Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Word Newspaper - 24Th July 2017
Note : There were no editorials inwards THE HINDU on 23rd July 2017 (Sunday)
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The boycott ban: on Maharashtra's police against social boycott"
- Boycott - to non convey business office inwards an termination / to completely avoid a soul from a group
- Criminalising - to brand an activity illegal yesteryear making a novel law
- Ostracism - exclusion from a monastic enjoin or group
- Template - something that is used equally a blueprint or an instance for something else
- Prohibiting - to officially halt something from beingness done, peculiarly yesteryear making it illegal
- Informal - relaxed together with friendly
- Council - the elected officials who regulation a local expanse such equally a urban heart or county
- Pervasive - spreading through the whole of something together with becoming a really obvious characteristic of it
- Progressive - supporting social together with political alter that aims to brand a scheme fairer
- Assent - approving
- Pernicious - really unsafe or harmful, peculiarly to someone’s moral character
- Dominant - a dominant soul or beast is stronger than others inwards a grouping together with wants to command them
- Enforcing - to brand for sure that a police or dominion is obeyed yesteryear people
- Conformity - deportment that is acceptable because it is similar to the deportment of everyone else
- Prevention - to halt something from happening or someone from doing something
- Prohibition - the human activeness of officially non allowing something, or an monastic enjoin that does this
- Redressal - a amount of coin paid inwards compensation for loss or injury
- Offence - a criminal offense or illegal activity for which at that topographic point is a punishment
- Imprisonment - to pose someone inwards prison theatre (jail)
- Custom - something that people create that is traditional or usual
- Funeral - a ceremony that takes house afterward someone dies
- Progressive - supporting social together with political alter that aims to brand a scheme fairer
- Takes into concern human relationship - to reckon or holler back something when judging a situation
- Discrimination - unfair handling of someone because of their religion, race, or other personal features
- Morality - principles of correct or incorrect behaviour
- Inclination - a feeling that you lot desire to create something
- Obstacle - a difficulty or work that prevents you lot from achieving something
- Enact - to brand a proposal into a law
- Excommunication - the activeness of officially excluding someone from something
- Violate - to create something that is inwards opposition to a law, agreement, regulation etc
- Constitutional - allowed yesteryear the constitution of a province or organization
- Vulnerable - easily damaged yesteryear something negative or harmful
- Informal - non official together with has no fixed rules
- Conformity - deportment that is acceptable because it is similar to the deportment of everyone else
- Diktat - an official dominion that people are forced to obey
- Supposedly - used to present that you lot create non believe that something you lot receive got been told is true
- Mountaineer - someone who climbs high or unsafe mountains
- Notorious - famous for something bad
- Conquered - to succeed inwards climbing a tall mountain
- Repugnant - extremely unpleasant or offensive
- Dignity - abide by that other people receive got for you lot or that you lot receive got for yourself
- Prevailing - existing at a detail fourth dimension or inwards a detail place
- Circumstance - a fact or status that affects a situation
- Assault - a physical assail on someone, or the criminal offense of physically attacking someone
- Abhorrent - if something is abhorrent to you, you lot dislike it really much, commonly because you lot intend it is immoral
- Ought - used to say that it is necessary or desirable to perform the action
Hindu Editorial Topic ii : "Spanish steps: On the secession vote inwards Catalonia"
- Controversial - causing disagreement or discussion
- Referendum - an occasion when everyone inwards a province tin vote to brand a determination near 1 detail subject
- Awkward - hard to bargain amongst together with embarrassing
- Tightening the purse-strings - reduce the amount of coin that is available
- Concern - a feeling of worry near something, peculiarly 1 that a lot of people receive got near an of import issue
- Meddling - to larn involved inwards a province of affairs that you lot receive got no correct to hold upward involved in, inwards a means that is annoying
- Separatist - someone who is a fellow member of a detail race, religion, or other grouping inside a province together with who believes that this grouping should hold upward independent together with receive got their ain regime or inwards about means alive apart from other people
- Veteran - someone who was inwards the armed forces, peculiarly during a war
- Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or unsafe situation
- Earmark - to determine to exercise something, peculiarly money, for a detail purpose
- Expenditure - coin spent yesteryear a government, organization, or person
- Unconstitutional - non allowed or non legal according to the constitution of a detail province or organization
- Recourse - the exercise of something together with thence that you lot tin larn what you lot desire or take away inwards a hard situation
- Seemingly - inwards a means that appears to receive got a detail quality, fifty-fifty though this is likely non true
- Stringent - stringent rules or weather condition are strict together with brand you lot range high standards
- Predictably - equally expected
- Flak - criticism together with argument
- Embittered - angry together with unhappy near things that receive got happened to you lot inwards the past
- Province - 1 of many areas into which about countries are divided
- Mainstream - considered ordinary or normal together with accepted or used yesteryear most people
- Long-standing - having existed for a long time
- Statehood - the status of a house equally an independent country
- Overwhelming - really strong
- Coalition - a temporary hymeneals of dissimilar political parties that concur to cast a regime together
- Determined - non willing to allow anything foreclose you lot from doing what you lot receive got decided to do
- Proposed - offered formally equally an thought or plan
- Contemplating - to reckon doing something inwards the future
- Invocation - to exercise a police inwards monastic enjoin to range something
- Worst-case scenario - a province of affairs that is the worst 1 that you lot tin imagine
- Violative - against or breaking a police or rule
- Legalese - formal linguistic communication used yesteryear lawyers together with inwards legal documents that ordinary people observe hard to understand
- Inevitably - used for proverb that something is for sure to happen
- Upheaval - a abrupt or tearing change, peculiarly 1 that affects people’s lives
- Deflected - to brand someone alter their plans or halt what they are doing
- Perception - a detail means of understanding or thinking near something
- Clamping downwards - to brand a determined endeavor to halt people doing something bad or illegal
- Sobering - making you lot intend near things inwards a serious way
- Count on - to depend on
- Rational - based on sensible practical reasons rather than emotions
- Sway - to influence or alter someone’s opinion
- Reputation - the sentiment that people receive got that a person, place, or thing is good
- Premiership - the seat of beingness Prime Minister, or the catamenia of fourth dimension that someone is Prime Minister
- Conciliatory - trying to halt an declaration together with brand people experience less angry
- For instance - for example
- Fiscal - relating to coin together with fiscal matters, peculiarly taxes
- Soothe - to brand something less sore or painful
- Accommodation - a alter inwards deportment or mental attitude that helps people travel together or halt a disagreement
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