
Yak High Degree Reckoner Noesis Quiz For Ibps Po 7 (Operating System) - Laid Upwardly 3

  1. Which ascendancy last used to clear the hide too display the operating sy stalk prompt on the starting fourth dimension trouble on the display ?
    1. Cd
    2. Md
    3. Rename
    4. Cls
    5. None of these
  2. Internal commands inwards Dos are 
    1. Cls, rd label
    2. Dir, ren, sys
    3. Del, disk copy, label
    4. Time, type, dir
    5. None of these
  3. Which ascendancy is used to re-create files ?
    1. Diskcopy
    2. Type
    3. Copy
    4. All of the above
    5. None of these
  4. SYS ascendancy is used to 
    1. Copy DOS configuration files to a novel disk
    2. Update the DOS organization files
    3. Copy DOS organization files to novel disk
    4. All of these
    5. None of these
  5. External ascendancy inwards DOS are
    1. copy, edit, sys, format
    2. edit, sys, chkdsk
    3. chkdsk, prompt, date
    4. sys, ver, vol
    5. None of these
  6. Which ascendancy is used to choke the electrical current appointment entirely ?
    1. Time
    2. Second
    3. All of the above
    4. Date
    5. None of these
  7. DEL ascendancy is used to 
    1. Delete directory
    2. Delete labels
    3. Delete contents of file
    4. Delete files
    5. None of these
  8. DIR ascendancy is used to 
    1. Display contents of files inwards directory
    2. Display a listing of files inwards a directory
    3. Display type of files inwards a sub directory
    4. All of above
    5. None of these
  9. The deleted file inwards MS-DOS tin last recovered if you lot used the ascendancy lift below immediately, the ascendancy is :
    2. NO DELETE
    5. None of these
  10. To re-create the file command.com from induce c: to induce a:
    1. Copy c:\command.com a:
    2. Drive c: re-create induce a:\command.com
    3. C:A: re-create command.com
    4. Both ii too 3
    5. None of these
  11. While working alongside MS-DOS which primal is used to choke the previous ascendancy used
    1. F1
    2. F6
    3. F3
    4. F9
    5. None of these
  12. FAT stands for 
    1. File Accommodation Table
    2. File Access Tape
    3. File Allocation Table
    4. File Activity Table
    5. None of these
  13. Which commend is used to brand a novel directory ?
    1. Cd
    2. Md
    3. Rd
    4. Bd
    5. None of these
  14. Full cast of MS-DOS is
    1. Microsystem Disk Operating System
    2. Microsimple Disk Operating System
    3. Microsort Disk Operating System
    4. Miscrosoft Disk Operating System
    5. None of these
  15. RESTORE ascendancy is used to
    1. Restore files which are deleted
    2. Restore files from recycle bin
    3. Restore files from disks made using the BACKUP command
    4. Restore files which are deleted recently
    5. None of these

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