
Healthy Living A Whole-Person Approach To Diabetes Wellness Pedagogy Purpose Iii Of 4

In my concluding post, I began an in-depth exam of the psychological factors influencing blood glucose control, starting alongside the effects of emotional depression too effectiveness of one's coping skills. In this post service I focus on the effect of mental stress too personality characteristics.

Mental Stress too Diabetes Management

Health Effects of Stress
Prolonged mental (emotional, psychological) stress tin forcefulness out campaign persistent high blood glucose levels. Mental stress tin forcefulness out hold upwards caused yesteryear many unlike things, including problems inwards one's marriage, job, health, or finances. When people are anxious, angry, guilty or ashamed nigh such problems, their mental stress triggers the "fight-or-flight response" inwards their bodies. This automatic response prepares their bodies to bring activity to bargain alongside a perceived danger yesteryear fleeing from it or attacking it, fifty-fifty if those problems pose no existent physical threat.

In preparation for the threat, diverse hormones (including adrenalin, noradrenalin too cortisol) surge through the body. This biological procedure raises blood glucose levels inwards social club to growth one's loose energy score to assist grip the threat. Since diabetic people direct maintain insufficient or ineffective insulin, the glucose piles upwards inwards the blood too tin forcefulness out termination inwards persistent hyperglycemia. This ascension inwards blood carbohydrate nether mental stress almost e'er happens to people alongside Type ii diabetes, although it may hold upwards mixed inwards Type 1 diabetics (i.e., blood glucose levels ascension for simply about too drib for others). Physical stress (such every bit disease or injury), on the other hand, causes higher blood glucose levels inwards people alongside either type of diabetes.

Another way mental stress tin forcefulness out heighten blood glucose levels is yesteryear interfering alongside one's self-care. For example, whatever diabetic somebody (Type 1 or 2) who is nether mental stress may potable to a greater extent than alcohol, work illicit drugs, practise less, forget (or non direct maintain time) to banking concern check one's blood glucose, neglect to conception proper meals, etc.

Mental Stress Reduction Methods
Learning to command one's mental stress is thus really important. Some people respect relaxation therapy helpful. Relaxation techniques may include breathing exercises, progressive relaxation, exercise, too positive thinking. Another way to cut down mental stress is to develop to a greater extent than effective coping skills. And silent simply about other is to alter simply about of the things inwards one's life that are creating stress.
Stress reduction methods tin forcefulness out hold upwards learned yesteryear reading self-help books too listening to recording, meditating, receiving psychological counseling, obtaining assertiveness training, joining a back upwards group, etc. The benefits of stress reduction on lowering blood glucose are clearest alongside Type ii diabetes since stress blocks the trunk from releasing insulin. But fifty-fifty those alongside Type 1 diabetes tin forcefulness out do goodness from reducing their stress levels because it tin forcefulness out assist them bring improve attention of themselves.[1]
Helping people bargain alongside their mental stress inwards diabetes wellness instruction programs is, therefore, simply about other way to improve outcomes.

Personality Characteristics too Diabetes Management

How good a somebody manages his or her health, including diabetes too other chronic conditions, tin forcefulness out hold upwards understood inwards price of iv wellness personality types: Activists, Wannabes, Inactives too Ignorers/Deniers. Each personality type has its ain laid of attitudes, beliefs, emotions, motivations, too behaviors.

Activists' attitudes nigh managing their wellness tin forcefulness out hold upwards expressed yesteryear the attitude: "I believe I tin forcefulness out do whatever must hold upwards done, too I'm willing to do it!" This positive, adaptive way of thinking reflects a joy of living too a willingness to deal one's wellness competently.
In price of their grapheme traits, Activists tend to hold upwards confident, motivated, aware, rational, too assertive. They seek noesis nigh their wellness status too risks to assist them brand wise decisions too bring responsible action. They assay to sympathise how to avoid wellness problems too self-manage chronic weather condition yesteryear using their noesis to alive healthily. Activists, therefore, are rational people who deal their physical too mental wellness using positive, proactive coping strategies, such as:
  • Trying to sympathise what caused the problems too thinking of unlike ways to grip it.
  • Determining what has to hold upwards done to deal their status too so adhering to an effective conception of care.
  • Talking to people nigh what they are going through too seeking advice or help.
  • Viewing their wellness job every bit something that helps them alter or grow inwards a expert way.
  • Rationally accepting that their status cannot hold upwards cured, which minimizes their emotional distress land motivating them to do what is necessary to avoid complications.
The to a greater extent than a diabetic person's grapheme traits resemble an Activist, the to a greater extent than probable he or she is to deal the status effectively.

A minute grouping of individuals is the "Wannabes" (want-to-be). Wannabes retrieve too beak nigh improving their wellness too wellbeing, too are willing to acquire nigh salubrious living, but they never look to human activity on it, or do so half-heartedly. This is because they tend to direct maintain attitudes too beliefs such as:
  • "I may hold upwards able to do what's required to improve my health, but I'd rather non bargain alongside it correct now."
  • "I'm non sure as shooting what to do."
  • "I'm simply non ready."
As a result, Wannabes tend to hold upwards aware—or are willing to hold upwards aware—of their wellness problems too risks, but they lack the self-confidence too motivation they require to genuinely do something nigh it. Their self-doubt too lack of drive may come upwards from the belief that they may non hold upwards able to do things the way they should. This uncertainty, inwards turn, may campaign them to avoid making decisions too changing their behaviors for fright of failure; they don't want to hold upwards ashamed or embarrassed if they try, but do non succeed.

Wannabes, therefore, tend to contend alongside their doubts too fears through avoidance. For example, they may:
  • Try to experience improve yesteryear doing enjoyable or interesting things, rather than focus on managing the wellness problem.
  • Act every bit if in that location is no problem, or assay non to retrieve nigh it.
  • Express negative emotions yesteryear yelling or crying, taking it out on others, or avoiding sure as shooting people, rather than doing something constructive.
  • Hope a miracle volition somehow brand things improve or that one's wishes or prayers would hold upwards answered, rather than gaining noesis too self-managing their wellness problem.
  • Resign themselves that nil tin forcefulness out hold upwards done, fifty-fifty though this is an erroneous assumption.
While simply about of these coping strategies may alleviate their emotional distress temporarily, it is a maladaptive inwards the long-term since it fosters procrastination. Their inaction, inwards turn, allows their wellness to deteriorate. Nevertheless, in that location are several positive aspects of the Wannabe personality.
Since Wannabes retrieve too beak nigh improving their wellness too wellbeing, they may hold upwards willing to participate inwards a whole-person diabetes wellness instruction programs that assist them gain noesis nigh their wellness problems too risks, every bit good every bit assist them sympathise how to deal their diabetes. And they may hold upwards agreeable to wellness coaching too counseling offered through the program, which focuses on overcoming their self-defeating psychological obstacles too developing to a greater extent than adaptive coping strategies. Useful wellness data technologies would also assist them gain the noesis too skills they need. The finish is to assist them acquire to a greater extent than similar the Activists, so they volition hold upwards motivated, capable, too psychologically prepared to deal their diabetes.

A 3rd personality type is the "Inactives." They retrieve nigh their wellness on occasion, but do non believe they should or tin forcefulness out do anything to deal their diabetes. This is because they tend to direct maintain attitudes too beliefs such as:
  • "I dubiety I'll hold upwards able to do what's required to improve my wellness too forestall complications, so why fifty-fifty bother."
  • "I don't deserve to hold upwards sick…it's non my fault…so why should I direct maintain to hold upwards the i to do anything nigh it"—or—"I do deserve to hold upwards sick…Illness is my punishment…I'm simply getting what I deserve."
Inactives, therefore, dubiety that they tin forcefulness out bargain effectively alongside their wellness risks too problems. Some of them also believe they do non deserve what has happened to them, which makes them experience resentful too angry. The mental stress this causes non solely distracts them from focusing on constructive wellness improvement activities, but it tin forcefulness out genuinely heighten their blood glucose levels every bit discussed earlier. Some Inactives, on the other hand, may believe they deserve to hold upwards sick due to self-loathing, or in that location is no promise too they are doomed.

The termination is that the Inactives, similar the Wannabes, lack the self-confidence too motivation they require to improve their wellness too deal their diabetes. What makes Inactives less probable to alter their unhealthy lifestyles is that:
  • Their self-doubt is stronger because it comes from the belief that they are non able (rather than may non hold upwards able) to do what is necessary to deal their wellness effectively.
  • Their inertia (inaction) may hold upwards exacerbated yesteryear (a) fright that they volition hold upwards shamed if they assay to deal their wellness but fail, (b) the belief that in that location is no expert way to deal their health, too (c) despair related to the belief they deserve to hold upwards ill.
The cease termination is piteous management of their diabetes.

The way Inactives endeavor to contend alongside their pessimism, fear, anger, resentment, too despair is similar to the negative avoidance strategies the Wannabes use. And, every bit alongside the Wannabes, the maladaptive coping strategies of the Inactives may alleviate their emotional distress temporarily, but wound them inwards the long-term since their inaction allows their wellness problems to worsen.
Nevertheless, since Inactives retrieve nigh their wellness too wellbeing on occasion, it is possible for them to acquire to a greater extent than focused too motivated through the assist of wellness coaching, counseling, too useful wellness data technologies. They may, for example, hold upwards willing to gain greater noesis nigh their problems too acquire constructive strategies for dealing alongside them. And they may hold upwards willing to acquire assist to work the noesis they gain to self-manage their diabetes yesteryear helping them:
  • Overcome their inertia, changing their self-defeating psychological obstacles (including self-doubt, fear, anger too shame)
  • Replace their negative avoidance-based coping strategies alongside the positive strategies of the Activists.
"Ignorers/Deniers" simply don't focus on their health. These people "close their eyes too ears" to data nigh salubrious living. They spend upwards to admit or direct maintain they direct maintain wellness problems or run a peril factors; or they spend upwards to do anything nigh it. These maladaptive behaviors are a number of a self-destructive mindset that includes attitudes too beliefs such as:
  • "I do non direct maintain there's a job alongside my health" – despite convincing evidence to the contrary.
  • "I'm fine the way I am … It doesn't affair what others say" – fifty-fifty though their wellness is deteriorating, relationships are crumbling, too overall character of life is suffering.
  • "I'm unlike … I'm especial … I'm non similar those other people … Nothing's going to come about to me!" – imitation sense of safety too invincibility.
  • "I don't trust doctors" – an mental attitude based on gross overgeneralization.
  • "Getting assist is a sign of weakness ... H5N1 rigid somebody handles one's ain problems" – an irrational belief driven yesteryear pride too based on distorted mensurate of self-worth.
Ignorers/Deniers, therefore, differ from the other personality types inwards of import ways. Following are simply about examples:
  • The 3 other types of individuals retrieve nigh their wellness and, when confronted alongside a wellness problem, many query whether they are able to do what is necessary to improve things, which may brand them experience anxious due to self-doubt. Nevertheless, they may hold upwards willing to acquire too human activity responsibly despite their anxiety too doubt. Many Ignorers/Deniers, however, are so terrified yesteryear the notion that their diabetes may atomic number 82 to serious complications that they avoid thinking nigh their health—preferring, instead, to pretend everything is all right. As a result, Ignorers/Deniers may spend upwards to direct maintain the reality of their situation, fifty-fifty when confronted alongside the threat that they are probable to boot the bucket from their wellness problems, because such possibilities are simply also painful to consider. Although this denial too self-deception may move along their fright inwards banking concern check for a while, their inaction too ignorance makes them really vulnerable to worsening health.
  • If Ignorers/Deniers did retrieve nigh their health, many would experience hopeless too helpless, believing they are incapable of managing their disease effectively. And those who portray an air of invincibility are probable roofing upwards non bad self-doubt too fear; or they may fifty-fifty hold upwards delusional.
  • Some Ignorers/Deniers may also hold upwards so distrustful of the healthcare profession that they won't fifty-fifty consider seeing a doctor, oftentimes until it's also late.
  • While wellness problems may campaign other personality types to acquire sad, or fifty-fifty depressed, for a time, they are able to acquire themselves motivated too get to bring constructive activity because they want to alive too hold upwards happy. Ignorers/Deniers, on the other hand, may hold upwards so lonely too depressed that they believe they direct maintain nil for which to live. For them, the prospect of living longer inwards chronic emotional hurting isn't motivating. This prevents them from having the drive too focus needed for constructive action.
  • While other individuals are willing to acquire assist when they require it, Ignorers/Deniers may direct maintain been so influenced yesteryear their cultures that they believe seeking assistance for personal problems is a sign of weakness.
  • Unlike the other personality types, Ignorers/Deniers may direct maintain physical addictions or powerful psychological compulsions that forestall them from focusing on salubrious living until they accomplish "rock bottom," which, unfortunately, may hold upwards also late.
What this agency is that Ignorers/Deniers rely on simply about of the same maladaptive coping strategies every bit the Wannabes too Inactives.
Because these thoughts, feelings too reactions are so deeply ingrained inwards their personalities, getting through to Ignorers/Deniers is really difficult. However, all is non lost! Through wellness coaching, counseling, innovative self-help software, they may hold upwards influenced yesteryear the "reframing" methods discussed earlier.

Dealing alongside a person's lack of trust may require intervention yesteryear a wellness rider vehicle or counselor who takes the fourth dimension to flora a close, positive human relationship alongside the Ignorer/Denier, too who has the noesis too experience to gain the person's confidence.
As for Ignorers/Deniers alongside addictions or compulsions, lengthy psychotherapy (and possible medications) may hold upwards needed before they admit their problems too are willing to bargain alongside them.

In diabetes wellness instruction courses, wellness coaches too counselor should get yesteryear focusing on helping Ignorers/Deniers sympathise too reframe their maladaptive beliefs too attitudes. This volition enable them to hold upwards to a greater extent than opened upwards to gaining noesis too awareness of their diabetes. Innovative wellness data technologies that assist focus too entice them to suspension through their negative mindsets too resistance would also hold upwards helpful. Once Ignorers/Deniers halt deceiving themselves, direct maintain a stronger want to alive too taste life, gain trust, are to a greater extent than aware too opened upwards to receiving help, too are no longer controlled yesteryear their addictions/compulsions, they tin forcefulness out hold upwards treated every bit Inactives or Wannabes every bit appropriate.

In my adjacent post, I beak over the run of wellness data technology supporting innovative diabetes wellness instruction programs.

American Diabetes Association. Stress. See http://www.diabetes.org/type-1-diabetes/stress.jsp
Patrick Ober, M.D. How Does Stress Affect Diabetes And How Can I Better Manage Stress? See http://abcnews.go.com/Health/DiabetesLivingWith/story?id=3845034

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