
Yak Techniques To Write Expert Test For Ibps Po 7 Alongside Example

Hello everyone, I am Nisheeta. From past times few months, I've been sharing essays for upcoming IBPS PO VII Main Online Exam. Today I desire yous to brush upwardly your essay writing skills. All yous demand to create is, to write an essay on the topic given past times me.

Today's topic is : "Uniform Civil Code". 

Don't worry fifty-fifty if yous don't know what this topic is about. I'm hither to assistance you. Just follow the skeletal construction given below.  Use these points every bit a reference to write your essay. This volition assistance yous every bit a reference piece writing proficient essays. All the Best :)

Before going to write the essay, read Essay Writing Tips from HERE.

Essay Topic : Uniform Civil Code

  • Law Commission volition endure submitting its written report on Uniform Civil Code to authorities past times adjacent year.
What is Uniform Civil Code
  • Uniform Civil Code is a mandate to supplant the personal laws based on the scriptures in addition to customs of each major religious community inwards Bharat amongst a mutual fix governing each citizen.
  • Article-44 of the Constitution states that "The patch shall seek to secure for the citizens a Uniform Civil Code throughout the territory of India".

Pros of UCC

  • To supply equal condition to all its citizens
    • A secular democratic commonwealth should cause got a mutual civil in addition to personal laws for its citizens irrespective of their religion, class, caste, sex etc.,
  • Promote Gender parity
    • Personnel laws of almost all the religions are discriminated towards women. UCC volition choose both men in addition to women at par.
  • To arrange the aspirations of the immature population
    • India's immature population believes inwards principles of equality, humanity in addition to modernity. This belief has to endure implemented to utilize their amount potential.
  • To back upwardly National Integration
    • Since, all the citizens are equal earlier courtroom of law, UCC volition part the same fix of personnel laws.
  • To bypass the contentious effect of reform of personnel laws
    • Existing personnel laws are based on upper cast patriarchal social club inwards all religions.  These patriarchal people however are expecting reforms inwards personnel laws which volition destroy its purity.

Cons of UCC

  • Practical difficulties
    • It is practically tough to come upwardly up uniform fix of rules for personal issues due to the cultural multifariousness of India.
  • UCC every bit encroachment on religious liberty
    • Minority communities fearfulness that a mutual code volition impose rules which volition endure mainly dictated past times bulk religious communities.
  • Interference of patch inwards personal matters
    • Constitution provides for the correct to liberty of organized religious belief of one's choice. UCC volition trim back the compass of liberty of religion. 
  • Sensitive in addition to tough task 
    • Government should endure sensitive in addition to unbiased at each stride piece dealing amongst bulk in addition to minority communities. Otherwise, it mightiness Pb to communal violence.
  • Though difficult,UCC is required inthe electrical flow province of affairs for womenem powerment. But, utmost attention should endure taken in addition to thence that it comes from the credence of the all religions to avoid communal violence. 
Note : If possible delight part your essays inwards the comments department below in addition to thence that I tin review them.

Read to a greater extent than Essays for IBPS PO VII from HERE
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