
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Word Newspaper - Twelfth September 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of Today's Hindu News Paper dated twelfth September 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials 

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "In the air: on the no-fly list"
  • In the air - if something is inwards the air, y'all experience that it is happening or close to happen
  • Innovation - a novel idea, method, slice of equipment etc
  • Unruly - real hard to control
  • Gravity -  the seriousness or importance of something
  • Offence - a law-breaking or illegal activity for which at that topographic point is a punishment
  • Stringent - stringent rules or weather are strict too brand y'all attain high standards
  • Aviation - connected amongst making or flight planes
  • Quantum of penalty - the sum of penalty that a mortal deserves or that the courtroom has awarded
  • Compensation - coin that someone receives because something bad has happened to them
  • Allegation - a tilt that someone has done something incorrect or illegal fifty-fifty though this has non been proved
  • Aggrieved - feeling angry too unhappy because y'all mean value y'all possess got been treated inwards an unfair way
  • Appellate - relating to a legal appeal
  • Empowering - to give a mortal or organization the legal potency to practise something
  • Graver - too then serious that y'all experience worried
  • Widespread - happening or existing inwards many places, or affecting many people
  • Entitlement - the feeling that y'all possess got the correct to practise or possess got what y'all desire without having to operate for it or deserve it, merely because of who y'all are
  • Unruly - real hard to control
  • Subsequently - later on something else happened
  • Grudging - done inwards an unwilling way
  • Apology - a tilt that tells someone that y'all are deplorable for doing something incorrect or for causing a problem
  • Provision - a purpose of an understanding or police pull that deals amongst a item problem
  • Necessitating - to brand something necessary
  • As a final resort - used for maxim that y'all volition practise something alone later on trying everything else to solve a problem
  • Ideally - used for maxim what y'all would similar to hap or how things should survive if everything that y'all wanted were possible
  • Deterrent - something that makes people create upwards one's ask heed non to practise something past times making them realize that something unpleasant could hap to them
  • Egregious - extremely bad
  • Isolate - happening alone once, or existing alone inwards i place
  • Consequence - a outcome or consequence of something
  • Inefficiency - non organized, skilled, or able to operate inwards a satisfactory way
  • Over-booking - to sell to a greater extent than tickets than y'all possess got available
  • Threat - a proffer that something unpleasant or trigger-happy volition happen, peculiarly if a item activeness or lodge is non followed
  • Evade -  to avoid accepting or dealing amongst something that y'all should do
  • Profitability - the grade to which something is profitable, or the dry reason of beingness profitable
  • Shakeout - a major alter inwards an manufacture that causes merely about companies to unopen or a lot of people to lose their jobs
  • Enhance - to ameliorate something
  • Angst - a potent feeling of worry close what y'all should do, how y'all should behave
  • Preventive - done too then that something does non travel worse or plow into a problem
  • Egregious - extremely bad
  • Resurgence - the origin of something in i trial again that rapidly increases inwards influence, consequence etc
  • Phenomenal - extremely impressive or surprising
  • Transported - if something transports y'all to a unlike fourth dimension or place, it makes y'all experience every bit if y'all were inwards it
  • Precisely - just / clearly
  • Clinical - non showing whatever excitement or emotion
  • Ruthless - willing to brand other people endure too then that y'all tin attain your aims
  • Transcend - to travel gratis of negative attitudes, thoughts, or feelings that limit what y'all tin achieve
  • Frenetic - done real fast too amongst a lot of energy, ofttimes past times someone who is inwards a hurry
  • Monotone - unchanging / continuing inwards the same way
  • Soaked inwards - to pass fourth dimension experiencing too enjoying the mood or feeling inwards a place
  • Applause - the audio of people clapping their hands repeatedly to exhibit enjoyment or approving of something such every bit a functioning or speech
  • Boisterous - lively too noisy
  • Merely - merely / only
  • Debunk - to essay that something such every bit an thought or belief is faux too silly
  • Triumph - to win a keen victory, or to possess got a keen success
  • Legacy - something that someone has achieved that continues to be later on they halt working or die
  • Cultivated - a cultivated mortal is good educated too knows how to bear politely
  • Innate - an innate character or mightiness is i that y'all possess got ever had
  • Relentlessness - something bad that is relentless never seems to halt or improve
  • Former - used for describing someone or something that had a item job, title, status etc inwards the past, but non now
  • Conqueror - winner
  • Heart-warming - making y'all experience happy
  • Tactical - a tactical activeness is i that y'all practise every bit purpose of a innovation for achieving what y'all want
  • Mastery - keen cognition or skill
  • Advancement - progress
  • Painstakingly - real carefully too thoroughly
  • Impact - an effect, or an influence
  • Tribute - something that y'all do, say, or construct to exhibit that y'all honor too admire someone or something
  • Longevity - the fact of having a long life or existence
  • Injury - physical impairment done to a mortal or a purpose of their body
  • Setback - a employment that delays or that stops progress or makes a province of affairs worse
  • Remarkable - odd inwards a agency that surprises or impresses you
  • Triumph - a keen victory or success

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