
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Tidings Newspaper - 2D September 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated s September 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials 

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Unending slowdown: Indian economy"
  • Unending - continuing without stopping, or seeming to terminal for ever
  • Slowdown - a menstruum when at that topographic point is less activity
  • Momentum - progress or evolution that is becoming faster or stronger
  • Restored - feeling strong, healthy, total of energy, or happy again
  • Inflation - an economical procedure inwards which prices growth then that money becomes less valuable
  • Decelerate - to move, progress, or drive to a greater extent than slowly
  • Gross domestic production - the total value of all goods in addition to services produced inwards a province inwards a year, except for income received from money invested inwards other countries. It is oftentimes exactly called GDP
  • Peg - to conk on prices, salaries, or the total of something at a detail level, oftentimes inwards relation to something else
  • Protracted - continuing for a long time, particularly longer than is normal or necessary
  • Demonetisation - to officially halt using detail notes or coins, or a detail currency
  • Uncertainty - the fact that something is non known or has non been decided
  • Regime - a organization of rules that command something
  • Significantly -  yesteryear a large amount, or inwards a means that is easily noticeable
  • Dampen - to brand something such equally a feeling or promise less strong
  • Accumulation - the acquisition or gradual gathering of something
  • Optimism - a style to endure hopeful in addition to to facial expression that expert things volition likely happen
  • Slacken - to conk slower or less active, or to brand something conk slower or less active
  • Fiscal - relating to money in addition to fiscal matters, particularly taxes
  • Heartening - making you lot experience happier in addition to to a greater extent than positive
  • Deteriorate - to conk worse
  • Augury - a sign of what may hap inwards the future
  • Far from something - used for maxim that what was exactly said is non at all true, in addition to that the reverse is likely true
  • Concern - a feeling of worry near something, particularly 1 that a lot of people conduct keep near an of import issue
  • Acknowledge - to conduct keep or acknowledge that something exists, is true, or is real
  • Road map - a invention or railroad train of instructions that makes it easier for someone to exercise something
  • Loosening - to brand something less strict or controlled
  • Manifold - of many unlike kinds
  • Juncture - a phase inwards a procedure or activity
  • Contemplate - to consider doing something inwards the future
  • Waiver - an official contention or document that says a right, claim, or police pull tin endure officially ignored or given up
  • Crowd out - to conk stronger or to a greater extent than successful than approximately other grouping then that they neglect or tin no longer compete alongside you
  • Sliver - a pocket-size total of a quality
  • Silver lining - said to emphasize that every hard or unpleasant province of affairs has approximately advantage
  • Buoyant - sif the economic scheme or an aspect of the economic scheme is buoyant, it is successful in addition to seems probable to rest successful
  • Swathe - a large component of something that includes several unlike things
  • Encompass -  to include a lot of people or things
  • Accelerate - to hap or brand something hap at a faster rate
  • Corresponding - related to or connected alongside something
  • Aviation - connected alongside making or flight planes
  • Soaring - to speedily growth to a high level
  • Tailwind - a air current blowing from behind
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "A blind eye: on Rohingya issue"
  • A blind eye - to pretend you lot exercise non expose something, because you lot should exercise something near it but you lot exercise non desire to
  • Address - to give attending to or bargain alongside a affair or problem
  • Diminish - to deliberately brand someone or something seem less of import than they actually are
  • Transition - the procedure of changing from 1 situation, form, or province to another
  • Decisively - inwards a style that settles an number convincingly or produces a definite result
  • Raging - happening alongside a lot of strength or violence
  • Crossfire - angry words or actions betwixt 2 people that may accidentally behave on other people who are non direct involved
  • Insurgent - someone who belongs to a grouping of people fighting to convey command of their province yesteryear force
  • Rapidly - rattling quickly; at a cracking rate
  • Deteriorating - to conk worse
  • Humanitarian - caring near someone who is inwards a rattling bad province of affairs or receiving unfair treatment
  • Crisis -  an urgent, difficult, or unsafe situation
  • Victim - someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed equally the termination of a crime
  • Migration - the procedure yesteryear which people or animals migrate to approximately other house or country
  • Cope alongside -  to bargain successfully alongside a hard province of affairs or job
  • Refugee - someone who leaves their country, particularly during a state of war or other threatening event
  • Flare-up - to all of a abrupt conk angry or violent
  • Outpost - a military machine military camp that is far away from the army
  • Insurgency - an sweat yesteryear a grouping of people to convey command of their province yesteryear force
  • Persecution - extremely bad handling of someone, particularly because of their race, religion, or political beliefs
  • Crackdown - rigid activeness that someone inwards ascendency takes to halt a detail activity
  • Condemn - to state publicly that you lot mean value someone or something is bad or wrong
  • Disproportionate - if something is disproportionate, it is bigger or smaller than it should endure inwards comparing to something else
  • Accuse - to state that someone has done something incorrect or committed a crime
  • Onlooker - someone who watches something hap but does non convey component inwards it
  • Rebuke - to talk angrily to someone because you lot disapprove of what they conduct keep said or done
  • Disrupt - to interrupt something in addition to forbid it from continuing yesteryear creating a problem
  • Exert - to role influence, authority, or ability inwards social club to behave on or orbit something
  • Humane - caring near the character of people’s or animal’s lives in addition to trying to endure form to them
  • Criticism -  comments that present that you lot mean value something is incorrect or bad
  • Brutality - extreme violence, particularly when it is deliberately cruel
  • Slaughter - the trigger-happy killing of a large number of people
  • Displacement - a province of affairs inwards which a somebody is forced to larn out their ain province in addition to conk somewhere else to live
  • Radical - a radical somebody or grouping believes that of import political or social changes are necessary
  • In the wake of something - happening later an lawsuit or equally a termination of it
  • Unleash -  to exercise or to movement something that has a rattling powerful or harmful effect
  • Rubbish - to criticize someone or something yesteryear maxim that they are wrong, stupid, or useless
  • Obligation - something that you lot must exercise for legal or moral reasons
  • Enforcement - the procedure of making sure as shooting that something happens, particularly that people obey a police pull or rule
  • Inconceivable - impossible to mean value near or imagine
  • Yearning - a rigid feeling that you lot larn when you lot desire something rattling much, particularly something that you lot know you lot may non endure able to have
  • Prerequisite - something that must be or hap earlier something else is possible
  • Legitimate - fair in addition to reasonable
  • Defiance - refusal to obey a somebody or rule
  • Junta - a grouping of military machine officers that governs a country, normally without having been elected
  • Enormous - rattling large inwards size or quantity
  • Consolidation - the activeness or procedure of making something stronger or to a greater extent than solid
  • Hard-won - achieved alone later a lot of effort
  • Dictatorship - regime yesteryear someone who takes ability yesteryear strength in addition to does non let elections
  • Arduous - extremely hard in addition to involving a lot of effort
  • Exclude -  to deliberately non include something

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