
Yak Essays For Ibps Po 7 : Laurels Killing - Virtually Heinous Crime

Honour Killing - Most Heinous Crime

  • What is award killing ?
  • Reasons behind this killing.
  • Sociologists analysis regarding this killings.
  • Khap panchayats as well as its verdict. 
  • Not solely inward India, it occurs inward many countries. 
  • Indian police line against it.
  • NCRB's study regarding award killing. 
  • To banking concern check award killing is a collective affair.
An award killing is the homicide of a fellow member of a solid unit of measurement past times other members every bit it is believed that the victim has brought shame or dishonour upon the solid unit of measurement or the community she belongs. Honour killing unremarkably is committed past times virile mortal solid unit of measurement members against woman mortal solid unit of measurement members, who are held to receive got brought dishonour upon the family. Rarely men tin strength out also move the victims of award killing. The term 'honour killing' applies to both men as well as women inward cultures that exercise it. The distinctive nature of award killing is the collective nature of the crime.

Many members of an extended solid unit of measurement or community excogitation the human activity together as well as the commit the crime. Another pregnant feature of award killing is that the perpetrators frequently do non appear upwards Negative stigma alongside inward their solid unit of measurement as well as community, because their demeanour is seen every bit justified. 

Honour killing is the murder of a fellow member of a solid unit of measurement or past times other members due to the perpetrator's belief that the victim has brought dishonour upon the solid unit of measurement or has violated the regulation of a community or religion. Honour killing are directed to a greater extent than frequently than non against women as well as girls. 

According to statistics, award killings receive got been reported inward Northern regions of Republic of Republic of India mainly inward the states of Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana as well as Uttar Pradesh. It is prevalent to a lesser extent inward South Republic of Republic of India as well as the Western Indian states of Maharashtra as well as Gujarat. In West Bengal, award killings completely ceased close a century age, due to reformism.

Now, in that place are diverse reasons why people or solid unit of measurement members determine to kill the immature adult woman inward the advert of preserving their solid unit of measurement honour. The most obvious reasons are refusing to larn into an arranged marriage, beingness inward a human relationship that is disapproved past times their family, having sexual practice exterior marriage, beingness the victim of rape, dressing inward a agency which is viewed every bit inappropriate, renouncing a faith etc.
According to them, if whatever immature adult woman dares to disobey her parents on the number of spousal human relationship as well as decides to get married a human being of her wishes but from around other gotra or exterior her caste, it would convey disrepute to the solid unit of measurement award as well as therefore they determine to give the ultimate sentence, that is death, to the daughter. 

Sociologists believe that the argue why award killings maintain to pick out house is because of the continued rigidity of the caste system. Hence, the fright of losing their caste condition through which they gain many benefits brand them commit this heinous crime. The other argue why award killings are taking house is because the mentality of people has non changed as well as they precisely cannot pick out that marriages tin strength out pick out house inward the same gotra or exterior one's caste. 

The other side of the floor points fingers towards the purpose played past times Khap Panchayat of Haryana inward award killing. These pachayats are self driven laid ups that receive got gained wicked popularity for having paved a agency for award killing. Boycotting families from villages that chose to allow their children's marriages to their choice, supporting the families inward award killing are around of the naive activities of these panchayats. 

The unlawful laws of the Khap panchayats are imposed through social boycotts where the victims are killed or forced to commit suicide. All these inhumane activities are done inward the advert of brotherhood as well as honour. Love marriages are considered a taboo inward these areas. The famous `Manoj Babli' award killing representative inward June, 2007, for the showtime fourth dimension convicted the defendants for award killing case. This killing was ordered past times a Khap Panchayat inward Haryana on 30th March, 2010 for the showtime fourth dimension inward Haryana nation history, a perish penalisation verdict was announced inward this double murder representative for the v accused. 

It is of import to banker's complaint that award killing is non specific to Republic of Republic of India only. It continues to move prevailing inward other parts of the globe too. Reports submitted to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) present that award killings receive got occurred inward countries similar Bangladesh, Great Britain, Brazil, Ecuador, Egypt, Israel, Italy, Jorden, Pakistan, Morocco, Sweden, Turkey as well as Uganda. 

`Honour killing' is a recognised shape of violence against women inward international human rights police line because it violates women's correct to life as well as safety as well as every bit good every bit every other article inward the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). Honour killings also violate the convention on c.)) the elimination of all forms of discrimination against adult woman (1979). 

This convention has been signed past times 185 countries globe broad over 90% of three the members of the United Nations including most countries where L.rD `honour killing' occurs. Republic of Republic of India is also a purpose of the signatories.  

In India, award killings are homicide as well as murder which are serious crimes nether the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The preparators tin strength out move punished every bit per Section 302 of the IPC. The members every bit good every bit the community tin strength out move prosecuted nether Section 302 of IPC. Apart from this, award killings also violates Articles 14, 15(1) as well as (3), 19, 21 as well as 39(f) of the Constitution of India. 

On the other mitt the Supreme Court inward a sentence on 19th April, 2012 has termed the Khap panchayats illegal as well as has directed the State Governments to pick out stiff measures to forestall whatever atrocious acts past times the Khap panchayats. 

Alarmed past times the rising of award killings, the Government of Republic of Republic of India assigned the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) to collect information on award killings since Jan 2014. The Law Commission has submitted its 242 study titled every bit "Prevention of Interference alongside the Freedom of Matrimonial Alliances" as well as has recommended for bringing a legislation namely "The Prohibition of Interference alongside the Freedom of Matrimonial Alliance Bill" to curb the social evil of the caste councils /panchayats interference as well as risk the life as well as freedom of immature persons marrying partners belonging to the same gotra or to a dissimilar caste or religion. 

The need of the hr is to banking concern check such incidences alongside amount force. The employment must move tackled at several fronts. Firstly, the mentality of the people has to change. When nosotros say that the mentality has to change, nosotros hateful to say that parents should pick out their children's wishes regarding spousal human relationship every bit it is they who receive got to atomic number 82 a life alongside their life partners. 

The authorities likewise should brand sincere efforts to develop the people as well as formulating the policies thereby strengthening the governance of dominion of law. There is a need for media to lend a mitt inward creating local awareness close the horror of award crimes. One must maintain a thing inward the withdraw heed that humans do non receive got the correct to write downwards perish sentences of innocent swain human beingness simply on the footing of choices they make. 

Difficult Words alongside Meanings :
  • Perpetrators - to do something that is illegal or wrong
  • Taboo - a social or religious custom placing prohibition or restriction on a detail thing
  • Instigating - to elbow grease (something) to occur or begin
  • Transgress - to violate a law, command, moral code etc
  • Atrocious - extremely or shockingly wicked.
shared past times Nisheeta Mirchandani
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