 8 $ northward V vi Q @ seven H 1 © B nine ★ Z

15. Four of the next v are alike inwards a sure as shooting way based on their positions inwards the higher upwards organization together with thence cast a group. Which is the 1 that does non belong to that group?
  1. DJI 
  2. FUA 
  3. H@1
  4. B★© 
  5. I#5

Solution :

16. What should come upwards inwards house of the enquiry grade (?) inwards the next serial based onthe higher upwards arrangement?

DJK       2T4      %F3         ?
  1. U$V 
  2. U$N
  3. 8NV
  4. 8NI 
  5. None of these

Solution :

17. How many such numbers are in that location inwards the higher upwards arrangement, each of which is instantly preceded past times a vowel together with too instantly followed past times a symbol ?
  1. One 
  2. Two
  3. Three 
  4. More than three
  5. None of these 

Solution :

18. How many such consonants are in that location inwards the higher upwards arrangement, each of which is instantly preceded past times a publish but non instantly followed past times a consonant?
  1. One 
  2. Two
  3. Three 
  4. More than three
  5. None of these 

Solution :

19. Which of the next is the 4th to the correct of the 12th from the correct halt of the higher upwards arrangement?
  1. 8
  2. A
  3. None of these

Solution :
The 4th to the correct of the 12th from the correct halt agency : (12-4) = eighth from the correct which is 7

20. Read the below Statement together with Assumptions.
Give reply (a) if solely supposition 1 is implicit.
Give reply (b) if solely supposition 2 is implicit.
Give reply (c)if either assumptions 1 or 2 is implicit.
Give reply (d) if neither supposition 1 non 2 are implicit.
Give reply (e) if both assumptions 1 together with 2 are implicit.
Statement : "The component volition start at vi pm. "You are requested to conduct maintain your seats earlier vi pm.
Assumptions : 
1) Function volition start every bit scheduled.
2) If an guest is non inwards his topographic point earlier vi pm, the component volition non start.

Solution : It is mentioned inwards the invitation that you lot are requested to conduct maintain your seats earlier vi pm. It agency that component volition start every bit scheduled. Hence, supposition 1 is implicit. It is non given that the component volition non start if invitees produce non come upwards in-time.

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