Yak 20Th July 2018 Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - Pdf Download
Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Lynching & the law"
- Lynching - If a crowd of people lynch someone who they believe is guilty of a crime, they kill them without a legal trial
- Bigotry - the do of having rattling rigid together with unreasonable opinions, peculiarly near politics, race, or religion, together with refusing to consider other people’s opinions
- Prejudice - an unreasonable persuasion or feeling, peculiarly the feeling of non liking a particular grouping of people
- Mob - a large crowd of people that is unsafe or hard to control
- Phenomenon - an lawsuit or province of affairs that tin hold upwards seen to hand off or exist
- Vigilante - someone who tries to need grip of together with punish criminals past times themselves, without waiting for the police
- Cattle - cows together with bulls kept past times farmers for their milk or meat
- Trader - someone who buys together with sells things
- Former - used for referring to the kickoff of ii people or things that y'all receive got mentioned
- Organised - planned carefully together with involving many people
- Spate - a large number of things of the same type, usually bad things, that all of a abrupt hand off inwards a rattling brusk current of time
- Impulsive - someone who is impulsive tends to do things without thinking near what volition hand off every bit a result
- Fuel - to brand something increment or function past times away worse, peculiarly something unpleasant
- Rumour - unofficial information that may or may non hold upwards true
- Panic - a abrupt rigid feeling of fearfulness or worry that makes y'all unable to cry back clearly or calmly
- Induce - to drive something, peculiarly a mental or physical change
- Social media - platforms such every bit Facebook together with Twitter that allow people to interact on the Web or using mobile phones
- Apex - the top or highest role of something
- Curb - to command or bound something that is harmful
- Incidence - the number of times something happens, peculiarly something bad
- Self-styled - used for maxim what type of individual someone claims to be
- Disquieting - making y'all experience rattling worried or nervous
- Significantly - inwards a agency that is relevant or that has an of import number on something
- Intolerance - someone’s refusal to receive got behaviour, beliefs, or opinions that are dissimilar from their own
- Polarisation - to drive something, peculiarly something that contains dissimilar people or opinions, to split into ii completely opposing groups
- Implicit - non stated directly, but expressed inwards the agency that someone behaves, or understood from what they are saying
- Indictment - something that shows how bad or incorrect something is
- Preponderant - main, or to a greater extent than of import than others
- Ought to - used for maxim what is the right or sensible matter to do, or the right agency to behave
- Tolerate - to allow someone to do something that y'all do non similar or approve of
- Preventive - done together with then that something does non function past times away worse or plow into a problem
- Punitive - relating to or causing penalty or cracking difficulty
- Remedial - intended to improve or right something
- Moot - to advise something every bit a dependent plain for discussion
- Offence - a criminal offence or illegal activity for which in that location is a punishment
- Instil - to brand someone receive got a particular feeling or belief
- Deterrence - the thought that people volition determine non to do something if they believe that something unpleasant could hand off to them every bit a result
- Brush nether the carpeting - to endeavor to avoid dealing amongst a problem
- Ipso facto - used for showing that something is truthful or obvious because of a fact that has only been mentioned
- Comprehensive - including many details or aspects of something
- Apportion - to split something betwixt ii or to a greater extent than people, organizations etc
- Rumour-monger - someone who spreads rumours
- Instigator - a individual who causes something to happen, peculiarly something bad
- Offender - someone who has committed a crime
- Principal offender - the individual inwards a grouping of offenders who carries out the primary role of a criminal act
- Accessory - someone who helps a criminal, for illustration past times hiding them from the police
- Bring someone to majority - to punish someone, or to brand them explicate their conduct publicly when they receive got done something wrong
- Onus on something - if the onus is on someone to do something, it is their responsibleness or duty to do it
- Heed - to consider someone’s advice or alert together with do what they suggest
- Plurality - a large diversity of people or things
- Diversity - the fact that rattling dissimilar people or things be inside a grouping or place
- Dehumanise - to brand people halt feeling together with behaving similar normal people, peculiarly past times treating them rattling badly
- Endanger - to set someone or something into a province of affairs where they mightiness hold upwards harmed or damaged
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Dangerous law: on Israel’s ‘nation state’ law"
- Undermine - to brand something or someone function past times away gradually less effective, confident, or successful
- Minority - a small-scale number of people or things that are role of a larger grouping but dissimilar inwards around agency from most of the group
- Obstruct - to convey activity inwards monastic enjoin to forbid someone from doing something or to forbid something from happening
- Amid - if something happens amidst particular feelings or events, it happens piece people receive got these feelings or piece these events are happening
- Protest - a rigid electrical charge or disagreement
- Concern - a feeling of worry near something, peculiarly i that a lot of people receive got near an of import issue
- Lay downwards - to province officially what someone must do or how they must do it
- Homeland - the province where someone comes from
- Exclusive - limited to a particular person, thing, or grouping together with non shared amongst others
- Self-determination - the liberty of the people inwards a province to select their ain authorities together with non hold upwards controlled past times around other country
- Consolidation - to brand the power, position, or achievements y'all already receive got stronger or to a greater extent than effective together with then that they are probable to continue
- Boost - to assist something to increase, improve, or function past times away to a greater extent than successful
- Discriminate - to process someone unfairly because of their religion, race, or other personal features
- Territory - an expanse of dry ground controlled past times a particular country, leader, or army
- Discrimination - unfair handling of someone because of their religion, race, or other personal features
- Downgrading - to process something inwards a agency that shows that y'all cry back it is at nowadays less of import than it was
- Ethnic - relating to a grouping of people who receive got the same civilisation together with traditions
- Set the phase for something - to create the weather inwards which something is probable to happen
- Transition - the procedure of changing from i situation, form, or province to another
- Inhabitant - a individual or brute that lives inwards a particular place
- Racist - someone who does non similar or honor people who belong to races that are dissimilar from their ain together with who believes their race is improve than others
- Apartheid - a province of affairs inwards which dissimilar groups inwards lodge alive almost completely separate lives, frequently amongst i grouping enjoying benefits that other groups cannot enjoy
- Emphasis - special importance or attending that is given to i matter inwards particular
- Threat - a province of affairs or an activity that could drive harm or danger
- Disputed - a disputed expanse is i that dissimilar countries claim belongs to them, together with then that in that location is a disagreement or state of war betwixt them
- Erode - to gradually trim down the forcefulness or importance of something, or to hold upwards gradually reduced inwards this way
- Credibility - qualities that someone has that brand people believe or trust them
- Professed - admitting publicly that y'all receive got a particular feeling or belief
- Abroad - inwards or to a unusual country
- Premises - the buildings together with dry ground that a work organisation or organisation uses
- Institutionalise - to brand something function past times away role of a particular society, system, or organization
- Stifle - to halt something from developing normally
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