
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - Fifth September 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated fifth September 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials 

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Sabre-rattling: on the crisis inwards the Korean peninsula"
  • Sabre-rattling -a threat of violence or armed services action
  • Crisis -  an urgent, difficult, or unsafe situation
  • Peninsula - a long slice of reason that is by together with large surrounded past times water, but is joined at 1 cease to a larger surface area of land
  • Escalate - to increase, peculiarly at a fast charge per unit of measurement that causes problems
  • De-escalate - to decrease
  • Adventurism - a agency of managing a business, government, or the armed forces that is considered unsafe together with powerfulness receive got negative results
  • Unabated - unable to last stopped or controlled
  • Claim - to say that something is true, fifty-fifty though at that topographic point is no definite proof
  • Cocking a snook at somebody / something - to practise something intentionally to demo y'all receive got no abide by for someone or something
  • Proliferation - a abrupt increment inwards number or amount
  • Condemnation - a populace declaration inwards which someone criticizes someone or something severely
  • Rhetoric - a mode of speaking or writing that is intended to influence people
  • Ratchet upwards something - to increment something inwards controlled stages over a catamenia of time
  • Appeasement - the activeness of satisfying the demands an aggressive person, country, or organization
  • Totalitarian - controlling a province together with its people inwards a rattling strict way, without allowing opposition from around other political party
  • Provocative - intended to foremost arguments betwixt people or to brand people angry or upset
  • Attain -  to succeed inwards achieving something, peculiarly after a lot of effort
  • De facto - actual, fifty-fifty though non official
  • Exacerbate - to brand a occupation teach worse
  • Significantly - past times a large amount, or inwards a agency that is easily noticeable
  • Enhance - to amend something, or to perish far to a greater extent than attractive or to a greater extent than valuable
  • Ploy - a agency of tricking or confusing someone inwards club to teach an payoff or to brand them practise what y'all want
  • Impoverished - something that is impoverished has teach worse inwards quality
  • Isolated - used close countries together with organizations that others reject to bargain with
  • Citizenry - the citizens of a particular house considered every bit a group
  • Myth - something that people wrongly believe to last true
  • Unpalatable - unpleasant to call back close or accept
  • Escalation - an increment inwards the intensity or seriousness of something
  • Conflict - angry disagreement betwixt people or groups
  • Intervention - a province of affairs inwards which someone becomes involved inwards a particular issue, occupation etc inwards club to influence what happens
  • Dictatorship - authorities past times someone who takes ability past times forcefulness together with does non permit elections
  • Drastic - a drastic activeness or alter has a rattling large effect
  • Cripple -  to impairment something severely, or to forestall it from working properly
  • Refugee - someone who leaves their country, peculiarly during a state of war or other threatening event
  • Beleaguered - having a lot of problems or criticism to bargain with
  • Multilateral - involving 3 or to a greater extent than groups, peculiarly the governments of 3 or to a greater extent than countries
  • Trigger -  to brand something happen
  • Navigation - the motility of a send or an aircraft along a planned path
  • Unlikely - non probable to happen
  • Consecutive - next 1 after around other inwards club together with alongside zero else inwards between
  • Child’s play - something that tin move last done rattling easily
  • Workhorse - a rattling useful slice of equipment that y'all purpose a lot
  • Respective - belonging separately to each of 2 or to a greater extent than people or things previously mentioned
  • Setback - a occupation that delays or that stops progress or makes a province of affairs worse
  • Lift-off - when an aircraft or infinite vehicle lifts off, it goes upwards from the the world into the air
  • Instance - an example of something happening
  • Pivotal - extremely of import together with affecting how something develops
  • Enviable - an enviable lineament or province of affairs is 1 that other people admire together with would similar to receive got every bit well
  • Minor - non rattling of import inwards comparing alongside people or things of the same type
  • Altitude - the summit of a house or matter to a higher house body of body of water score (=the surface of the sea)
  • Utmost - every bit much every bit possible
  • Scrutiny - careful seek of someone or something
  • Anomaly - something unusual, unexpected, or dissimilar from what commonly happens
  • Impact - an effect, or an influence
  • Disheartening - making y'all less confident or enthusiastic
  • Consortium - a grouping of companies or people alongside similar interests or aims who receive got agreed to run together
  • Surveillance - the procedure of carefully watching a soul or house
  • Encrypt - to position information into code (=a scheme of words, numbers, or symbols that hides its existent meaning)
  • Accurate - right or truthful inwards every detail
  • Self-reliant - able to practise things for yourself together with non depend on other people

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