
Yak English Vocabulary From The Hindu Intelligence Newspaper - 24Th August 2017

Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial department of The Hindu News Paper dated 24th August 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

  • Fiasco - a consummate as well as embarrassing failure
  • Base something on something - to utilisation particular ideas or facts to brand a decision, practise a calculation, or educate a theory
  • Immense - extremely large
  • Prolonged - continuing for a long time
  • Uncertainty - the fact that something is non known or has non been decided
  • Anxiety - a worried feeling yous conduct maintain because yous hollo upward something bad mightiness happen
  • Peremptory - speaking or behaving rather rudely, equally if yous facial expression other people to obey yous immediately
  • Ordinance - an official companionship yesteryear a government, king, queen etc
  • Undue - non necessary or reasonable
  • Take a dim reckon - to non approve of something
  • Displeasure - the feeling of beingness annoyed or unhappy
  • Obvious - clear to almost anyone
  • About-turn - a large modify inward your sentiment or mental attitude to something, as well as therefore that it is almost the contrary of what it was before
  • Manoeuvre - a clever or dishonest activeness that yous practise to teach something that yous want
  • Assent - understanding amongst or blessing of a excogitation or suggestion
  • Ought - used to tell that it is necessary or desirable to perform the activeness expressed
  • Earmarking - to locomote on or intend something for a particular purpose
  • Predictably - equally expected
  • Chasten - to brand someone experience ashamed or less confident
  • Setback - a occupation that delays or that stops progress or makes a province of affairs worse
  • Ineffectual - something that is ineffectual fails to accomplish what it is intended to achieve
  • Requisite - necessary for a particular purpose
  • Curriculum - the subjects that students report at a particular schoolhouse or college
  • Flip side - the negative aspects of an idea, plan, or situation
  • Rural - relating to the countryside, or inward the countryside
  • Fiasco - a consummate as well as embarrassing failure
  • Specifics - the details of something
  • War-torn - a war-torn pose down or house has been badly damaged yesteryear a war, particularly a state of war that involves unlike groups from the same pose down
  • Significant - real large or noticeable
  • Campaign - to endeavour to accomplish political or social modify yesteryear persuading other people or the authorities to practise something
  • Conflict - angry disagreement betwixt people or groups
  • Realisation -  the procedure of understanding something, or the minute when this happens
  • Grim - unpleasant as well as brand yous experience upset as well as worried
  • Precarious - probable to modify or locomote unsafe without warning
  • Topple - to brand someone inward authorisation lose their power
  • Regime - a authorities that controls a country, particularly inward a strict or unfair way
  • Insurgent - someone who belongs to a grouping of people fighting to conduct maintain command of their pose down yesteryear force
  • Ascendent - inward the procedure of gaining ability or influence over some other person, grouping etc
  • Mountainous - covered amongst mountains
  • Fortify - to protect a house against gear upward on yesteryear edifice rigid walls, towers, or other structures approximately it
  • Survival - the fact or province of continuing to alive or exist, particularly inward hard conditions
  • Plung - to autumn rapidly from a high position
  • Protracted - continuing for a long time, particularly longer than is normal or necessary
  • Eventually - at the terminate of a procedure or menstruation of fourth dimension inward which many things happen
  • Consecutive - next i after some other inward companionship as well as amongst zippo else inward between
  • Troop - soldiers, particularly inward large numbers
  • Long-lasting  - continuing for a long time
  • Battleground - a house where a battle takes house or where i took house inward the past
  • Strategy - a excogitation or method for achieving something, particularly over a long menstruation of time
  • Diplomacy -  the profession or science of preserving or creating friendly relationships betwixt countries
  • Minced no words - to utter inward a real straight as well as honest agency without worrying close offending someone
  • Bilateral - a bilateral understanding or activity is i that involves 2 groups or countries
  • Transactionalism - a gear upward of philosophical tools, or a method, employed to address the complexities of human social central or transactions
  • Ally - a pose down that makes an understanding amongst some other pose down that they volition function together to assistance each other, particularly inward a war
  • Graveyard - an expanse of pose down where dead people are buried
  • Empire - a publish of countries ruled yesteryear i soul or government

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