
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Word Newspaper - 1St September 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 1st September 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials 

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Shifting finish posts: Demonetisation has totally failed to curb dark money"
  • Demonetisation - to officially halt using item notes or coins, or a item currency
  • Curb -  to command or bound something that is harmful
  • Professed - used for describing something that you lot claim to survive truthful but that is perchance false
  • Legal tender - the money that is officially used inwards a country
  • Unequivocal - clear, definite, in addition to without doubt
  • Assert  - to verbalise or behavior inwards a firm, confident way
  • Hoard - to larn in addition to hold a large total of something because it powerfulness survive valuable or useful later
  • Punitive - relating to or causing penalty or nifty difficulty
  • Windfall - an total of money that you lot larn when you lot are non expecting it, peculiarly a large amount
  • Scrap - to create upwards one's hear non to give-up the ghost on alongside something
  • Liability - legal responsibleness for causing impairment or injury, or for paying something
  • Dividend - a portion of the profits
  • Extinguish - to halt a feeling or thought from continuing to exist
  • Piffling - minor in addition to non important
  • Confiscation - the activity of taking or seizing someone's belongings alongside authority
  • Disingenuous - non actually honest or sincere, in addition to alone pretending to be
  • Rationale - the ready of reasons that something such every bit a innovation or belief is based on
  • Stop-go - happening or developing inwards a agency that is non continuous
  • In the wake of something - happening after an lawsuit or every bit a termination of it
  • Fathom - to empathize someone or why someone acts every bit they do
  • For illustration - for exmaple
  • Amnesty - a province of affairs inwards which a authorities agrees non to punish, or to no longer punish, people who direct hold committed a item crime
  • Dissuade - to persuade someone non to create something
  • Spin-off - something skillful that happens unexpectedly every bit a termination of something else
  • Arguably - used for stating your thought or belief, peculiarly when you lot mean value other people may disagree
  • Foster - to assistance something to educate over a catamenia of time
  • Compliance -  the do of obeying a law, rule, or request
  • Reliance - the province of depending on a item someone or thing
  • Launder - conceal the origins of the money obtained illegally, past times transfers involving unusual banks
  • All inwards all - used for showing that you lot are considering every seem of something
  • Bestow - to give something (valuable)
  • Ray of promise - a rattling minor sign that something powerfulness ameliorate or succeed
  • Reciprocate - to behavior inwards the same agency every bit someone else
  • Indefinite - without clear limits
  • Paralyse - completely unable to travel unremarkably or effectively
  • Adjoining - near, side past times side to, or touching
  • Impasse - a province of affairs inwards which progress is impossible, peculiarly because the people involved cannot agree
  • Ice-breaker -  something that you lot tell or create to brand people experience to a greater extent than relaxed
  • Reiterate - to tell something again, in i lawsuit or several times
  • Heartening - making you lot experience happier in addition to to a greater extent than positive
  • Breakthrough - an of import or lawsuit that helps to ameliorate a situation
  • Solidarity - understanding betwixt in addition to back upwards for the members of a group, peculiarly a political group
  • Mitigate - to brand something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad
  • Crisis - a fourth dimension of nifty disagreement, confusion, or suffering
  • Consolidate - to become, or exertion something to become, stronger, in addition to to a greater extent than certain
  • Tap into something - to larn by to usage something inwards a agency that brings skillful results
  • Chauvinism - the rigid in addition to unreasonable belief that your ain province or race is the best or most important
  • Unrest - disagreements or fighting betwixt dissimilar groups of people
  • Lion’s portion - the largest purpose or most of something
  • Balk - to survive unwilling to create something or to allow something to happen
  • Sympathise - to empathize in addition to aid nigh someone's problems
  • Notwithstanding - despite the fact or matter mentioned
  • Longstanding  - having existed for a long time
  • Legitimate - reasonable in addition to acceptable
  • Grievance - a electrical load or a rigid feeling that you lot direct hold been treated unfairly
  • Ethnic - relating to a item race of people
  • Statehood - the status of existence a province or a purpose of a large province that has its ain government
  • Despite - used for maxim that something happens fifty-fifty though something else powerfulness direct hold prevented it
  • Chunk - a purpose of something
  • Agitation - worry in addition to anxiety
  • Autonomous - independent in addition to having the powerfulness to brand your ain decisions
  • Substantive - important, serious, or related to existent facts
  • Decentralisation - to motion the command of an organization or authorities from a unmarried house to several smaller ones
  • Lackadaisical - showing piddling enthusiasm in addition to effort
  • Substantive - important, serious, or related to existent facts
  • Empowerment - potency or powerfulness given to someone to create something
  • Devolution - the moving of powerfulness or responsibleness from a primary organization to a lower level, or from a key authorities to a local government

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