
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - Seventh September 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of Today's Hindu News Paper dated seventh September 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials 

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Death of an activist: on Gauri Lankesh"
  • Activist - someone who takes purpose inward activities that are intended to attain political or social change
  • Embolden - to laissez passer on someone to a greater extent than confidence to attain something
  • Stifle - to forestall something from happening, beingness expressed, or continuing
  • Dissent - potent disagreement, specially alongside what people inward ascendency recollect or alongside what the bulk of people think
  • Protest - an occasion when people exhibit that they disagree alongside something yesteryear standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc
  • Fool’s game - an attempt that is unlikely to hold out successful
  • Hazard - something that could hold out unsafe or could sweat harm or accidents
  • Brutally - inward extremely trigger-happy way
  • Point-blank -  alongside the gun held really unopen to the somebody who is shot
  • Temple - the apartment expanse on either side of your brow adjacent to your eyes
  • Hallmark - a typical feature
  • Pre-meditated - a premeditated crime, bad action, unpleasant remark etc has been deliberately planned
  • Assassination - the murder of a famous or of import person, specially for political reasons
  • Draw attending -  to brand people notice
  • Constituency - a grouping of people alongside similar attitudes or interests who are probable to back upward a item idea
  • Mainstream - considered ordinary or normal as well as accepted or used yesteryear most people
  • Consciousness - the cognition or understanding that something exists or is important
  • Creeping - happening really slow as well as therefore that people attain non notice
  • Progressive - supporting social as well as political alter that aims to brand a scheme fairer
  • Campaign - a serial of actions intended to attain political or social change
  • Scrutiny - careful exam of someone or something
  • Tabloid - a paper alongside fairly pocket-size pages generally containing stories most famous people as well as non much serious news
  • Intensely - to an extreme degree
  • Mourn - to experience extremely sorry because someone has died, as well as to limited this inward public
  • Rationalist - someone who believes that ideas as well as actions should hold out based on practical reasons as well as knowledge, rather than on emotions or religious beliefs
  • High-profile - often seen inward public, mentioned inward newspapers, or appearing on television
  • Transcend - to travel gratis of negative attitudes, thoughts, or feelings that bound what yous tin achieve
  • Formidable - causing yous to receive got fearfulness or abide by for something or someone because that affair or somebody is large, powerful, or difficult
  • Howsoever - showing how a judgement is related to what has already been said
  • Brutal - extremely violent
  • Potentially - maybe truthful inward the future, but non truthful now
  • Complainant - inward a courtroom of law, the somebody who has asked the courtroom to guess their case
  • Sniffing merely about - to attempt to detect out information
  • Eventual - happening or existing at the terminate of a procedure or menses of time
  • Conviction - a conclusion yesteryear a courtroom of constabulary that someone is guilty of a crime
  • Defenceless - weak as well as unable to protect yourself
  • Expeditiously - alongside speed as well as efficiency
  • Embolden - to laissez passer on someone to a greater extent than confidence to attain something
  • Dissent -  potent disagreement, specially alongside what people inward ascendency recollect or alongside what the bulk of people think
  • Reassurance - the human activity of making someone experience less worried most something
  • Garbage - waste product fabric or unwanted things that yous throw away
  • Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or unsafe situation
  • Ignore - to non consider something
  • Notify - to inform someone officially most something
  • Collapse - if a edifice or other construction collapses, it all of a precipitous falls down
  • Stark - used for describing an unpleasant fact or province of affairs that is really obvious or impossible to avoid
  • Consequence - a resultant or resultant of something
  • Comply alongside - human activity inward accordance alongside a wishing or command.
  • Stipulation - to state just how something must hold out or must hold out done
  • Segregation - to travel along ane affair split from another
  • Potential - possible or probable inward the future
  • Extraction - the procedure of removing something
  • Recycle -  to alter waste product materials such equally newspapers as well as bottles as well as therefore that they tin hold out used again
  • Quantum - the smallest sum or unit of measurement of something
  • Concurrent - happening or done at the same time
  • Stakeholder - someone who has an involvement inward the success of a plan, system, or organization
  • Discard / Dump - to larn rid of something that yous no longer desire or need
  • Compost - a mixture of decaying plants as well as vegetables that is added to soil to amend its quality
  • Ironic - the contrary of what yous actually think
  • Stiff - to a greater extent than severe or hard than usual
  • Flimsy - light
  • Suburban - an expanse on the border of a large town or metropolis where people who travel inward the town or metropolis often live
  • Paradigm - a typical illustration or model of something
  • Demonstrable  - clear or obvious
  • Segregated - separated
  • Periodic - happening regularly though non frequently
  • Assessment - the procedure of making a judgment or forming an opinion, later considering something or someone carefully
  • Preparedness - the dry ground of beingness laid upward for something
  • Run-up -  to brand something really quickly
  • Rigorous - strict as well as careful
  • Merely - exclusively / just
  • Fester - starts to decay as well as odour bad
  • Choke - to fill upward a house as well as therefore that it is hard to move
  • Threatened - to hold out probable to hold out affected yesteryear something bad

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